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Status Updates posted by ~YourWorstNightmare~

  1. Helloo all. I'm starting me own epic, as you can see (hopefully soon, in this profile thinga majig that let's you people see my topics XP). It'd be awesome if you all could check it out! Though...I'm not sure if I'm supposed to open another thread for discussion of it or something....ah, well, I won't do it for now, until someone tells me to do it.

  2. Hey Greg! Thanks for everything you've done! You're an awesome author!

  3. Hey guys!

    I've been attacked by homework again, but this time it's much crazier than before. I'm taking a bunch of IB and AP classes (college-level courses) so thus the BZP coma. I'll get on when I can, but I don't know anything about updating my comedies and stuff. If I do find the time, however, I'm definitely going to update! I'm clearing out my inbox, s

  4. Hey there! Long time no talk! xD How've you been??

  5. Hey, guess what! BZP finally works on the computer! YAAAAY!!!!!! *cries with tears of joy*

  6. Hey, I'm sorry about what happened with your comedy. :(

  7. Hey, remember to bring the golden Kopaka mask next Saturday, pleeeaase?

  8. Hey! I snuck on, but not long enough to make a chapter! So...I shall say this...

    I GOT CHIROX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOO!!!

    ...his head wobbles. xD

  9. Hey! I'm alive, I've just been really busy recently. So....chapter production's being really slow 'cause of that. 0_0;;;

  10. Hi! I'm back, and I just got a chapter up.

  11. I could be, for all the world knows. 0_0

  12. I didn't get it from your name, though. :(

  13. I GOT CHIROX!!!

    ...HIS HEAD'S BOBBLE-HEAD-ISH! xD It kinda annoys me, though. But other than that, he's decent.

  14. I GOT CHIROX!!!

    ....his head wobbles. xD

  15. I hope I'm not, though...hmm...

  16. I hope you know, the grass is glomping you for me as a super secret comeback as we speak.


  17. I LIVE! XD

    No, I've just been busy. CURSES, HOMEWORK MOUNTAIN!! CURSES!!! XD But I is backs, I'll just take longer to get chapters up because of...



  18. I'm mainly checking for questions for my comedies, but I haven't gotten any...

    Expect a review for TN soon. :)

  19. I'm sorry! I'm taking a bunch of AP and IB classes, so I'm pretty much up to Heaven in work. xD

  20. In the process of publishing it. :D

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