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Blog Entries posted by Swert

  1. Swert
    A topic came up a long time ago (in a blogpost far, far away) in I think Black Six's blog. The subject was what movie order would be suffice showing someone who has never seen Star Wars the saga. Now, there appears to be several camps, with the mass majority being the 4-5-6-1-2-3 and 4-5-6 camps (skipping 1-2-3 as much as possible) but I came up with one that I'd like to share, this being May the Fourth (it still is in PDT, anyway).
    The order I formulated was 1-4-2-5-3-6 (then 7 when it comes out, assuming it doesn't tank). This is by far the best way to show someone the movies without spoiling the big reveals. I'll briefly touch base on why this order makes sense *POTENTIAL SPOILERS*
    Episode 1, if you may not recall (for any number of reasons) introduced us to Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, Senator Palpatine and Padmé Amidala. (Skipping the droids because they're both in all six movies, so yeah) While it's more than obvious that Padmé is going to probably end up with Anakin in the near future, for the outside observer you don't get much more than a "meh" from this movie. I think there's a space battle? I'll be kinda honest, it's the weakest link out of the six (seven), but it's best to get it out of the way now to let the other 5 (6) build up more.
    Episode 4 is the true introduction to Star Wars for most of us, and it introduces Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, and reintroduces Obi-Wan as a wizened Jedi Master, who sees Luke and remembers the boy that Luke's father was (wooOOOooooo plot connection!). Luke and cast leave Tatooine, with Luke swearing he'll never return. We are also introduced to Darth Vader, an evil Jedi who we are told killed Anakin. This is probably never mentioned again whatsoever in any other movie and probably isn't special trivia at all.
    Episode 2 now introduces the beginning of the Clone Wars, mentioned in passing during Episode 4 when Obi-Wan met Luke, and it also introduces us to Jango Fett and by proxy Boba Fett. We also get to see how awesome Jango is fighting a Jedi. We also see a fight scene with Master Yoda and Count Dooku, which leads us into Episode 5. Jar Jar Binks basically puts Palpatine in charge single-handedly after being manipulated, way to go Jar Jar. Reason #4,312 nobody likes you. Oh, and we also get to meet the first generation Stormtroopers. Way to make 'em worse later, Empire. Also, hints of Anakin's rebellious nature, including his attraction Padmé that was basically shouted at us since the first movie.
    Episode 5 is the big reveal movie, basically. Luke meets Yoda, Vader's not dead, we meet Lando Calrissian, Han is betrayed by Lando, Luke is trained, Luke enters a cave, Luke senses trouble after the trippy cave scene, he goes to Cloud City, Han is taken to Tatooine by Boba Fett (remember him from up there ^?), the big reveal is made, hands are lost, Luke is rescued, and the movie basically ends on an even worse cliffhanger than Smaug attacking Lake-town. (I am... death.)
    Episode 3 is where the big reveal leads us to the inevitable demise of Anakin Skywalker and the rise of Darth Vader. Basically, it's the birth of the Empire and so on and so forth. But we do get an epic fight scene between Palpatine and Yoda. Still didn't save the movie for me, IMO. Next movie!
    Episode 6 is the movie that takes it all home for us. (Until Episode 7.) Pretty much Empire builds a new Death Star, the Emperor arrives on the new Death Star, The cast returns to Tatooine against Luke's will, they get captured, and Luke single-handedly rescues half the cast from a giant slug. Later, many Bothans die to get information about the Death Star II to the Rebels, we are all sad but can't remember what a Bothan is, then the entire cast except Lando go to the forest moon of Endor (why a moon? Why not the planet Endor? Whatever.) to disable the shields on the clearly disabled Death Star. Turns out, it's a trap! and they're ambushed. Luke fights Vader, Ewoks happen, the Emperor is defeated, Vader dies, Anakin is avenged, and finally Force ghost cameos for all.
    ... I'll admit, didn't quite expect to write all that, but I said whatever, nobody reads my blog anyway
    To summarize (TL:DR), 1-4-2-5-3-6(-7) is probably the best way to introduce someone to Star Wars, assuming they haven't seen it before or were spoiled in any way, shape or form. I'm sure people will disagree, but I hope my rather long arguments for this reason will sway you to see it my way.
    Besides, you could always keep ignoring 1-2-3 if that's what you'd prefer. I won't judge you, I'm only socially obligated to even have those DVDs (Actually, I didn't mind 1-2-3 as much, but I could go on even longer rants on how I'd fix those personally. This is why I don't rant much.)
  2. Swert
    So, awhile back (for those few who actually read and/or comment on my blog), I took it upon myself to spend one whole week, during bus trips, listening to nothing but Pink Floyd. All 14 studio albums on the trips to and from work.
    Cholie brought up The Wall on his blog, leading me to a good question: What would be my favorite Pink Floyd album, if I had to do a retrospect (or Swertrospect, since inevitably everybody thinks I should name everything after myself)?
    I have to say, before this experiment, I've always had a fondness for the way Wish You Were Here was put together. I loved the lyrics to every song, I loved how the music flowed, and I am one of the few people who can listen to Shine On You Crazy Diamonds with all nine parts put together. Basically, it was my top Floyd album of all time.
    And then I bought A Momentary Lapse of Reason. And that challenged the throne of WYWH for me.
    And after listening to all of the albums? I find myself drawn to listening to Obscured by Clouds, Atom Heart Mother, The Final Cut and AMLOR more often. I also listened to DSOM, Animals, The Wall, Division Bell, and parts of Meddle prior to listening to all of them. But in my heart, it still tells me WYWH was best.
    So my answer?
    Pink Floyd is my answer.
  3. Swert
    So I've come to figure, what could possibly doom BZP if it were to return?
    We've covered Plushie Fad, so I'm thinking what's worse?
    I am [insert user name here], perhaps? Or perhaps the infamous Ducks?
    I can promise you, if Ducks came back, we'd be in trouble.
    Oh, perhaps combine old fads? Plushie All Your Base? That would scare.
    Let's go ahead and dedicate this blog entry to thinking of what would doom us all.

