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Status Updates posted by Raethr

  1. I see you've added me as a friend... hello.

  2. I don't know, it really depends on whether or not you want the criticism and appraisal it deserves.... Is it the tube monster?

  3. Yes and I probably will add the rest of the Indy movies to my interests, even though I haven't seen any of the others recently.

  4. Well I have my hand taped to my wrist so it cannot fall off *starts waving.*

  5. Thank you, though he's a handful! And Turakii beware, you might get poked back some day...

  6. Perhaps!

    I changed my name.

  7. This is a comment.

  8. Perhaps, I'm sort of being lazy... though I will when I think of a good topic.

  9. Hey Turakii! your personal photo is so mezmerizing.

  10. Yes, now I will never be lonely. NEVER.

  11. Yup. Turns out it's this Saturday we're moving (I didn't know).

  12. Since you requested to comment why I looked here, I got lost in the woods and need a new flashlight. That or an old PM you sent me invoked my curiosity.

  13. I find it quite refreshing. Like a soothing fire or some light music while the baby cries.

  14. Hey! I check my comments, I should know that that that is that, not that. That it is that, or a comment.

  15. muahahaha, hey airmaster.

  16. Somewhat, I could at least read the German in the description of Strakk. It wasn't important.

  17. Perhaps, I haven't gotten anything done on it yet because my computer got a trojan virus. The virus was fixed, but my computer doesn't show images and takes longer to load.

  18. Yup, plus I'll be changing my name too.

  19. I guess I get bored with this website sometimes, but I'm planning on taking a couple more pictures of Tuma and making a topic for him.

  20. Yeah, I'll probably make a topic about either my custom toa of vacuum, or new Icarax revamp. Which should I do?

  21. Well I can wave harder with my other hand!*waves with other hand.*

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