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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Zeddy

  1. Zeddy
    I'll be going on the 26th for a Tae-Kwon-Do competition. B)
    I might have limited or no internet access, so I won't be on/on that much.
    I'll be back on the 31st, though, so later we can celebrate the new year together. =P
    Also don't wreck my blog kthx.
  2. Zeddy
    So like I'm having this dessert and it's like super sweet and all the sugar in it is giving me a rush and I'm getting all hyper even when I should be sleeping sometime soon. OMG the energy. :br:
  3. Zeddy
    Sometimes when I'm super tired and at the point where I should be waking up, I start dreaming that I've woken up and doing normal things like checking my phone and e-mail, turning my laptop on, getting coffee etc. When this has progressed sufficiently I realize that I'm only just dreaming and come out of it, by which time I'm too disappointed to do anything and just go back to sleep and the cycle repeats itself.

    Another time, I was dreaming and then I realized I was dreaming and so I woke up, only to realize a few minutes (seconds?) later that I was still dreaming, and I woke up for realsies. Dream within a dream.
    Inception is real, people.
  4. Zeddy
    Now, when I update album art on iTunes, it doesn't show up on the iPod.
    I update some new ones, and the old ones disappear. >_>
    [OK, now I changed the title 'coz Apple isn't that bad, only the iPod part of it. ]
  5. Zeddy
    ... Is it just me, or has Photobucket stopped automatically copying the IMG/HTML/IM/Direct Link codes?
    Because it's not fun copying the links manually anymore. D=
  6. Zeddy
    Yeah, so if you look at my av, you'll see me. xP
    Instead of imagining me as someone with a blank face, you can now imagine me as a stick figure. =D
  7. Zeddy
    Taka-Tahu-Nite Owl (II) and Degenerorschach-Exo team up and go to beat up Ozeddymandias.
    We're like BZarro Watchmen. =P =P

  8. Zeddy
    My Mom made some mango milkshake and it's all thick like ice cream and I'm having it now and it's awesome. B)
  9. Zeddy
    I don't know what they are, but I went ahead and bought one. I had a disproportionate amount of fun building it- after the 1-2 minutes it took I felt giddy the whole day.
    Who knows.. maybe I WILL GO AND BUY ANOTHER and feel all self-conscious when I walk into a Lego store filled with a bunch of 5-8 year olds
    (EDIT: This is an old entry that I accidentally republished by clicking the wrong "publish" button. )
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