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Vezon The Piraka

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Status Updates posted by Vezon The Piraka

  1. Yay, you're back... in brown.

  2. That's a Doom 3 monster.

  3. Are you copying Shine's name?

  4. And -Haru-, that's all thanks to Dr. Bojangles.

  5. Biodermis Smith? That has got to be your funniest name yet. XD

  6. Do not or do. There is 'try'.

  7. I'm not spamming...


  8. No, I don't read epics. But I might stop by. =P

  9. Yes, but you were still flaming in some way. You discussed constantly about "blowing up schools" and other explosives. Look, I suggest you to stop before things get bad.

  10. Man, at this rate, it's like your permanently banned from PMs. >_

  11. *bites*

    Nope, not Russian Rye.

  12. You certainly post a lot. By the looks of it, you'll get 10,000 posts first and then I'll get them. How do you post so much? Fast internet speed, eh?

  13. Who the heck is this guy? Some guy who seems to be like Hapori Dume... (no, I'm not one of those people who learn a lot about Tohu and Dume... :P). Why does he threaten other people and tell Tohu that he "will parish". Unless he's one of those people who are obsessed with Tohu/Dume like Hapori Macku.

  14. What's more is he never finished his XD Kit, the one he was determined to.

  15. You just need practice.

  16. This isn't a contest. He may have more comments, but he doesn't have that much profile views.

  17. Yep... she's probably busy with college, university or whatever... XD

  18. Heck yes. Street racing ftw. I'm so gonna see 1320: A West Coast Story when it's released.

  19. AC/DC - They're a great band. T.N.T. is my favorite song by them. There's also Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap and Safe in New York City. Great but not as good as Metallica...

  20. Lol, are you a racing fanatic?

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