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Posts posted by Deep-Freeze

  1. Apparently Jagex is in the midst of a major lawsuit with one of the main botmakers. They sent out emails to everyone they have detected using that bot and said that they could be sued as well for a decent amount of money. Jagex really brought the house this time.

    I know this is pretty late to the punch, but I'd just like to point out that Jagex has no real case, that email was more of a scare tactic. Using a program that doesn't use or interfere with the game's code wouldn't constitute copyright infringement. Actually, none of the bigger-name bots would be considered for copyright infringement, and the users of the bot couldn't be touched either. Unless Jagex is going to make the claim that in-game skills and resources have monetary value, which won't hold up in court AND they have fervently denied for how many years now?, or they make the claim that 'Fletching' or 'Firemaking' or any other skill name are copyrighted terms, which won't hold up either since they predate Runescape by a few hundred years. I'm not trying to play devil's advocate here, but really Jagex, try harder next time.
    ###### I love your Squid Girl avatars but seriously. Reflection based bots works by pulling the numID's out of Jagex's caches and intercepting the server/client communication.That is tampering with a registered product and well. Let me put it this way. I love bacon. I go into mcdonalds and put bacon in every burger. All the burgers.Then someone doesn't want bacon. Sorry, but they're getting bacon, even if they do not want it/cannot eat it.Can mcdonalds sue me for tampering with the food, because there is no laws against serving delicious bacon to everyone.The Bacon is bots and Mcdonalds is Jagex and the burgers are Runescape. Think about it.
    The bots we're talking about use data that is output to the client, and even then doesn't tamper with it. If the bot operated in a way similar to the partyhat glitch many moons ago, taking and replacing code that is sent back to the server, I would agree. But having a program make decisions based on data the game client is already receiving is hard to argue as being "tampering" considering it isn't. Like being given free food, and then arrested for theft while trying to eat it. And on the other side of this, Jagex suing users of bot programs? That part was such a joke. Not related to our argument but I thought I'd throw that out there.
  2. Get an iPhone if you want apps.Windows phone apps, for the most part, suck.

    What's it like in Fanboyville? I've heard it's a great place to visit.

    I'll be honest, I see no reason to get a Windows phone. It has no functionality that an android phone or an iPhone don't have, especially with the iOS five update. The real question is, do you want something that is at peak performance out of the box, or something, that with a little work will be the most powerful phone you've ever had your hands on? If the former, get an iPhone. If the latter, get an Android phone. iPhones are easy to use for everyone. They're great for those who just want something to work and look nice. The technologically illiterate can use an iphone without too much issue. Android phones work well on stock, but they shine when you root them and customize them to your specific wants and needs. It's a little work to get it there, but once you do, you'll wonder why people even bother selling other phones.

    I agree with this, advanced users that tinker with their technology should definitely be using Android. People who just want it to work out of the box should stick with Apple. Windows fits somewhere in between but it clearly hasn't found its spot in the market yet. You can tinker with Apple's stuff too, but Android is incredibly flexible by comparison.
  3. What does illegally downloaded music have to do with iTunes?And what's so great about illegally downloaded music? I know, of course, that it's free, but everyone I know who illegally downloaded music really didn't do anything right. The songs didn't really have organization, had file name endings, and weren't named right ever.And it's really sad to see people openly support those protests against WMG and co. There's a reason it's illegal, we musicians lose money that we worked hard to get, especially upcoming musicians with no money.I am not going to make music if all people are going to do is wait for someone to put it up on a video or download site to listen to it.

    iTunes makes it a hassle to put the music on an iPod/etc. device, if I remember correctly. Whether they changed that, I don't know. Not everyone cares about organization, like people who prefer a pigsty because they can find things in it, and so on. My iPod is a huge mess, but I can always find what I'm looking for. WMG has ridiculous standards on quite a few occasions, anyone who's used that one video-sharing site would realize this after about 5 minutes, even if nothing they looked up had music in it. And if poor sales make you quit being a musician, you weren't much a musician from the start, were you? There's something to think about.
  4. Apparently Jagex is in the midst of a major lawsuit with one of the main botmakers. They sent out emails to everyone they have detected using that bot and said that they could be sued as well for a decent amount of money. Jagex really brought the house this time.

    I know this is pretty late to the punch, but I'd just like to point out that Jagex has no real case, that email was more of a scare tactic. Using a program that doesn't use or interfere with the game's code wouldn't constitute copyright infringement. Actually, none of the bigger-name bots would be considered for copyright infringement, and the users of the bot couldn't be touched either. Unless Jagex is going to make the claim that in-game skills and resources have monetary value, which won't hold up in court AND they have fervently denied for how many years now?, or they make the claim that 'Fletching' or 'Firemaking' or any other skill name are copyrighted terms, which won't hold up either since they predate Runescape by a few hundred years. I'm not trying to play devil's advocate here, but really Jagex, try harder next time.
  5. I'm not a huge fan of Apple products but I do have an iPod Touch that works beautifully. Jailbroken, perhaps, but still a wonderful little device. If their products were less controlling I wouldn't have such a negative view of their vanilla offerings. I am definitely not a Mac/Macbook person but if people like flushing money down the toilet, I'm not going to complain. I was considering buying a Macbook for college, but the recent fiasco with Lion being complete garbage and Apple blaming the consumers for coding problems was a big turn-off. Not to mention the hard drive problems their computers have had as of late.

