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Hewkii Inika

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Status Updates posted by Hewkii Inika

  1. If someone replies to the Hypernova Team, then maybe I can continue it.

  2. Thanks! Huh, maybe I should just keep it. :P

  3. Tronec, I'll check it out when there's more progress to it

  4. Eh, Dino Planet wasn't the best. Walking with Dinosaurs FTW. I just like the picture.

  5. Just thought I'd let you know that your sig banner made both my parents and myself laugh out loud. Thumbs up!

  6. Wow, you have like the longest interests entry I've ever seen. o_O

  7. Sure. Send me a PM of some of your work so I can decide.

  8. Is that HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey in your avatar, or am I just crazy?

  9. Freeze, there's no revival rule in the Library forum, but thanks anyways. ;)

  10. Someone doubts my skillz? When you break the fourth wall, it means the characters know exactly where they are, that they are in a movie, a book, and they interact with the author and stuff.

  11. Oh, I've been needing a composer anyways. Sure. I'll let you know through PM all the stuff I need.

  12. No, I don't have MSN, but I could get it.

  13. And next time, reply to the topic. :P

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