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Macku: Toa of Bubbles

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Macku: Toa of Bubbles

  1. Yes, you can add me as a friend. :)

  2. I didn't say I didn't like Tom Baker. I liked all the Doctors. Peter Davison was just my favorite. :)

  3. Just one more post and you'll be out of the New Members group. :)

  4. Been about here and there. How have you been?

  5. Help! Your Comments section has been taken over by the "Muahaha Monster!" :o

  6. You've changed your name again!

  7. Yep, we're homeschoolers too. =)

  8. Hi EmmiEmmz! If you post just 6 more times to any forum that adds to your post count (COT doesn't), you won't need to have your posts approved any longer, and you'll be able to use the PM system. :)

  9. Hi! I've been doing well. Been busy, as usual. :) What have you been up to?

  10. IgnikaMaster, did you know that if you post just 5 more times in a forum that adds to your post count, you'll be able to use the Personal Message system?

  11. You may want to edit the link to your epic into the first post of your review topic, so people can find it more easily. Here's the code: The Story of Two Minds.

  12. Welcome to BZP! I just wanted to note that GregF doesn't read the Official Greg Discussion topic. But once you have a post count of 10, you'll have access to the Personal Message system, and you can PM him your questions. :)

  13. "Hamster Tip: Get together with your friends and have a fight to the death!"

    Hamster Cage Match!

  14. You play the mandolin? Is that duel stringed? It looked that way in the video but I wasn't sure.

  15. WHAT?!? Rocket launchers and massive explosions are girlie?! =p

  16. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  17. Do you mean Bionicle fanfiction? Mostly comedies and short stories.

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