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Posts posted by -Whiplash-

  1. also, has anyone seen the alleged banlist leak? if it ends up being real, not only is my deck screwed, but we all are because the hunter loop will go untouched.

    New format: Wind-up vs. Infernity GOGOGO.
  2. Just beat Final Fantasy VIIOn to VIII.[Dr.Q]

    Gosh I know that feeling. I've been beating the game steadily for the past 6 months. 6,7,8,9,1,2On 3 right now.But the last game I played would be god of war 3. Almost done. Then I need to finish the legend of zelda:Spirit tracks so I can start FF3.
  3. It's Marvel, baby. ^_^I'm not a big fan of the Marvel comics, but I'm pretty big on Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (and 1, to a lesser extent) - it's probably the best crossover game ever created. I'm still learning my way around MvC2, since I'm used to Street Fighter III's engine, but it's definitely a fun game with a gigantic roster.

    you mean "56 characters but only 3 of them are good"?I like it too though, you have it for the 360?
    3? I think there are at least 10 good characters - Tron Bonne, Storm, Cable, Magneto, Sentinel, Cyclops, Doctor Doom, Strider Hiryu, Iron Man, and even Dhalsim are all worth playing. I personally find Ryu to be not bad either, but he lacks the full-screen projectile attacks most of the other characters have.And no, I don't have MvC2 for the 360, unfortunately. :(
    Sentinel storm magneto is all you ever need. :DAnyway lol, I like playing as blackheart, Captain Commando, Akuma, Shuma-Gorath, Thanos, Omega red and Guile. but. :( can't play it with you then.You have mshvssf for like mame or something? then we could play that.
  4. It's Marvel, baby. ^_^I'm not a big fan of the Marvel comics, but I'm pretty big on Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (and 1, to a lesser extent) - it's probably the best crossover game ever created. I'm still learning my way around MvC2, since I'm used to Street Fighter III's engine, but it's definitely a fun game with a gigantic roster.

    you mean "56 characters but only 3 of them are good"?I like it too though, you have it for the 360?
  5. I'm going to have to disagree with you on your choice of the worst Bond film. The worst was in fact Never Say Never Again. Although, I suppose that that can be explained by the fact that it wasn't made by Eon, unlike most of the others...

    Well, to be fair, I never watched it cause it was just thunderball and as you said it's not made by eon so I didn't watch it.So I guess I haven't watched all the bond films.
  6. Star Wars: V and VI, even though I LOVE Star Wars

    WHATYou just listed one of the greatest sequels of all time as one of the worst movies you've ever seen. Please explain yourself.
    I just didn't like either of them. for the most part, in V, when Han Solo cutsn open the Tauntaun's stomach, and puts Luke in it, that was just gross.
    They were going to die. In real life if you were in a similier situation you'd be thanking han solo right then.Anyway:Rubber. ###### that movie was awful, I know it was about the audiance but it wasen't funny, did not make me think, and obviously was made for no reason other than some guy went "you know what would be cool.."Batman and Robin. Ugh.Daredevil. UghWolverine origins. They ruined deadpool. the only good part of this movie the first 20 minutes with the REAL deadpool in it.X-men 3. This movie was unbelivably terrible. Like they took every/onething I liked about X-men and killed them. Except Magneto. The best part of this movie was when it ended.Spider-man 3. It didn't live up to the hype at all in fact, I was so pumped for that movie that it felt like the biggest dissapointment ever. Still does, Green Lantern was similier but just the ending made it dissapointing. Spider-man 3 the entire thing was just dissapointing. I blame whoever dicided to shove in venom at the last minute. they could've saved him for spider-man 4.Dragonball Evoloution. OMG this is just completly awful.Mortal Kombat annihalation. The first one was good cause it was like MK. This one was like MK3, if nothing about it was even remotely good.King of fighters. Another terrible movie. At least the live action first SF movie was so bad it was good. This was just so bad it was bad.Street fighter the legend of chun-li. They took everything about SF and threw it out the window. At least the first SF movie everyone looked like there characters, in this one no one did and no one acted like there characters either.Street fighter Alpha: the animation. AGGHHH this was terrible. like ryu has brother? WTH? then he's a monster and bison's some sort of scientist, only one thing to describe this movie: WHAT THE ######?Terimantor 3. the whole world dies. what a nice ending.Ang lee hulk. It's like, he knew some thing about hulk but chose to make his own stupid abrigged version of it.Moonraker. Worst bond film ever. I should know. I've watched all of them. Bond + space = ######.No wonder I'm not a movie person. Half the movies I watched sucked ######.
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