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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Snoopy82

  1. Check out my age now. >;)

  2. Come back, Ninjo. We miss you!

  3. Comment revival! Comment revival! Happy B-day, BTW.

  4. Cress: Because when the forums were upgraded, the order of the post icons changed, turning all of his :)s into angrys.

  5. Did you get the PM I sent you?

  6. Dunno. :P

    It's not like your name is pronounceable, either. :P

  7. Everyone calling him their hero is sick.


    Please? :3

  9. Good god man, are you in college?

    1. Velox


      Haha, yep! Crazy, isn't it? I still sometimes can't believe it myself. But dude, how've you been?! You should stick around here more!

  10. Grah, you're okay too. :P

  11. Hail to RZ- the greatest artist ever on BZP.

  12. Happy 101st Birthday. :D

  13. Happy B-Day, RZ. I never knew you were that old. :)

  14. Have you read Gawain and the Green Knight?

  15. He has such a high count because he's been a member for 7 years.

  16. He hasn't... yet. >)

    BTW, why did you add me to your friend list?

  17. HE'S UNDEAD!

    Great to have you back. :P

  18. Heeeelllloooooo....

  19. Here's a hint: Yesterday I'll was 6. Tomorrow I"ll be 29. In 35 years, I'll be 35. This is all part of my plan to warp your mind. :P

  20. Hey, I've seen worse :P But seriously since its just a play on the well-known phrase, and I'm not trying to be lude/trolling/etc. in anyway, I would think its okay. Of course if a staffy asks me to change it I will.

  21. Hi Gata-ling gun. :)

  22. HI MOM!!!!111!!1! :) :) :) I didn't know you were a member, mom!

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