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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Zeddy

  1. Zeddy
    Or, in other words, the pinnacle of human achievement. Landing a probe on a comet a bajilion miles away? Pfft, childs play. Combining snackfood and drink into a cheese-flavored carbonated beverage? That, people, takes true genius. I salute the pioneers at Pepsi for coming up with the one thing this world needed, the one thing we were missing from our lives but just didn't know it until now.
    Truly, this is it, people. It's just all downhill from here.

  2. Zeddy
    I can't believe I actually have some models.
    Oh and Revenge of the Fallen is going to be so cool. B)
    And I've not been active much 'coz:
    a) XBox
    B) XBox
    c) My Internet's all wacky
  3. Zeddy
    Yeah, so if you look at my av, you'll see me. xP
    Instead of imagining me as someone with a blank face, you can now imagine me as a stick figure. =D
  4. Zeddy
    So, iTunes has received yet another update. I have to say it's a huge improvement on the old UI; I actually kinda like it. It's way cleaner and compact.
    Now if only I can get it to stay open for more than 5 minutes without crashing...
  5. Zeddy
    I'm starting to like this one now:
    [Of course, this is ignoring the meaning of it stated by another member in their blog. ]
    :) :) :)
    [succumb to their good natured-ness. ]
  6. Zeddy
    So I found my old teacher from Minnesota [from 2003] on a social networking site.
    Feels nice that I can retain a link from at least someone from there.
  7. Zeddy
    Just another reminder to those who are using my banners [and other stuff from my Photobucket account]:
    If you are using stuff from my account, please save it to your computer and then upload the same onto one of the accounts you use to host your images.
    Don't use my bandwidth, please.
    Sorry if I seem rude or anything, it's just that I don't want anything like this happening again.

  8. Zeddy
    My stupid laptop's fan has gone all wonky, making this really high-pitched noise. >_>
    So I might have to send it to get repaired, and so during that time I won't be able to get on much. Just a heads up.
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