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Everything posted by Uriel

  1. Why Samhain, in particular? Why not Halloween, or better yet, All Hallow's Eve?

  2. Yeah, happy belated birthday. (Sorry I missed it the first time.) Only one more year and you'll be able to vote - and get drafted!

  3. I'd rather say that you're always useful, bonesiii, even while you're gone.

  4. Uriel

    Elections Of '08

    Since Huckabee lost the primaries... McCain/Palin.
  5. Bonesiii! We missed you - especially once a crop of Relativists sprung up to deny the existence of absolute good and evil. I had to quote your blog entry at them :)

    Great new chapter and additions to the game, BTW. Thanks for all your work for us!

  6. Yes, but you should really be asking where she got it from. Its the traditional name of the fourth archangel, though it's not official, per se.

  7. I would like to nominate The Big Picture by Planetperson. His topic makes original points, is well evidenced, and summarizes the case for Mata Nui being the Matoran Universe quite well.
  8. I think he's blaming me because I reported it as speculation.

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