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Status Updates posted by Jrllnd

  1. In my next comic I`m gonna call you the Rogwizard of comics. :)> gotee

  2. Hey Rogwiz! You know we could always call you the Rogwizard He he anyone get it Crickets crickets Oh whatever.

  3. Dude your pesonal photo is awsome.

  4. Awsome you have more on your interests!! In you personal statement it sasys your tall for your age how tall are you?

  5. Happy B-day!!

  6. In ypur personal statement. Switchfoot dare you to move?

  7. I will have some new comics and a new kit up soon!!!!

  8. Me have a funny bunny on my profile descussion. ?

  9. Rogwiz I was going to PM you but ur inbox is full so I`ll just do it here! I have a new comic done. There I said it are you happy now?

  10. I dont know I`ll have to ask my bro.

  11. Happy 1000 posts!

  12. Yay you like transformers too!

  13. Ello you know me right :P

  14. Aawsome thanks

  15. DAAARRRK! You really got me! :P

  16. hey! Ill have my new comics and new kit up soon. the kit is gonna be one of the biggest in bzp!

  17. My bro is 13 and 6 feet tall

  18. Hey!! did you get my PM?

  19. WUZZUUPP! I have a new comic out.

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