  4. Swert
    "Why did they do it? We tried to warn them, but they wouldn't listen..." -Scientist in HL1.
    So yeah, why oh why did someone HAVE to retrieve the Mallard of doom? Now BZP's in for the fads again.
    I figure this should close off my blog, it's been fun guys. Let's do this again next year.

    Edit: Wow, I can still edit this? Sweet. -Swert
  5. Swert
    You know, I don't get it. Everybody says Everything Is Awesome is stuck in their heads, though it isn't in my head. I've even been playing the Lego Movie videogame and they play it every time you obtain an objective, and it STILL isn't stuck in my head.
    Having said that, I somehow got all of the songs from RWBY Volume One's soundtrack stuck in my head now. Perhaps it was a -bad- idea to download both soundtracks to my phone on the same day.
    Also blah boredom and blah busy work schedule.
  6. Swert
    Man, chaos all around x_x
    So, I'm planning to attend ECCC this Friday (Yay SEALUG free pass!) and enjoy the event. We're taking 12 of our Superhero Megafigs (the 12x minifig models we make), all Marvel, including a Stan Lee model. They will be on display along with the other SEALUG and ARCHLUG models. I'll see if I can get photos while I'm there, if anybody is interested. Who knows, I may run into other BZP people there, I hope? Like, can I not be lonely that day? : D
    Second, I'm also in the final stages of planning for a huuuuge 16 day Lego Expo called Brick by Brick down at the building my studio is in. We're planning to display art plus have build areas for kids to come in during their spring break, plus running select events and artist-led workshops. It's going to be pretty awesome, but at the same time it's also eating up all my free time that I'd rather be elsewhere doing stuff with. I'll also see about getting photos for that, but no promises as we made that a Kickstarter backer reward.
    Overall, I'm wiped and I should probably go sleep now. I still have two more megafigs to build, and they're not even for ECCC.
  7. Swert
    So, I doubt there's any WWE fans who regularly read my blag, but yeah, I wanna comment on the major matches. Spoiler tags for those who did not see it/can't see it.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «First Elimination Chamber: That match paid off the $44.95 I paid for this PPV. I was happy. Also CHRISTIAN'S BACK! 
    Miz vs King: King shoulda won. Enough said.
    Second Elimination Chamber: John Morrison should have won, he put enough into that match to make me a believer, and Miz vs Morrison at WrestleMania is a much better headliner match than Miz vs Cena.
    I definately will be looking forward to WrestleMania 27, despite the main events being what they are.
  8. Swert
    Emerald City ComicCon was epic. Our booth was in the very opening of the registration room, so we got plenty of visitors. We also had a few guests visit the booth and check our stuff out. Wil Wheaton signed a model depicting himself signing the model. Very meta. The voices for Pinky And The Brain signed a mosaic of the characters, which was pretty epic. John DiMaggio visited the booth, but was bummed to find nothing there for him to sign (he voices Bender in Futurama.)
    As for me? I MET BATMAN.

