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Status Updates posted by FlutterTree

  1. PINKIE PIE is probably the most random cartoon character I have ever seen. And that's a good thing!

  2. LOL. Yeah Legion's shields are overkill as well.

  3. Indeed it is, it is a pity it was only fired once though. Lol

  4. And I didn't know turians calibrated their guns 90% of the time. :)

  5. Ah yes, a turian with amino-dextro DNA.

  6. Dude, your sig brings back fond memories from 2004.

  7. Hey man, the dude in my av and sig is Legion, the Geth from Mass Effect 2.

  8. Saya belajar Bahasa Indonesia.

  9. Tidak, saya orang Singapura.

  10. Although both ways have meaning. Hahaha

  11. anyway, glad to have someone who understands my sig and profile.

  12. No, tahu means "Know" in Bahasa Indonesia.

    However, you might be joking so. :P

  13. Heh, I like your avatar, it's like a mirror of mine.

  14. Ima 97 years old!

  15. I insist you drink two 7Ups at once. Why? Because 7 is an odd number.

  16. YAY another Singaporean!

  17. Your username speaks the truth.

  18. weird lighting is his blade.

  19. Nah, it is Genesis himself.

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