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Posts posted by Toa TAK


    Went to another Target today and the Lego section was a mess. Boxes were all over the place and I couldn't find any sign of any Bionicle products...


    Until I saw a slightly bent Tahu box just laying there amid the ruins. I grabbed that so fast.


    He's a fun build considering I've never built anything like him before (never got any Hero Factory sets), and I cannot stress how happy I am that the gears have returned.


    Anyways, is it confirmed that Bionicle will return to comics again?



    Nope. Nothing has been mentioned besides regular books.


    Alright that's cool then. The books do a better job of chronicling the saga anyways.  :)



  2. Went to another Target today and the Lego section was a mess. Boxes were all over the place and I couldn't find any sign of any Bionicle products...


    Until I saw a slightly bent Tahu box just laying there amid the ruins. I grabbed that so fast.


    He's a fun build considering I've never built anything like him before (never got any Hero Factory sets), and I cannot stress how happy I am that the gears have returned.


    Anyways, is it confirmed that Bionicle will return to comics again?



  3. Incredible work. The design is fantastic, as it's easy to pick out the parts that make up the whole without it feeling complicated or messy to look at. Enough here cannot be said about the mask. Really creative to use Hau's for the intimidating eyes.



  4. I think that looks great. It's a good use of the Hero Factory pieces as his armor, and I loved that you put him in all his various masks he had as a Toa.


    You should put him in a Krana, too. :P


    I really like the way his feet are done, too. Not what I would've expected but they look great.




    But to infer that there is no way to keep both the previous line's lore intact while trying to "start fresh" in a sense is silly. It can be done, and people want it to be that way (if you look beyond BZP) if you see the social media sites.



    Starting fresh with a story as convoluted as Bionicle takes far too much effort to be worth more than just straight up rebooting it. If they use the Toa Mata, Tahu's Golden Armor won't be the only thing begging questions. If they're still five Nuva and one Mata, that will confuse newer fans, but if they're all Mata, that will confuse older fans. Therefore, older fans, who, statistically, are mostly outside the target audience anyway, are more likely to be cut as far as interests go, and therefore, you lose all point of a time-skip/continuation anyway.


    There is no reason for a continuation/time skip besides to please older fans, and if that comes at the cost of driving potential new fans away, LEGO will not do it, plain and simple.


    Who says that he still has to have his golden armor, though? Who says that there can't be some simple handwaving done to bring back the other Nuva to the forefront again? Or that they can't simply explain (again, somewhere else and out of the way) that they're all in this new form after being Nuva?


    Yes, a reboot is the easy way to go and will probably work, but I don't see it driving away potential fans if they neglect those problems in the new story that doesn't have to reference the old one. They can still exist together, I really believe that.



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    The only game I ever really got into from Bionicle.com was MNOG, VNOG, and Glatorian Arena. Those were great.


    MNOGII would've been cool as well if it weren't buggy.



    It wasn't buggy when it first came out in 2003. :(




    It's not buggy anymore if you download it from BioMediaProject.com. ^_^


    -Gata signoff.png


    But I just downloaded VNOG from there a minute ago! :(


    It's been forever since I played MNOGII. Also, BMP is pretty much one of the best things fans have ever done. Pretty much.




    *Bike rolls into store* "Give me anything with the name BIONICLE on it" "How are you planning to pay for all this sir?" 

    *pulls out Mom's VISA* *swipe*



    I'm so glad these days are over. As a young 20 year old man, I can't wait to buy toys online-- independently.



    It's going to be one pixel of an upcoming set image! :o


    -Gata signoff.png

    It's going to be a different pixel each time and at the end we put it together as a community to see a piece of an upcoming set.




    Either they're going to release really many pixels or it's just tiny. :P


    -Gata signoff.png


    It'll be tiny just so they can laugh at us from their computers. :lol:


    You know what? This talk of pixels just got me thinking - Bionicle videos will finally be in HD!



    FINALLY! It'll be good to see some 1080i or 720p videos of Bionicle. Glorious, glorious HD!



  8. At the same time, doing a timeskip to tell a new story with new antagonists and concepts can have the same effect as a full reboot if done right, so I'm excited to see which route the story team chooses. 



    I really believe that this can work out well. Journey's End was perfect in finishing up the story. The online serials can be easily be hand-waved somewhere else that doesn't intervene in the main story.


    Though as much as I would prefer a soft-reboot, if the new direction is announced to be a complete cleansing of all that came before, I'll support it 100%. I just hope that it manages to stay as intriguing as the last 10ish years it ran.


    But to infer that there is no way to keep both the previous line's lore intact while trying to "start fresh" in a sense is silly. It can be done, and people want it to be that way (if you look beyond BZP) if you see the social media sites.



    • Upvote 2
  9. I actually wasn't expecting Lego to reveal anything else about new Bionicle until NYCC. But I'm not complaining. I can't wait to see what tidbit we will get on Friday. B-)

    They know we'd die without any new info between now and then. Die without any information quenching our dry, dry, minds that thirst for knowledge. And stuff.

    It's going to be one pixel of an upcoming set image! :o


    -Gata signoff.png

    It's going to be a different pixel each time and at the end we put it together as a community to see a piece of an upcoming set.



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