    This image is of me and Kevin Conroy, the voice of Batman in Batman The Animated Series, to just about anything else Batman related up to Batman Arkham City the game. He could easily be the most recognized actor of Batman in my generation. Only Adam West can top him.
    There is no doubt more to come, as I have a few photos from the booth I have yet to download from the camera. But man was it fun.
    Meanwhile, I'm going to begin work on a top secret project tomorrow for the shop, it'll be AMAZING. No details on that (we're keeping it under wraps, but I will share... one day.)
  9. Swert
    Looks like I'll be going again.
    And we have bigger plans for models this year 8D
    Also December will be pretty packed for me as far as work goes. I'm hoping to do a few things for BS01 and HS01 (like finish updating HS01's main page to BS01's standards, and bringing BS01's main page up to completion) but the time's limited.
    I didn't even get to finish Halo 4's Spartan Ops episode this week yet. x_x
  10. Swert
    Today was day one of Emerald City ComiCon. I didn't waste any time in this fac

    Click for OneDrive folder

    I had both 2001 Comic #1 and 2006 Comic #1 signed by their respective artists. Stuart Sayger is an amazing guy to meet, and I regretting not having other comics for him to sign so I could justify more time just talking and getting to learn more. I may consider commissioning art for BS01 from him down the line.'
    Carlos D'Anda was also very pleasant to meet, and I was in awe of his other works as well (if I had $300 in cash right there, I'd have gotten an official art sketch he did for Batman Arkham, but alas I'm stuck to $11 in my bank account right now.)
    One of the vendors on the fourth floor is selling custom figures, including (gasp) various Lantern Corps members, excepting Indigo Tribe and Star Sapphires. I picked up Green Lantern and White Lantern. I am sad I didn't have an extra $10 on me, or I'd have bought Blue Lantern as well.
    And finally, our SEALUG display is now its own floor, with the center attractions being an R2-D2 motorized full-size model, the city of Rivendell by Alice Finch (the same builder behind Hogwarts) and our Minecraft display I may have mentioned prior. If I didn't, we're building Minecraft for ECCC. It's done, by the way
    I'll be going back on Sunday. If you're going, I'll be at that Minecraft layout.
  11. Swert
    So, I didn't go to ECCC yesterday, but I did get the chance to go today. Didn't buy much, but what I did buy is truly amazing. I also got to do something amazing. (Warning, large images.)

