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Posts posted by onionfarb

  1. I've never played any BIONICLE video games, other than BIONICLE Heroes on the Wii years ago, which I really got into at the time but looking back, the control scheme seems really stupid and counter-intuitive.


    But, now that BIONICLE is coming back, I've rediscovered my obsession, and I now plan to read the entire story from beginning to end, starting with Quest for the Toa. I just bought it yesterday, and it's coming in the mail on Thursday. I'll also play Maze of Shadows once I get to that point in the story. But I have resolved to get all the games, canon or not, except for The Game, since everybody seems to hate it. I'll get Heroes for the Xbox 360 this time.


    A while back I started a topic asking if the two canon games, Quest for the Toa and Maze of Shadows, were any good. I've read pretty mediocre to bad reviews of Quest for the Toa online, but in the aforementioned topic, everyone seems to love it. (Many of the reviewers seemed to be put off by the lack of traditional LEGO elements.) Matoran Adventures also seems to have gotten pretty poor reviews online. The Game everyone seems to hate, as I said before. Maze of Shadows has gotten pretty great reviews online, but many people on that topic seemed not to have played it. The console version of Heroes got okay reviews, but the DS version was actually received much better. I've seen it compared favorably to Metroid Prime Hunters. The GBA version was only reviewed professionally twice, but both were pretty positive. 

  2. I have a lot of sets, but they've been piled on top of each other in a display case for a long time now. Now that BIONICLE has been announced for 2015, I've gotten back into it, and I've resolved to eventually get all the sets and collectibles and put them on a new set of shelves organized by year, and on my wall somehow, respectively. I'm working on my mask collection right now, there are a bunch in the mail from Bricklink, and a few sets as well, I'll get more sets as I come by more money. 


    I've also resolved to read all the story again from beginning to end, in preparation for the story's return (hoping it's a continuation).


    Here's my mask collection so far, since I took this picture I've found a few more around the house, and there are a bunch more in the mail: http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=6154752

  3. They probably won't bother compiling the older books - they're still being sold and I remember the sales for the scholastic ones weren't that great. Plus, I think AMEET probably has the rights to Journey's End so that wouldn't be able to be included.


    The price will probably be too high for an average consumer and I can't really see anyone minus hardcore fans going for these. As for me, I might go for it if it really did happen, since I own only a small chunk of the books.


    I would definitely not mind if they made eBooks of the novels though. 


    And finally, they will make new novels, but they'll probably be in the vain of the Hero Factory and Ninjago ones (side-stories).




    I haven't been following Hero Factory or Ninjago; so the books are side-stories now? Are they like the serials? How is the main stories delivered? 

  4. This makes me really glad. BIONICLE was such a huge part of my childhood, and I was heartbroken when the line ended, and then when Greg stopped doing the serials. I am overjoyed to hear about this. 


    Anyway, the fact that it's the Mask of Creation leads me to believe that it will be a continuation, as if I recall correctly Artakha was just starting to become a major character when the serials ended. That also really makes me happy, I really thought that the story was going somewhere great, and it's good that it will be able to be continued. I'm also very disappointed in all of you that didn't like all the complexity. I loved the complexity. That's what made BIONICLE great. 


    By the way, the BIONICLE Facebook page said they're going announce a small thing on Friday, and the rest will come at ComicCon. I'm very exited to see where all of this will lead. 

  5. I wouldn't be opposed to that idea - I would buy them. I'd much rather that they put all the old books (Chronicles, Adventures, Legends, 2009 books, JE) in one book, though. That way I can ditch all the flimsy paperbacks and just carry one volume around. 


    Yeah, since the books were flimsy and had giant text, I would like to see all the books and serials made into one volume.The story would feel more cohesive that way, and it would be a lot easier to introduce new people to BIONICLE. 


    It would also be cool if said volume had a CD-ROM or a download code for the early online games and Flash animations that were part of the story.

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