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Status Updates posted by Awesome

  1. Right. Well you've fixed it, so its fine now. :P

  2. Coke is way better. And Vanilla Coke is even better than that. :P

  3. Its obvious who wins this battle. Its me and Toa Z. Cause we rule. *Uses double awesomeness of myself and Toa Z, that is so powerful, it kills everyone around us* We win.:P And Adv, I don't think I'm in charge, I know I'm in charge. :)

  4. Also, I am now known as Awesome. With fancy letters. Thats right, fancy letters. AND arrows. So i am different to exo. And other awesomes.

  5. You sure did. And darn, you joineded first. And you where born earlier... Time to think of a plan! Until next time, minion! :P

  6. Its me. Hello. I have a new name now. Isn't it.... AWESOME!

  7. Hows it hanging.

  8. Such spam TtW. Oh wait, I'm spamming to.



  9. *Throws electrical items into pool* :P

  10. Nooo! *Before death, kills Toa Z for not acknowledging the Spartan/Adv partnership, simply refering being on "his(Advs) side". Which is not tolerated!* Now I am to float around aimlessly as a ghost. Blargh. ###### Basil. :P

  11. It did? *Kills Lhi* Nup. :P

  12. Spartan_01 got boring. He has been replaced with »Ãwesome«. Much awesome-er now. =O

  13. ofcourse. Ayone is welcome

  14. You can run, but you can't hide :P.

  15. Lunch time people. Hey Toa Z, got any chicken there? I would also like some chips. And some Cola. Thank you.

  16. Advs fire...You mean Spartans fire. >.> *Finds Shadow and burns him even more, then feeds him to TtW*

  17. Oh wait. I saw Advs thingy. Fine *Burns Adv aswell*

  18. Objection! I refuse to bow down to Jordys. And disco is basil.

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