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Blog Entries posted by Toa TAK

  1. Toa TAK
    For writing the 2002 story for Bionicle: Next Generation, there was this scene featured in the comics and commercial:

    So I'm asking, do you think this fits in, feels smooth? Here's an excerpt from the script.
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Cuts back to Tahu picking up the Krana.

    Vakama (off screen):
    But be warned: When worn, the Krana can steal the mind of whoever is wearing it. And not event the mightiest of Toa can resist the power of it.

    Very well then Turaga.

    The camera is over Tahu’s shoulders as he turns to face the other five Toa.

    The rest of you, return to your villages to gather these Krana. If they will save Mata Nui, then we shall collect them all.

    That is, if they don’t collect us first. Farewell, Toa of Fire.

    The camera cuts to an overhead shot of the Toa as they disperse, all but Gali.

    Cut to close up of Gali as she looks around.

    Wait, their strength lies in numbers, wouldn’t be smarter and easier if we tackled each village together?

    While that’s true, who knows what kind of trouble our villages are in? We need to be there in case they need protection.

    Onua continues to walk away.

    Gali has a worried look on her face, and walks off screen.

    Scene IV:
    Tahu walks along his destroyed village, looking at destroyed huts and structures, until he eventually made his way to an entrance of a large cavern.

    Cuts to close up on Tahu’s face. He looks up seeing darkness further on. Tahu switches to his Ruru lighting up the way. The camera cuts back to a distance. He walks on seeing a huge dome, with many of the pods popped out already. Tahu switches back to his Hau and he walks over to inspect it. There’s a noise and Tahu looks back. A Tahnok emerges from the shadows and walks closet towards Tahu. The camera takes a shot of the two, with the Tahnok on the left with Tahu on the right. Tahu takes a step forward, with his firesword glowing red.

    The Bohrok takes a step forward.

    Beware, creature, before things get a little hot…

    The Tahnok attacks and his head strikes Tahu’s mask, sending it flying.

    The camera cuts to the ground as the Golden Hau falls to the ground.

    Then we have a shot of the Bohrok’s point of view. It has a targeting system and aims for Tahu’s head as he’s dazed.

    Cut to a shot of the Tahnok opening its lid and firing its Krana Xa.

    Another side shot of Tahu’s face and the Krana latches onto his face.

    Cuts back to see Tahu struggling to take off the Krana from his face. He takes several steps back making grunting and muffling noises as he attempts to rip it from his face.
    Tahu is able to rip if off his face making a tearing noise in the process. Tahu cries out in agony.
    The Toa of Fire continues to breathe heavily, and sees his mask in the distance. He walks up to it and picks it up and puts it back on his face. He looks behind him, frightened. His firesword heats up and in rage shoots fire everywhere around him and runs out of the cavern.

    So with that, I'll probably be posting here concerning the script, check out the topic for the latest news on what's new.


  2. Toa TAK
    ...My friend with a box of nostalgia! My friend at 8:30 tonight knocked at my door. Turns out he was giving all of his old Bionicle's to me since he was clearing out his home. I was very happy. Heh, once I headed upstairs, I looked in the box to find so many Bionicles I never even had before! Pohatu and Tahu, along with a few Nuva! Even Turaga Matau!
    He had good timing, too. I finished my homework.

  3. Toa TAK
    Hello friends! Even though I know none of you, I, TAK, recently had some time to sit down with Zaktan and talk to him about his recent adventure. We met at the completely destroyed Piraka Stronghold.
    TAK: Hello Zaktan!
    Zaktan: :angry:
    TAK: Do you want to say anything before we begin?
    Zaktan: :angry:
    TAK: Are you sure?
    Zaktan's protodites twitch.
    TAK: Okaay.. First question! Why does your Three-Pronged Blade look like giant siccors?
    Zaktan: So I can cut Toa up! Its a new pastime.
    TAK: ..Interesting... *gulps* What's it like being a leader?
    Zaktan: I really don't "lead" I just tell everyone else what to do!
    Then, Vezok in a maid uniform came in and bought Zaktan a drink.
    TAK: So..what do you guys do for food?
    Zaktan: I only drink the blood of my enimies! *finishshes drinking his drink*
    TAK: What was that?
    Zaktan: Ketchup. B)
    TAK: Um, what did you think of the Toa Nuva when they came?
    Zaktan: Oh! Are those the ones that had ugly masks!?
    TAK: I guess you can say that.
    Zaktan: They were weak. But stronger than other Toa. But we so totally kiced thier butt!
    TAK: What about the Inika?
    Zaktan: Those are the ones with the even UGLIER masks right?
    TAK: Yup!
    Zaktan: The just got lucky, we're gonna get the Mask. Then I can cut them up!
    TAK: You're obessed.
    Zaktan: Am not.
    TAK: Anywho, what did you think of Fenrahkk?
    Zaktan: Fenrahkk is waaaaaaaaaaaay too big. I'm gonna cut him up later.
    TAK: You are obsessed.
    Zaktan: AM NOT! Go protodite buddies!
    TAK: *being chocked* Well, I guess that's all folks! *cough*
    Zaktan: Oh, and don't forget to read my new book:
    "How to Survive Your Death Sentence"

  4. Toa TAK
    If you have played any of them, and frankly like them, I'd advise you to take a look at the poll.
    {=Which Is Your Favorite Bionicle Video Game? =}

    Okay, here's what I think of the games:

    Lego Bionicle- Loved that game. You can be your own Matoran! They would call you by your name and you can link up with a friend and play mini-games!

