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Status Updates posted by Nidman

  1. ask me if you need help on BZP ive been here for more than a year

  2. Nidman

    Um i added u because i dont have much friends and you are awesome

  3. i made you my friend

  4. stop saying religious stuff!

  5. y hallo thar ppl

    im running out of spac

  6. vezon the piraka,your coment is needless

  7. y halo thar ppl i wellcom u

  8. you are sooo cool! i like your human takua!

  9. welcome to bzpower,skeleten!

  10. how can you be so harsh!

  11. you will get your religius sig deleted,its best if you go read the rules

  12. um,dark?i added you as a friend but it doesnt show you as a friend!

  13. hello ther,great banner-spitter!

  14. spammer alert!

  15. hello?anyone there?

  16. bionicle hero toa,stop spamming,you know you could get banned and proto detucted.

  17. dark you rock!!i love the comics!

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