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Status Updates posted by Awesome

  1. *Knees Adventurer*

  2. *Knocks Lemonade out of Adventurer's hand, Lemonade soars through the sky and hits TtW*

  3. *Kicks Adventurer*

  4. *Steals Adventurers cane, and whacks him with it, while laughing evily*

  5. *Can't be bothered to think of a way to comeback to life, just magically appears again*

  6. While we are doing random posts: HA!.

  7. Nope never heard of it. *Reincarnates using Adventurer's secret technique*

  8. Nooo! *Before death, kills Toa Z for not acknowledging the Spartan/Adv partnership, simply refering being on "his(Advs) side". Which is not tolerated!* Now I am to float around aimlessly as a ghost. Blargh. ###### Basil. :P

  9. And now, I'm stealing it from you :P.

  10. Oh and thats not a valid excuse(Why the movie is called Cloverfield?):P. Hmm. Can't think of anything else, so thats it.

  11. No more premier membership! You lost :P.

  12. *Stabs Sweeny Todd with his own Razor, asks the monster from Cloverfield, why the movie is called Cloverfield, thereby killing it since the question is unanswerable, and hits TtW with the remains of the monster, making him spit out Adventurer* And Lhilertoro, you can't teleport, you're dead. You can't lol either. Cause you're dead :P

  13. Fine then Adventurer, but this is a temporary alliance, we unite against a common foe. After that, you're on your own :P.

  14. *Slaps Toa Z with a Wet Fish*

  15. *Knocks out Adventurer*

  16. Objection! I refuse to bow down to Jordys. And disco is basil.

  17. Crazy, soul pecking, kicking, cat eating, credit-card cutting owls.

  18. Oh noez, I've been outwitted by you're muddled logic. *Runs*

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