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Wrinkledlion X

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Wrinkledlion X

  1. Is it just me or am I living up to this blog's title very well? A little too well?
  2. Lucky you. It's sweltering hot over here... And very bright.
  3. You say tomater, I zader matermorts.
  4. I guess I'm more funny when I'm half-asleep...
  5. Umm... Okay. Your name is Shakezula?
  6. I've never tried pizza, but I like the Sour Cream & Onions... Oh, and calm down Cthulhu. If you want to take out your anger on people, don't go to BZPower... Go to the Pringles Headquarters. Crush some spines. Show them your consumer powers. Now, if you'll excuse me, my Consumer-Senses are tingling...
  7. I believe in aliens simply because of probability. Also, I agree with BK in that they'd be completely different, but not in that they're unimaginable. There are no real boundaries to imagination, it's just that the likelihood of predicting their appearance through guesswork is... Not likely. After all, unless they're completely incomprehendable (which seems to me to be unlikely), we'd have to be able to interpret them ourselves. If we can see and interpret their designs it must be possible to imagine them, even if in memory. For example: If you saw a creature that you had never imagined anything even vaguely similar to, would you be able to remember it? Yes, unless you have a very bad memory. Your imagination would piece together bits of your memory to form an image of what you saw, and would likely fill in spaces. Memory is influenced by imagination, and that's why it is frequently inaccurate. It doesn't snap photos; it fills in details in even the most photographic memories. Now, if imagination fills in the details of something "unimaginable," is it really unimaginable? No, we simply don't have a place to start guessing about aliens. It is therefore possible to predict what aliens look like, but the chances of doing so are astronomical. (Pun not intended.) ... ... ... I don't think that made sense at all. I need sleep...
  8. Good jorb, Cthulhu. Good jorb.
  9. I like this. His mouth is cool. How is the "illon" in Gorillon pronounced? Like "Gorilla" or "Tortilla?"
  10. I am mocking you. You have now been mocked.
  11. Good job. I really like GMan's expression.
  12. Wrinkledlion X

    Bitter Sweet

    Yes, I've heard about this shooting on the radio... Congratulations on your Blog of the Week, too.
  13. I'm very angry right now. I worked forever to make an entry for BBC #42, and I just found out that it ended at 11:59 EST time! EST?! It ended at 8:00! So I'm posting it here. It's a squid. And I think it was my only chance at ever advancing through the first poll.
  14. Oh, I've seen this on the internet before. Isn't called something like "Uncle Cthulhu"?
  15. Okay, I just saw Bridge to Terabithia, and I'm shocked. Not about the movie, but about one of its actors. I know her in person, as I was in her class when I was in fifth grade! It's Lauren Clinton, who played the bully. It's highly unnerving to watch someone you know on the big screen, when just a couple years ago I was grading her papers. Oh, and for the movie, it's very good. I suggest you see it.
  16. Well of course I'm doing doin' it for fun. I do all of my art for fun. (Unless, of course, it's a part of schoolwork.)
  17. Well, now that that's done, I'm going to bed. Should I post a topic for it tomorrow?
  18. Here 'tis. I think the head could be a bit bigger, but besides that I think it's pretty good.
  19. I'll go scan it in a moment. I just have some finishing touches to make.
  20. Could I draw one anyways in case you change your mind?
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