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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Toa_Ausar

  1. Okay, so how small is Springfield anyway? Salem's roughly 155,000 which according to Wikipedia is more than all of Clark County Ohio. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  2. Thanks for reposting Honey, I'll review it soon. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  3. In the interest of truth it should be noted that The Gecko first appeared in a "Government Employees Insurance Company" Advertisement five years prior to the introduction of The Cavemen, and furthermore, he speaks with a "Cockney" Accent, meaning he's from London not Australia. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  4. Well Kohila, you told me. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  5. Well, I'll be the third to report that I don't know a thing about what you're talking about either, but it sounds like it made your day, and that's pretty cool. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  6. Toa_Ausar


    An interesting thought, but personally I think that Kohila's Berix Theory has more potential based upon the current evidence, particularly the introductory pages of the "Sands of Bara Magna" Comic, as well as the final panel on the page that the traitor is first revealed. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  7. I understand what you're trying to assert Benevolent Ballom, but there's nothing random about the Olisi's power. It always shows the target a vision of the future, no exceptions. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  8. First, I just want to say that I accept Auserv: Toa-Kal of Emotion's apology, hope that the other "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" do the same, and pray that there are no hard feelings over this matter. Next, certainly debating is fun, but you're comparing Apples to Oranges Benevolent Ballom. You can't say the Rhotika does this for the user for one example, and then try and say that's the same as what an Olisi does to the target for the other example, that's cross-comparison. A valid comparison of artifacts explains what each does to the target, regardless of the user. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  9. On the contrary Kohila, I find major distinction between a weapon and a Kanohi, in fact, if the Rhokita description were for a weapon of some sort instead of a mask, I'd wholly support it. Anyway, I think that it's essential that when you utter a Kanohi name, an immediate action of what specifically said mask can do comes to mind, that's all. Next, I'll say you're wrong Benevolent Ballom. The end result of using a Kanohi Olisi is always that it shows the target a vision, regardless of which user. On the other hand, the end result of a prospective Kanohi Rhotika is completely unpredictable in terms of what it does to the target and is absolutely dependent upon which user is randomly given which power. There's really no comparison. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  10. You're in luck, that literally made me "Laugh Out Loud" Kohila, otherwise I might have had to dust off my old "Staff of Veto" and hone my skills on Article 46. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  11. As far as my discussion with Benevolent Ballom goes, tell me this and maybe you can sway me, what would Toa Neţeru Åusår be able to do if he wore a Rhotika? The answer is, you have no idea, whereas, if he wore an Olisi you know he'd be able to show a target visions of some sort, and that's the difference. There are no current Kanohi that you can't tell me what a random character could do with them, the Rhotika would be a major exception to that rule. Next, to answer Em-Oh-Cee-Ehr 's first question as best I can, it is my understanding that Kohila is actually planning to write a Short Story about "The Abandoned Place", though I imagine that it may also play some role in his upcoming Epic as well. Lastly, I'd like to point out to Toa Talvak that simply because a Kanohi's power is considered immoral, doesn't mean that it can't exist, take for instance the Avsa, Crast, Felnas, Jutlin, Kraahkan, Mohtrek, or Shelek. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  12. Glad to hear it and hopefully you'll find the time to repost Honey as well. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  13. I respectfully disagree. You know for certain that with the Kanohi Olisi it's going to show a target visions of what could be, where as a prospective Kanohi Rhotika on the other hand may mutate a target for one user, meanwhile heal that same target for the next user, then dehydrate the very same target for the third user, and drown the target for the fourth user, etc. I could go on like that for an hour without repetition because there's just no continuity, that is to say, there is no underlying commonality like a "vision of the future" in the power described for Article 46. