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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Toa_Ausar

  1. Yes, you enter the e-Mail address you currently use to create the account and the username you choosewill become the new one. Anyway, it says that "GeneralZahaki@GoogleWave.com" does not exist. Simple, because BZPower doesn't allow you to link to other websites with forums. ~ Åusår
  2. Like I said before, I'm a GoogleWave newbie, too, but I'll ask Kohilå if there's anything we can do to get around that issue. ~ Åusår
  3. You shouldn't have to download anything? Did you try simply logging in with the account you created by clicking here Zåhåku? ~ Åusår
  4. Sounds good. I'm sorry that I couldn't help you more, but I'm a GoogleWave newbie too. So now there are four of us confirmed. I still need confirmation that it's "Zorrakh@googlewave.com" before I can send out a fifth invitation. ~ Åusår
  5. Very strange. I get nothing like that. Maybe try creating a GMail account instead and then just use that to sign in on GoogleWave. If that doesn't work you could always try it on a different computer or maybe just PM me the necessary information and then I could create the account for you I guess. ~ Åusår
  6. I didn't know that either. Anyway, I guess members should either post their @GoogleWave.com Names here, or PM them to me, so that I can add them to my contacts as well. ~ Åusår
  7. It takes some getting used to, I actually had to look this up in the Help Section to make sure I explained it correctly. Anyway, you have to use the whole address, so to add me you first click the plus in the far bottom left, then type "toaausar@googlewave.com" with no underscore. For Kohilå you click the same plus and then type "kohilaice@googlewave.com". Can you be more specific? ~ Åusår
  8. Toa_Ausar ---> Toa_Ausar Deluge Ember (See This Blog Entry For Detail) ---> Toa_Ausar ~ Åusår
  9. Try again, I linked the image directly to the registration page so you shouldn't need a cellphone. ~ Åusår
  10. It is with great pleasure that we announce to our members that "The C.I.R.C.L.E." has officially decided to use GoogleWave for future non-voting discussions! GoogleWave is a Google-hosted messaging service that allows for quicker communication within a group such as ourselves. Each discussion gets its' own private "Wave" and anyone with an invitation can then contribute to the discussion without the rest of the world being privy to the conversation. Furthermore, GoogleWave saves all of the conversations, so there's no need to use your harddrive space to record them. Also, everything that you type is recorded in real-time. If you missed some of the discussion, you can just hit the "Playback" button and watch the conversation unfold in front of you. We believe that, with this tool, we can communicate easier over issues that arise within our group without the worry of the general public overhearing or the need to send out and reply to a mass of PMs. This is also helpful to discuss things that are to be kept private under the various "Non-Disclosure Agreements" we've all agreed to. You can sign up with GoogleWave by clicking the above posted image, then all you need to do is register for it with your e-Mail address. For those of you worried about you privacy, fear not, your e-Mail address is kept completely confidential. You simply create an @GoogleWave.com address, for instance: Åusår is ToaAusar@GoogleWave.comKohilå is KohilaIce@GoogleWave.comKoji is SirKoji@GoogleWave.comTalvak is Torchflare1234@GoogleWave.comMakar is Toa.Makar@GoogleWave.comZorrakh is Zorrakh@GoogleWave.comZahaki is GeneralZahaki@GoogleWave.comI'm still waiting to hear from other membersThe @GoogleWave.com address is then used to communicate with all our other members on GoogleWave without handing out your personal information that others might see. Everything is straightforward from there; you decide upon what you want your address to be, but please honor our request and choose something that is recognizably you for the @GoogleWave.com address so that communication isn't confusing for anyone. Once we have a sufficient amount of people on GoogleWave, we will open up with a discussion concerning our upcoming Contest. Those who join later will have the Wave sent to them as well so that they can catch up on the current events. I'll see you all there. B) ~Åusår
  11. --V--: That sounds like a real possibility. We'll discuss things further after our two current collaborations that you're helping me with are done. ~ Åusår
  12. Swert: I'll send you a PM today to discuss this. ~ ÅusårP.S. Thanks for the praise Koji.
  13. Toa_Ausar

    World Cup

    Well I wouldn't bet on Germany the way they played against Serbia, nor England after the way they played in Group either. ~ Åusår
  14. Toa_Ausar

    World Cup

    We're not a hockey nation either and look what happened in 1980. Regardless, we nearly won the Confederated Cup in football earlier this year, so anything could happen. ~ Åusår
  15. Toa_Ausar

    World Cup

    I got one for you: Cheat us out of one goal, cheat us out of two goals, no matter. We'll still win the group. ~ Åusår
  16. The C.I.R.C.L.E. is currently looking for an exclusive affiliation with any BZPower member willing to help us make our various banners and other images more generalized, more universal, and most importantly, more professional looking, as opposed to those that I have created myself up until this point. Anyway, please comment below if you are interested in helping us out and we'll iron out the details from there. Thanks. ~ Åusår
  17. Toa_Ausar

    The Flame

    That's some ring you gave it: ~ Åusår
  18. Toa_Ausar

    The Flame

    Kohilå: Good to have you back. ~ Åusår
  19. ***** It's strange the things you think about when you find yourself on the cusp of finally reaching a goal that you've literally spent centuries pursuing. At the very least I find it peculiar the thoughts that enter my mind now that the most difficult part of this endeavor lies behind me. How many long decades have I spent studying texts of prophecies and the very stars themselves in hopes of illuminating the future and thereby crafting the proper team chemistry to fulfill my purpose? Mind you, some of their names were easy to find and their whereabouts quite obvious. Take for instance the He-Matoran Haiu, the Ina-Matoran Persh, and the Pe-Matoran Nentchā. At a very early stage in this process the heavens proclaimed to me that those three were destined for something more and all are quite well known to any resident of the Fortress at Kerma Nui and even to many of those living on the far side of Ota-Wahi. Next, and only slightly more elusive, were the identities of the Fe-Matoran Banpi, the Ki-Matoran Tahen, and the Tai-Matoran Sehem, yet with a bit of extra effort I was able to uncover them as well, bringing the total number of participants to six. Sometime later, I fortunately encountered a few more names in a rather obscure prediction, which positioned me tantalizingly close to solving this puzzle, as I had just one more piece left to find. Then that final part fell into place when the Ne-Matoran Ţeţ inadvertently dropped anchor near the Isle of Kush Nui. Yet, discovering all the ingredients for my design wasn't really the end of this tale, in fact, it can't even be called the beginning. No, the closest thing to the beginning of this narrative was actually several millennia ago. So, I'll tell you a bit more about that time in history, after all, isn't that what Turaga do? ***** Five Thousand Years Earlier . . .
  20. Toa_Ausar


    Strange comment coming from a Cu-Matoran. ~ Åusår
  21. Fear not, I'm doing my part. I ordered one of each in Hardback for my own collection and three of each in Paperback as prizes for my upcoming blog contest. ~ Åusår
  22. Zorrakh: It was my understanding that Cap'n K was working on graphics for the Webs site and he had also told me he'd make a few graphics for the Wiki, but we'll have to ask Makar what the status is on that? ~ Åusår
  23. (Click image for Link) Major props and credit is due Makar for the fantastic redesign of the original website. Thanks Makar ! ~ Åusår*** Kemet Nui Epic ~ Review ~ Inhabitants ~ Terra Nui Short Story ***
  24. Kohilå: That shirt is impressive. Most impressive. But you know that in the end it is insignificant compared to the power of my authentic 1977 bell bottomed Stormtrooper shirt: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Search your feelings, you know it to be true! ~ Åusår
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