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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Swert

  1. Swert
    And we're off to a slow start, as usual.
    I have to build the volcano (won't take long) and then we build Mt. Ihu, then decorate 47 more baseplates with plates and bricks.
    In other words, we've got a lot of work ahead of us x_x
    But hey, MATA NUI : D
  2. Swert
    So Xccj visited the studio last Thursday. He has an okay write-up on his blog about it.
    During his visit, we looked over the proposed space where we'll be building, and he and I got Dan sort of up to speed on it, where we'll have time to sit down and plan out how we intend to build all of it.
    For the most part, we'll have everybody submit models and (if possible) detailed instructions on more complex parts so we can easily replicate it between both of us. That will take out the footwork of working on landmarks and gives us time to work on the actual model itself.
    We're still in the planning stages, but it's going to be amazing. The model itself will probably take about a week (or so we hope) and we'll need to commit 200% each just to push it to completion.
    If there are -any- members in the Pacific Northwest who can drop by in March for help (preferrably older members with licenses to drive for out-of-state) who wish to help build and wants the chance to meet a LEGO Certified Professional, drop me a PM or email me swertmastra (at) gmail.com with the subject line "Project BMN Volunteer" and we'll work out when and where you need to be : D The more the merrier!
  3. Swert
    So, Xccj posted a few photos, so now it's time I post the BTS pics 8D

    Poor Jaller.

    Legoitis; Symptoms include redness, dimples resembling a LEGO studded baseplate pattern, and loss of feeling. Treatments include not leaning on LEGO baseplates, and taking a quick break while leaning on another part of the table not covered by LEGO baseplates.

    A very well designed outline of our decided-upon design for Papa Nihu Reef. Thar be easter eggs here 8D

    Xccj spent part of the second day on expanding out his new mountain. The results were outstanding and quite well done.

    Photo-Op! Xccj and myself in a decent photo-op working on our peaks.