    Basically, I got to chat with Stuart Sayger again, along with buying a Green Lantern print that he signed, then took a photo with him, and wore the Tower of Plimps on my brick badge for a brief time before packing it away.
    Today was a good day.
  12. Swert
    The same exhibit I blogged about back in the summer that went to West Palm Beach, FL in the Norton Museum of Art is now in the EMP Museum in Seattle, WA. Build by Dan Parker and his crew at TbP Group in Tacoma, WA (of which I am the shop foreman of) it features 10 skyscrapers of various sizes and colors, from across the world.
    The models include One World Trade Center, the Hearst Building and the Fuller Flatiron from New York City, the Space Needle from Seattle, Willis Tower from Chicago, and more. There is also a build area set up near the models for kids to play and build their own skyscrapers to add to the EMP's Mini Megalopolis.
    I will personally say I was looking forward to this one being built up for months now. The 10 models are in the home state they were created in, on display in a beautiful building, and I was given the opportunity to set them up myself. I am particularly proud of my Taipei 101 model, which was designed by both Dan and me.
    I hope to have a gallery of photos to share soon with everyone.
  13. Swert
    NOT ONE!
    >: O Why did you have to get that golden potato? WHYYYY?
    .... congrats : D
  14. Swert
    I just made my purchase of The Lego Movie off of Xbox Video, and it's downloading 7.3 GB to my 360 now.
    Soooo I guess I'll be watching it tomorrow night?
    Anybody else buying it digitally, or are you guys getting a physical copy?
  15. Swert
    It was about a year ago. Almost, not quite. I forget really.
    Anyway, Bonesiii and I were discussing stuff, as usual. Then Expanded Universe came up in discussion. A question was asked whether it would return. I was unsure. He was unsure. We then spent two months discussing WHY Expanded Universe failed to catch on. As you read in the news report announcing the guide, it was simple why it failed. There was no story to follow. So we spent months planning what will indeed be a VERY, VERY shocking story to read.
    Basically speaking, the original concept was simple. One planet, hooray. We made a planet! But then I switched it up by saying "What about one planet, stuck in seven different dimensions?" Okay, this is where the term Multiverse began coming into play. Over time, it evolved from one world in seven dimensions to seven worlds in one dimension. It made sense, because now there are physical changes to worlds that, with my first idea, would have not happened unless changed.
    So, we began phase two: The Plot. What, you may ask, would be a perfect plot? Well, the answer is simple, mystery. It worked well for 3 years in 2001-2003 in Bionicle, and has kept people coming back from 04 on. We planned out an entire origin for these worlds, most of which remains locked up in our heads, and have not once made it to any text program yet. Bones led that charge, with his physics and space-altering ways, while I worked out reasons for them to happen. It began to take form, and finally it made sense.
    Phase three, approval of contests from BZP. That was easy. Those will come out eventually.
    Phase four, characters to write about. Well, we spent a great deal of time on them, and I'm happy to report there are several that, if you don't feel too happy about writing your own character, you can use ours. (Within the rules, of course... for more on that, read the Guide, page 2.)
    And finally, Phase five, putting it ALL together. You can see we mashed it all into place with a mallet and a nuke or two, but it all managed to fit into 100 pages of glorified Guide reference. Bones again wrote most of it, asking me along the way for input, and I did my civic duty by doing graphics. He did his own duty by one-upping my graphics with his awesome PowerPoint skills. Needless to say any ego I had at that point was buried. It will not be missed.
    And so, the five-stage plan was complete. We had a setting, a plot, a set of contests, characters, and a set of guides we plan to release for awhile to come. What was missing?
    So we fixed that last week. Enjoy
  16. Swert
    I can't believe it's been this long. MakutaFest started in 2010 as a side project established by The TTV Channel (then The Three Virtues podcast) and the BS01 Podcast (then the... BS01 Podcast. We kinda suck at naming stuff xD).
    Does anybody remember the first livestream? I don't. Literally cannot remember it happened, or that it was even a thing until 2011 rolled around. But I honestly cannot imagine what life would have been like during 2010-2016 without MakutaFest. I'm not going to say we influenced the return of BIONICLE (we didn't) or that we kept the fanbase alive (it'd live on without MF) but, personally for myself, BIONICLE would not be the same without MakutaFest. It's what keeps me excited for everything.
    With that said, this will be our finale. Our last blast, as it were. Why? Times change, we keep moving forward, and in order to do that we need to say goodbye in a proper venue. For me, that is MakutaFest. For others, they may have already come to terms, and wish to reminisce with the good ol' times of G1, or reflect on what was and could have been in G2. For even more others, they may still be looking for closure, and I do believe MF is the closure we all might be seeking.
    So please, feel free to join us on Aug. 19th. It won't cost a dime to attend, it just requires you to go check out TTV's YouTube channel and watch the livestream. Couldn't be simpler.
    ... Also we're giving away one of BS01's artbooks. Should I have started with that? More info here.
  17. Swert
    So my area is now on a flood watch. Swell.
    Fortunately, they say it'll be minor flooding in the Puyallup River.
    In the meantime, to the BZP members in the Northeast of the US, stay safe and warm.
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