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Resistence is Futile




This is what I spent 4 weeks working on.


Four. long. weeks.


And now it's on display at Emerald City ComicCon.


It is only a shame it's up for 3 days and then packed away again. But with luck it'll get enough exposure.


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The number of the above image required to express my amazement at this, would require me to go 100 times over the file size limit. So all I have to say is: that is without a doubt awesome! How lego pieces do you have left after building that?

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Well, we were planning to restock our entire stock anyway, so it's a moot point how much we have left over.


However, not much in some areas :P

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I eat Borg cubes for breakfast.


But wow, that's amazing craftsmanship right there!


It would be a perfect UCS set. You know, if LEGO had the Star Trek license.

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Now for the sad news:


In order to pack it back into a car we were transporting it, we tore apart the interior "eye" box in front. We plan to rebuild it anyway, make it stronger and shorter. However, for the show it worked just fine.


And hey, it hit plenty of social media sources before we did : D

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jeez that is wonderful. I love the tractor/cutting beam, too. Really genius way of doing it.


I wish I had the pieces to do stuff like this... how'd you land such a cool job?

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