    Matoran Adventures-Everyone had a Hau. Oh well, that doesn't bother does it? Even if all the Turaga have a Rau. The game was intresting, just as the previous one, it has puzzles, most weren't hard. But it was still cool to beat the Bahrag as a Matoran!

    BIONICLE-Well..you could play as Toa! This game wasn't the best, more like the most annoying. I have the Gameboy version and I can say its not as good as the console version. Bleh. The puzzles aren't that hard to fugure out. Its where you have to jump is the problem. Think about it. The Toa didn't look that good either..

    Maze of Shadows- A great game. The graphics were done so well, you felt as if you were the Toa Metru. Its a great RPG. The puzzles are definitly a step up from Lego Bionicle, Matoran Adventures and BIONICLE. Linking up is more fun, as you play as Rahi and Matau too!

    BIONICLE Heroes- When I first saw that the newest Bioncle game was a shooter, I almost exploded. Not of excitment, but of anger. I have Halo 1 and 2 (as most people who have a Xbox or 360), its not nessicerily I'd have my 7-11 year old playing. But as I kept up with it, it wasn't so bad. It was a nicegame that everyone could play. But as the whole "dying" thing goes. It depends on how you look at it. They said they don't die, they just turn into Lego peices. To me, that's fine. But others, like my friend sasys its "dyng". It might be, they're not alive are they?

    Those are my thoughts on the past BIONICLE video games. Now go and vote!

  5. Toa TAK
    The first three years of BIONICLE were great. I'm going to take some time going over the first three years. So grab your gear and let's go back to the past, when BIONICLE first started.
    BIONICLE comes out and kids who were "cool", or normal, liked it.
    Lego Mania came with BIONICLE comics. BIONICLE.com came out as well. With MNOLG and the animations and updates. The Gameboy Advanced game (if I may) "Tales of the Tohunga". Those things got everyone craving for BIONICLE. These charaters aree interesting, the CDs, just almost everything was going right for BIONICLE. Even collectibales are coming out! The gears, the Manas remote comtroll, every set was uniqe! It was all good, but not everything was so peachy in the first year.
    The terms such as Jala, Huki and others were soon replaced because of the Mori people. They didn't like it. But terms like "Toa" were kept. Wouldn't you be mad if someone in Spain had named thier fictional charater as "Stomach"? And were making money off it? "Tales of the Tohunga was changed to "Lego Bionicle". Stinks.
    2001 was a voilent year as well. Ask Bonseii. He knows! Most of it was mainly spotted in the MNOLG. Numerous examples were included like the Lewa and Onua fight. Makuta and Toa Mata fight. Mukua nad Kopaka fight. Other were hurt in these battles. Another point I'd like to take from Bonseii, you complain about the 2006 and 2007 aiming weapons? HA! 2001-2002 had projectile weaponsn as well. The Tohunga from Mc. The Bohrok fick thier Krana out! The Exo-Toa had some kinda arm cannon.
    Conclusion: 2001. May be one of the greatest years for BIONICLE. Everyone loved it. Yes, there wwas a few bumps on the road. But nontheless, great year.

    Well, first off, started. The Bohrok are a new enemy. They can rool in a ball, hang from thier canasters and with newer "masks" called Krana that can stick on the Mata heads, whcih were great. Krana were in collectables as well. The comics had probably the best illistrations I've seen in a comic. Everything was done soo well. The detail, the story telling. It was all so..words can't discribe it. On the internet side of things, Flash animations come out and are also very cool as they tell more of a backstory about the Matoran. Then, all of a sudden, the Toa Nuva appear! Great dual weapons, awesome-er (its a word now!) masks, and body armor that were silver! Lego Mania is called Lego Magazine. A new Gameboy Advanced game called "Bionicle Matoran Adventures". Wonderful. New online games came out. Not to mention the Bahrag had some crazy bite! Even when I saw Spider-Man, I saw an ad for Bionicle!
    The level of voilence isn't a big issue here, I think. Only the distruction of Mata-Nui and all of the other little Matoran was it.
    Conculsion: Awesome year. The sets, site, comics, everything about it was done perfectly.

    Rahkshi. That's it. Rahkshi. Who doesn't like Rahkshi? The Makuta set came out as well. MNOLG II! Where you play as Hahli! And speaking of Matoran, they got a makeover, along ith Kohli staffs! Oh, and the Bohrok-Kal! The most extreme Bohrok you will ever see! New books? Krataa! Video game? 2003 was doing eveything it possibly could to be the best. The combiners were awesome! And it also it hinted 2004! The new sets were all about it, as it was the movie.
    Even the movie had its own site.
    Now the movie, in my opinion was bad. Fingers? Moving lips? Takua=Toa? I bought the seventh Toa, but why Takua? Takua and all of the Bionicles were messed up. I hated thier voices, esspecially the Matoran. They DO sound like teenagers! Aaaah! The game is bad. Just bad. Even the Gameboy Advanced version was horrible. The last two comics was hard to understand because you literally had to see the movie! If that thing hit theaters, Lego had better hoped and prayed because its not worth it.
    Conclusion: Okay, BIONICLE over the first three years had some ups and downs. But it went swell.

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