    And there we have it. Some pretty decent photos of our progress. Not a whole lot I admit, but all the detailed stuff is in Xccj's brickshelf, just not a whole lot of the behind-the-scenes stuff.
    Topic with ALL photos coming soon.
  4. Swert
    Oho man, we're not even close to being done, but I'm excited for this leg of the stretch. With two days to go, we need a bit of a miracle at this point to keep us going
    I think on Sunday, if we don't end up working on the island, I'm going to post a random set of photos we took with my camera that shows behind-the-scenes and more in-detail photos of some of the construction methods used.
    Also, I should post a few of our easter eggs and see if you can tell what they are. We have at least two that I know of so far.
    Anything else you guys wanna see in detail? I'll take pics on Sat. of those areas.
  5. Swert
    So, my boss (Dan Parker, if you're new to my blog) asks a valid question, one I feel we should address to you all.
    The island is now looking to be 10 feet (120 inches, 12 32x32 baseplates) in length, from Po-Wahi to Le-Wahi and all its surrounding islands. We're anticipating the width will be 5 feet (60 inches, 6 baseplates) or so, and he was going to design little block figure Toa and Matoran, averaging about 2 inches for Toa, one inch for Matoran. A few friends have suggested I'm exaggerating details quite a bit on many things, including these figures.
    So now I ask you: Should we design 2 inch Toa for a 10 foot island of Mata Nui, -or- should we just focus on the island itself?
    Another question: I'm expecting to be able to use real Bionicle elements (such as a Gold Kaukau for the waterfall, and gold masks for the statues in Po-Wahi) but people suggested those are WAAAAY too big for this scale. So do we want to exaggerate the size there in those (thus allowing you all to submit) or do we just skip them?
    Also, though I won't be taking any model submissions yet, how about we compile a list of the MNOLG and MNOLGII locations and landmarks we can include. I want this to be a mindblowing creation, so big and effective that Mata Nui himself would pop his eyes out (and crush 5 blocks each). However, I want to know what you see when we build Mata Nui the island. Do you want to just see one landmark per location? Maybe 3 per? Do we want to add a cutaway to see Onu-Koro? I'd honestly like to hear your input.
    And finally, one last question. This one is a short one, I promise. What do you expect to see other than this model? Do we want to try and create other things towards it, like maybe larger Suvas, or even a large mask? Do we need any of that?
    All of this and more down the line will help me better prepare for the task upcoming. I'm honestly looking forward to it. Except the volcano, that'll be a big task
  6. Swert
    So, I've not had much time to look at our stock of parts in the shop for it, since we've been preparing for various commissioned projects at the shop. However, I did get to sit down and look at a few key parts:
    I found our stock of 32x32 blue baseplate, that'll be useful for the outer edge.
    Went to look at the Bionicle Gold masks for statues, found the Kaukau we pulled is actually the misprint. Whoops.
    I'm limited to construction-grade brick and plate, but tile and slope is fair game if we have enough. I also have those rock face pieces we can use, and I have an idea for Ko-Wahi which I'd love to test and share one of these days.
    I'd love to build some things, but unfortunately we're limited quite a bit on scale. I might not be able to make my waterfall either. With any luck, we'll have stuff for everybody to build towards, no matter what it is.
    And finally, I'd love to invite all of you to help (so I can sit down and guide ;D) but I realize this isn't possible. HOWEVER! If you are in the Pacific Northwest, ABOVE THE AGE OF 18, and capable of traveling to Tacoma, WA in March, I'll put you to work : D You won't get paid, this is all volunteer work, but the more the easier. (If you are not in the PNW, but capable of traveling via whatever means, I'll still accept your help.) Just shoot me a PM or email at swertmastra @ gmail.com to sign up. Please put in the subject line "Project: Build Mata Nui."
    I look forward to building this, for myself, for Xccj, for my workplace, for BrickCon and Bricks Cascade (sorry BrickFair people ) and even for the Bionicle Community. This is without a doubt an amazingly large project, and I hope you will be a large part of it.
  7. Swert
    So I had a brief discussion with my boss and others in the studio, and we discussed in detail the Bionicle MOCs area in conventions such as BrickCon. So a good question came up, is the theme of Bionicle at a convention supposed to be about the theme of Bionicle, or the parts that come with it?
    So I ask the community, do you consider Bionicle theme at conventions (BrickCon, BrickFair, etc.) to be about the theme of Bionicle, or the parts used? Would using Hero Factory parts be considered taboo against the Bionicle theme? And what about building Bionicle themed items in other themes such as system brick?
    Me personally, I'm all about the theme, given you can still use Technic in Space (a traditional System theme) and you can use Mindstorms in Technic (a traditional... yeah, you get the idea).
    What do you guys think?
  8. Swert
    So as you all no doubt heard by now, Toonami's coming back onto Adult Swim. That's pretty nifty.
    Now, as many of you probably know about me... I'm old. Like 24. So if you couldn't tell from me saying "I'm 24," let me be perfectly clear how much of Toonami I remember.
    I remember when it first launched.
    I literally watched the very first day it was on. It was fascinating, it was different, it was a great idea. They brought Anime to a unified block of programming every afternoon, and once a west coast feed was established, I was able to see it right after school when I got home. THAT was a plus. (Having Cartoon Network in the first place was ALSO a plus, given it was EXTREMELY EXCLUSIVE cable at the time of its launch, and we had it right at the beginning.)
