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Jewel Man

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Everything posted by Jewel Man

  1. Nope but I have a hotmail/msn

  2. Hi I know this might be wandom but why don't like like making topics?

  3. Okay ^.^

    Wow I have change dalot since the last time we talked but I have Zesk and Vorox

  4. Hey GS long time no see I have been going to other forums so yah.

  5. Oh thanks for the comment on my skippers :D.

  6. Spirit I made a flash thing on mys sigg and you can see I am good at flash is all you need to do is make a button, make it so when yo uclikc "go to next frame""

  7. Gregf is on yoru friends list?

  8. People can som,eone talk to me

  9. Hey shaynaynay whats up yo ujoined before me but I have mroe posts then yo udo so hah hah. :P

  10. Flash is awsome but last time I checked on BZP it doesn't show up

  11. Yo ushows are awsome "Nobody likes to be a minority"

    like the sig how do yo udo it

  12. Teehee I was sneaking on at computar period... I also pmed spirit at computar period

  13. Wow to think my brother has friends

  14. Wow to think my brother has friends

  15. Wow to think my brother has friends

  16. Dark things are fine with me

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