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  14. In response to Benevolent Ballom 's comment, I would like to point out that there are no other Kanohi whose actions are in any way unpredictable. If you say such-and-such-a-character is wearing a Hau, everyone knows what the Kanohi can do without it being said, likewise for any other Canon mask powers, and to me that's an important distinction between a mask and a launcher. Also, I appreciate RingMaster Zee 's vote of confidence in my leadership. :blush: ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  15. First, I just want to say that I accept Kohila's apology, hope that the other "C.I.R.C.L.E. Members" do the same, and pray that there are no hard feelings over this matter. Next, I vote "AYE" on Articles 43 & 44, as I see no harm in filling in the blanks until such time as a Canon Solution develops. Meanwhile, I also vote "AYE" on Article 45. Certainly there is repetition found in the Kanohi Komau, Great Mask of Mind Control, as well as in the Kanohi Suletu, Great Mask of Telepathy, which can likely both accomplish this mask power, however I'm not so sure that having a bit of overlap is necessarily a bad thing. Lastly, I vote "NAY" on Article 46, primarily because the proposed Kanohi power, although feasible, seems to me would be too unpredictable and therefore become the "Great Mask of Well Technically It Depends Upon Who's Wearing It", which is a concept I can't support. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  16. #1 Turaga Sāh Ferohn ~ ÅusårEDIT: P.S. Thanks for adding in a voting deadline. *** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  17. Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business. The forty-third article proposed by Kohila is as follows: The forty-forth article proposed by Kohila is as follows: The forty-fifth article proposed by Cap'n K is as follows: The forty-sixth article proposed by Kohila is as follows: And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our joint storyline. Please be sure to vote on all four articles in this thread. Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, April 6th, 2009 provided that at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members have voted at that point. Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. Members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM. Thanks. UPDATE: Article 43 has passed with a total of "ELEVEN AYE VOTES TO TWO NAY VOTES", next Article 44 has passed with a total of "TWELVE AYE VOTES TO ONE NAY VOTE", meanwhile Articles 45 & 46 have both passed with a total of "SEVEN AYE VOTES TO SIX NAY VOTES" each and the polls are now closed. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  18. Article 43 has failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT". Article 44 has failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT". Article 45 has failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT". Article 46 has failed to pass due to "INSUFFICIENT VOTER TURNOUT".
  19. You are correct ToaZeerah, in all likelihood a prospective Kanohi Rhotika would work differently on each individual user because it's highly improbably that two random users would share the same Rhotuka Power. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  20. And I'm anticipating Kohila actually voting in this thread. Not one of these four proposals has reached the necessary "2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. Members Voted" threshold yet and I should point out that this is despite the fact that I lowered that requirement from 75% turnout (i.e. at least 7 Members) to just 67% turnout (i.e. at least 10 Members) following the recent "C.I.R.C.L.E. Expansion". ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  21. Can you tell I have Preliminary Voting for the Shadows of the Sword MOC Blog Contest on the brain? Actually, I assure you that the Toa Neţeru's Kanohi are all Canon, however I do understand what you meant to say, so let's leave it at that and not violate our Non-Disclosure Agreement from Article 1. ~ Åusår *** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  22. McBobman: Your initial Comment #14 violated the rules specifically quoted by Kohila in the primary post, but you've fixed it now and you don't have to apologize, I was simply trying to help you out. ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  23. McBobman: Since no one else has mentioned it, I guess it's up to me to be the Grinch that points out your ballot is illegal. ~ ÅusårP.S. Thank God for rochambeau. *** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
  24. Let me first say to Zorrakh that I'm certain that a Kanohi Mahiki, Great Mask of Illusion, cannot do anything close to what's described in Article 43, however it is possible that a Kanohi Komau, Great Mask of Mind Control, might be capable of doing something similar. Also, as you can see in Comment #11 unlike the effects of a Rhotuka, the effects of a Kanohi Rhotika would be temporary. Next, to answer ToaZeerah's question, it is indeed a Canon fact that all creatures in the Matoran Universe have the inner ability to make Rhotuka, but simply cannot do so without the use of a launcher to fire them from. Oh, and Kohila, it seems like somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that, or at least I should have known that, thus I stand corrected and my primary post has been edited accordingly. :blush: ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ***
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