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Jonestown Bartender

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Blog Entries posted by Jonestown Bartender

  1. Jonestown Bartender
    That Swine Flu has just killed everyone who is not an active member of BZPower.
    Now what do you do?
    I'm going to become the Militant Dictator of a Sams club then when I get bored I'll go out in a stolen car and try to find some more BZPers.
    If I find anyone we will start a small camp and use it as a base for daily searches until we have about 500 people. after that we will start to build a small village out of old junk and call it BZPower II. when the construction of our new home is done we will begin the task of cremating the dead.
    40 years will have passed and the teenagers and young adults who built the village have married, had children, and some will have died in their old age. the children will improve the village in to a small town complete with a town hall where every other weekend the towns people meet to work out the problems of the town, a hospital, a library with hundreds of books taken from houses of the dead, a school, and about seven farms just outside of town,
    Now the work of reconstruction the world begins.
  2. Jonestown Bartender
    Is in production the basic workings of the mechanism is like this;
    I'll have a modified lighter on the bottom of my wrist to create the flame, there will be a trigger in my hand that when I pull it will start the lighter. Now on my hip will be a few cans of pressurized propane with a tube running from the cans up to my wrist, at my wrist there will be a cut off valve when I open said valve will allow the propane to travel to my wrist, out a jet, and through the lighters flame.
    If everything works right I think I could get 5-10 feet of fire.
  3. Jonestown Bartender
    This guy;

    Dalek= A indestructible evil tank with a death ray, force field that melts bullets, and a plunger.
    Or this guy;

    Godzilla=really big angry lizard with fire breath, hyper-fast healing, and...he's really big...and stuff....
    I'd vote for the Dalek
  4. Jonestown Bartender
    Then kids who complain about how overly strict social rules are?
    Kids who complain about how much better things were when their great-grandparents were teenagers.
    God dose that get me angry.
    Yeah, enjoy your child labor, Prohibition, and small pox you moron.
  5. Jonestown Bartender
    1. Be less impulsive
    2. Stay away from my caffeine pills for at least a week
    3. try to shave regularly
    4. Stop dressing like a hobo
    5. Get a Girlfriend
    6. Be more extroverted
    7. Try to be less aggressive.
    8. Try to be less superficial
    9. Be more patiant
    10. Think of a number ten next year.
  6. Jonestown Bartender
    Equipment; Heavy denim jacket with gas flaps, water proofed combat boots, WW2 steel helmet, auto-knife, razor blade, magnesium ribbon in glass tube, flash light, large combat knife, glycerin, hammer, wire cutters, pliers.
    Not show; black powder tin, home made acid proof goggles, bolt cutters, heavy denim back pack, glass and metal containers, about ten feet of copper wire, garage door opener.
    Still need; Gas mask, fire arm of some kind, preserved food.
  7. Jonestown Bartender
    2000; Pretty awesome. All the boy bands are breaking up, the internet gains popularity, and the rams win a super bowl.
    2001; Feels bad man. Mostly due to all the paranoia 9/11 caused, it was like living in 1984.
    2002; ...? did anything happen in 2002?
    2003; Decent year. First Bionicle movie comes out, but Homeland Security and the shuttle accident also happened...
    2004; Meh. Reagen died and bionicle had great sets this year but the story sucked.
    2005; Feels bad man. Hunter S Thompson killed himself and Bionicle sucked.
    2006;...I do not remember this year.
    2007; pretty good year. Paranoia over 9/11 is final dead and bionicle stops sucking so much.
    2008; also a good year. Obama was elected and The Dark Knight came out.
    2009; OH GOD WAT. if you don't remember why this year sucks or why it was nuts you need your memory checked.
    Over all; Never a dull moment.
  8. Jonestown Bartender
    You know people you grew up watching on TV? I hate watching them get old.

    You see that guy on the right? thats not josh.
    Josh is a happy fat kid just like he was six years ago and he always will be!
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