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Vezon The Piraka

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Status Updates posted by Vezon The Piraka

  1. Actually I think it's a staff member joke. Janus also has his gender changed even though we know he's male. He has said it back in 2003.

  2. Since when were you female? You know, I thing this gender switching is a joke.

  3. Since when you were female? I thought you were male.

  4. I'll replace it with a sound-making one.

  5. A Biomech-style avvie with a background? I'll make it for myself. :P

  6. What else do you think I put them for? LOL! :P

  7. Thank you for clearing this up. I still can't imagine what's going to happen when Ninjo returns. I think he'll be in for a suprise. Because many rules have changed and there are many new updates. I think he'll be aware of that though.

  8. It's Kanohi-Power.com's founder, Bionicle Island!

  9. I hate the rating system. Once you hit three stars, it's impossible to raise them back. Don't know why it was designed like that.

  10. Here is a comment.

  11. I'm not insulting him. Ninjo can't be compared to Dimensioneer (no offense, Ninjo). Dimensioneer owns and made this site. Ninjo is a big part of running it. Though owner/inventor is a higher role than an administrator.

  12. Click on my avatar to hear a deadly buzz.

  13. Expect something more sinister in the future.

  14. My avvie isn't Barricade. My avvie is the police. Click on it and you get chased.

  15. My avvie is still there. You lose!

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