    Now, when I say I remember when it first launched, let me be clear: I watched MOLTAR. MOLTAR. You might remember Moltar, he's a Space Ghost villian from the classic 60's shorts who was then repurposed for the show 'Space Ghost Coast to Coast' as a producer and basically the guy who makes the stuff happen behind the scenes. Some might also remember he was not Zorak or Brak.
    I also remember when TOM 1.0 was first used. I immediately missed Moltar, but I was fine with this change over time.
    I remember TOM 2.0 as well. The entire story there was amazing, and I'd love to see CN re-release all of that footage for either download, streaming on their site, or purchase on DVD. I'd buy it.
    Now, in 2001 I actually had to move to a new house, so I did not get a chance to actually see any more TV (we cut it off when we moved) so I didn't see any of the other stuff. That's kinda sad. (I eventually got DirecTV, so I saw some stuff between 09-11)
    I guess my point behind this blog post is to show I'm getting older. That's also kinda sad. (I also just cancelled my DirecTV recently.)
    But hey, Toonami's coming back. Sweet.
  9. Swert
    This is what I spent 4 weeks working on.
    Four. long. weeks.
    And now it's on display at Emerald City ComicCon.
    It is only a shame it's up for 3 days and then packed away again. But with luck it'll get enough exposure.
  10. Swert
    It has been an age since I last posted here.
    Have I anything to say? Nah.
    Besides, what makes me think I'm notable here?
  11. Swert
    Just one statement, really:
    That's really it.
    I love the graphics upgrade, the change over with both the lightsaber change, and the gameplay mechanic for vehicle fights. I -love- the fact we can now land them and exit our ship and fight droids. I dunno about what I think will be a real-time strategy mode, but hey, it can't be all too bad right?
    Force powers are MUCH better. I love the fact it works like the LEGO Harry Potter Wingadium Leviosa power, in that we can lift and move in multiple axes. The fact they also added The Force Unleashed-inspired force push is awesome, and lightsaber toss is a much welcome addition, especially after seeing it in LEGO Batman.
    Oh wow, C-3PO finally has a purpose : O He's the archeologist/Hermione of Star Wars now, and in a much simpler method than the 3x3 box and the 2x2 box we had last. Now it's like Simon Says, only instead of more challenges, you get opened doors. Awesome.
    I know this whole entry is really spoiler-laced as far as what to expect, especially if you planned to try the Demo. Trust me, this only touches base on SOME of what to expect in it.
    I'm sold on the game, personally.
  12. Swert
    In 2003, I met a member on BZPower who helped me gather bearings and kept me semi-sane on here.
    That member is Janus.
    After 9 long years, I finally met him IRL.
    And yes, he is AWESOME.
    Also DV's not too bad, once you get to know him. No that's a lie, I didn't really get to know him. But I'm sure if I did, he'd be not too bad
    (As for the other staff I met: You guys are pretty cool too. I loved this event, and though it was rocky at first we ended it on a better note.)
    Now let's go enjoy Ninjago year 3 8D OH WAIT.
  13. Swert
    So yeah, I entered XD
    I like the original source more, of course... but I'm proud of what I built.
    Because I've been requested to do this, I'll share it here in the blog:
    Model built by Steven Wert, parts provided by The TbP Group, assembled in the City Blocks Tacoma LEGO Art Center.
    Thar, now my boss won't say I didn't say it xD
  14. Swert
    I am in the process of planning a System Building Contest here on my blog.
    Feel free to suggest a theme, maybe we'll get enough interest to actually do something amazing.
    All I know so far is all entries will be voted upon, then judged by top folk (also known as me, and maybe a few friends XD I'd love to ask my boss Dan Parker to judge, but he may be too busy, who knows.)
    So let's get some ideas flowing.
  15. Swert
    I just learned that Scott Menville will be in LEGO Batman 2.
    As Robin.
    ....... Holy carp.
    Also it means Robin's still Dick Grayson. Was kinda hoping we'd have Tim Drake by now. But mainly because I'm a bigger Nightwing fan anyway.
    Also they better let Green Lantern have the ability to construct green objects like mechs and stuff.
    ... And we need a Teen Titans-themed level, by the way.
    ... And Justice League. Though how Flash will work I dunno yet.
  16. Swert
    So, I was browsing the web the other day, and I saw a collection of logos based around the NFL teams with both German and Italian Football (Soccer) club logo concepts. I was impressed, but the two Seattle ones were kinda meh. So I made my own using a better shield.

    (The watermark's kinda to keep someone from stealing it and calling it their own outside of BZP. That'd irk me to no end if someone had.}
    It could use work, I'm not a fan of those stripes (I'd like to find a better solution) but I'm keeping those feathers. Man, that was hard to make into a pattern.
    So yeah, comments? If I gain interest, -maybe- I'll consider the other 31 teams. No promises, this one took me an entire evening to conceive in my head.
  17. Swert
    But in reality? I'm working on the island project from home. And I was too tired to work anyway.
    Soo... how's dem ToyFair pics? Yeah and stuff. Oppression from Admins and stuff. *running out of blogging material*
  18. Swert
    So a few friends of mine online decided to debate, briefly, what would be the #1 song you would pick from The Beatles to introduce the band to someone who (for some weird reason) never heard of them.
    To clarify, I don't mean their best or greatest, rather the song that best defines them and their career. That's arguably even tougher than the best song to some.
    So what do you guys think?
    (While we're at it, if you can think of the same for any other band you can think of, feel free.)
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