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Posts posted by -Whiplash-

  1. Pokemon Online?Let me introduce you to my favourite Pokemon University...

    Already been there, I still lose to Alakazam almost every time. Wouldn't bee so bad with sharped but the focus sash and aakazam's ability to learn focus punch defeat m every time
  2. Hmm.. I've been playing that pokemon online game,and I've learned wht pokemon are good and what ones aren't. Kinda makes me sad my some of my Favorites, like Hypno, Mawile, Mismagius and Sharpedo aren't.But at least I can use Cloyster and Scizor.What's your guys's favorite pokemon? I like Mawile a lot, but it's really bad.EDIT: This may just be my opinion, but I've noticed a drop in the quality of the music since Crystal, the music for firered and soulsilver sounds much better then emerald, platinum, and White's Music. Although the elite four theme from Black and white is pretty awsome.

  3. QUick question but how do gem knights work? What sort of loops can you do and what cards go together?

    I can show you... on DN sometime.Basicly.. spam your ###### off.
  4. Well... I used to like DC more then Marvel.Then they freaking rebooted everything.At least booster gold is a canadian now. That Almost makes it alright.But it doesn't. Brightest day felt like a build up for stories that now will never happen.

  5. Of course, the issue here, when it's children involved, is, I think, parental discretion. The kids don't have a bank account, so if the parents think a game is in bad taste, they can act on that and keep the kid from buying the game. In some cases - not necessarily a majority - parents are simply apathetic regarding video games.

    I do not think violence in media makes you violent. (I myself played Mortal kombat 2 as a kid, but compared some of the games out now, MK2 is sunshine and lolipops.)But I highly doubt that it should be exceptable for children. Would you, as parent say: "okay son, you can play God of war." to your 5 yar old?I know I wouldn't. I have beaten all 5 god of war games, and I even thought some of the violence in them was to Graphic for me.
  6. I can't remeber

    "it sticks in my head and I can't think of other things"If you spend a lot of time doing anything, of course you're going to think of it a lot. Doesn't mean CoD is taking over kids' minds.

    Your acting like it does not effect children at all. What you are exposed to at a young age has an impact on who you are.
  7. Yeah, the video game thing is a really stupid thing to be disappointed in people about, partly because the quality of video games is subjective, mostly because it just doesn't matter very much.

    The quality isn't the issue, though. The issue is what the game contains. I know that a lot of teens (like me) tend to downplay the effect of the content in games, but it does affect you, even if you don't go and shoot a school full of people the next day. For me, it sticks in my head and I can't think of other things. But it does really affect people, especially the very young, when their minds are more pliable. When you get older, your morals and your opinions solidify, and you know that you can't just go out and shoot people for no good reason (not that young children do that, of course).
    This is what I'm talking about. Imy sister brought a teddy bear that the childre borrow for a day, and have to write what they did that day with the bear.One of the entries, mentioned that they played COD: black ops. A five year old should not be playing Call of duty.
  8. by bad game do you mean its not quality enough? or it's a negative influence?

    Both. Parents should pay way more attention to the ratings on he box and be subjective. "Do I really want my child blowing fidel castro's face off?"Do I really want this game, which desensitises you from killing, to be played by my children?

    I wouldn't worry too much about what games they play.

    Considering these people will be MAKING games in about 10-15 years, I worry. Not to mention all the people that eat up COD now who will start making games eventually.
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