  6. I'm not gonna lie, A-Channel was pretty generic. And I'm not sure why you'd recommend Lucky Star to a person not overly familiar with anime (considering how much of the show is referential humor), but I'll have to disagree on that one as well. Not that either are bad shows, of course.

    Because both shows are slow and easy to follow, conversation-wise? Lots of easy Japanese. Which is what he wants.
    I would agree at least with A-Channel about ease of following (but then again, Minami-ke/Hidamari Sketch/K-ON!/etc. are overall better in that regard in my opinion), but he already said that's in the backburner. I still hold that half of Lucky Star's charm is lost if you don't get the reference jokes. But, again, opinions.

    I think of all the anime I have watched, which granted isn't too many, Planetes remains one of my favorites.

    I loved Planetes, so very much. It's a shame it doesn't get the recognition it deserves.
  7. They're already losIng money. :PMaybe if they brought the GBA slot back, they'd make money.

    That would probably make current customers angry, and it wouldn't drive sales enough to turn a decent profit (I haven't met a person who doesn't use an emulator for anything pre-DS) If Gameboy Advance games were still being produced, it would be an entirely different story, but game companies only keep their hardware backwards compatible to a certain point to milk as much as they can out of their last generation. Now that the GBA is ancient history as far as the game industry is concerned, there won't be a GBA slot unless they're pandering to Nintendo superfans who more than likely already own a 3DS and every Nintendo handheld before it. A less speculative point on why they won't being that they've already dumped enormous amounts of cash into the 3DS as it is, and making changes to the existing hardware (making it bulkier and adding more parts as well) would make them lose even more money per sale on top of the money they'd spend planning, prototyping, and producing. I don't know why I typed all of that but I feel it'd be a waste to delete it. But tl;dr Nintendo puts backwards compatibility at the bottom of its list of priorities. More news at 11.
  8. I'll invest in one once they bring the GBA game slot back. :P

    Yeah, though I kind of want to just get a GBA, since the DS can't connect to a Gamecube. I'll probably just stick with my original plan and buy a DS, (if I don't have sufficient funds by then,) then when I have sufficient funds (aka a job,) buy a GBA, then trade in the DS and get a 3DS. I'd probably buy the GBA before the 3DS, but it's not worth it just to connect to the gamecube (which I'd only use for Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Adventure 2: Battle on the Gamecube, and only for the tiny chao garden.)
    Aren't they selling GBA games through the 3DS's online store? Because if they are, they'll never bring the GBA slot back because they'd lose a ton of potential profit.
  9. I almost bought a 3DS until I played one, the 3D effect gave me a bit of a headache after a few minutes. And without the 3D, it's really just a DS with a different game lineup. That said, there's quite a few games coming out I'd love to play. Paper Mario, SSB, etc. I might end up having to buy one once they all start coming out. Speaking of which, does Paper Mario 3DS even have an expected release date yet?

  10. My motto: if you don't like it, why have it?

    Food Topics:Topics asking if you like one kind of a food or discussing one type of food are pointless. If it's just asking what is your favorite food, it'll be all right.

    Looks like this falls under this rule...

    If it's just asking what is your favorite food, it'll be all right.

    More or less the premise of this thread, no? I don't see how it breaks that rule at all. Back on topic, I do drink a lot Sunny D every few mornings even though I hate it. I'm not sure why but it's just turned into a habit. Also, ketchup, I can't stand the taste but I never eat fries without it. Clearly something is wrong with me.
  11. The whip will remain as the best overall weapon until you get 80 dungeoneering (or Jagex updates the game). At that point, a chaotic rapier would be much better. But unless you're doing something hit intensive, like boss fighting, it's not necessary. As far as auras and stuff goes, I don't think it's game changing stuff; I personally haven't tried them, but they won't affect gameplay tremendously.

    That's what I thought would be the case. My dungeoneering is only around 35, and even at 80, if I remember right, you don't have enough tokens for Chaotic weapons. Someone told me whips dropped like bricks in the last few weeks, though I'm not sure why. I thought they seemed pretty stable around 1.5m but I guess that changed while I was gone. And these aura things aren't combat things you can use in PvP, right? Are they just things to help skilling or something?
    Well I got Knock-Out and it's pretty handy when killing stuff that's level 100+, because it eliminates redbarring.It also tears Fight caves a new one, especially when the level 360 starts spawning. Cool avatar btw.
    Getting rid of red-barring? I'm sold already. And thank you for the compliment, fine sir.
  12. The whip will remain as the best overall weapon until you get 80 dungeoneering (or Jagex updates the game). At that point, a chaotic rapier would be much better. But unless you're doing something hit intensive, like boss fighting, it's not necessary. As far as auras and stuff goes, I don't think it's game changing stuff; I personally haven't tried them, but they won't affect gameplay tremendously.

    That's what I thought would be the case. My dungeoneering is only around 35, and even at 80, if I remember right, you don't have enough tokens for Chaotic weapons. Someone told me whips dropped like bricks in the last few weeks, though I'm not sure why. I thought they seemed pretty stable around 1.5m but I guess that changed while I was gone. And these aura things aren't combat things you can use in PvP, right? Are they just things to help skilling or something?
  13. I know this is a bit off of the current subject, but are the Membership Rewards items/abilities any good? I haven't even touched this game in 7 months and I'm considering becoming a member again. Also is the Abyssal Whip still a relatively good weapon or has it been dethroned by something else?

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