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Unconquerable Snow Black

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Status Updates posted by Unconquerable Snow Black

  1. I loled at the part where Kyon dodged the cheese.

    Whyd you dodge?

    I dont know.


  2. Have you actually watched the Nyoron Churuya-san series? Its all on a video site :D

  3. Now son don't touch that cactus :D


    Your dead to me D:

    ASDFmovie for the win :D

  4. don't worry just geass everyone who saw your name :D

  5. Blew your cover?

    You have your last name out there so clearly.

    You better change it to Lamperouge quickly D:


  7. I beat him at level 68, with Ultima Weapon and full inventory of jsut elixirs, I used 3 of them because I was too late to stop some of Sephiroths Heartless angels.

    My advice is keep dodge rolling and only attack sephiroth when he jumps near you just as he lands. Also Panty and stocking is a freaking addictive Anime, and animefreak.com rate it Pg-13. OH MY GOD WHAT ITS FULL OF SWEARING NUDITY

  8. Did I hear you have trouble against Sephiroth in KH?


  9. Awesome Konata signature

    Good job~

  10. By the way Ntsc is for american region games and pal is for european and australian regions.

  11. Yes I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with the KH series, and want to complete everything 100% but I just give up most times. @_@

  12. It was that hard for me to complete BBS with a drifting stick. Thats why i have camera manipulation :D

  13. Well in australia at least.... (I had to import re:com and use a device that lets me play ntsc games, thats how devoted I am)

    I have completed birth by sleep, the final episode maxs the awesomeness up, and the secret bosses were darn hard. I am trying to get 100% completion so i can get the secret movie that i can already see on a video site. :P

    I did this with a drifting analog control

  14. D:

    Birth By Sleep. That game is the best of the series so far even for it being on PSP, too bad the owner didnt let you play for longer, but PS2s are cheap these days, about 20 dollars, and the previous games KH1 and KH2 are pretty cheap now and there is Re:com if that game is available for you. :D

  15. Re:coded will kick butt :D

    So have you only played Days? Dont you have a PS2 to play the other epic KH games? D':

  16. Yay I didnt know you liked KH :D

    What games from the series have you played?

  17. ಠ_ಠ

    I was joking about the tears part.

  18. Awua saying "Theres always a way" at the end had me smiling in tears, then it cut to simple and clean and a long epic credits with epic music and cutscenes at the end.

  19. Anyway i see you like Gurren Lagann and Cowboy Bebop :D

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