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That Green Gentleman

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by That Green Gentleman

  1. So I'm not gonna tell you guys in great detail what is happening in my life, so I'll just condense it. I'm in an acting group, we had the last show saturday night one of our original productions. I'm in love with an amazing girl. School sucks. I was joker for halloween. My ex is also now my ex-friend. Guitar Hero World Tour rocks. yeah, thats mainly it, no detail, sorry, I'll try to get into habit of blogging again, I'm just not really into LEGO Bricks anymore so this site hasn't been on my top list of sites. But yeah.
  2. No, I'm not dead, but I've been really busy. So yeah. Hi! I'll blog about my life asap.
  3. Yeah, I really think the people that do say people need to "Grow Up" had a deprived childhood.
  4. I can say right now, and not care how many of you say "You need to grow up", that Curious George is one of the greatest characters I grew up with.
  5. Sorry Anyways, yeah, Utah was awesome, I'll make a post later for that. So yeah, school starts Tuesday >_<, I wish summer lasted forever. So yeah, just saying hey right now.
  6. Quote - Josh Nichols, Drake And Josh Well, I'm gonna be in utah for the next two weeks, First for a church youth activity, then I'm gonna stay with my brother when I get out, so should be a lot of fun. So see you guys in two weeks.
  7. Was the best movie ever. EVER. Heath Ledger () did amazing as the Joker, I doubt anybody has or will ever do a better Joker. The Pencil trick was awesome. His jacket was awesome. The frikin' movie was awesome. I still love the pencil trick. "TA DA! Its, its gone!" And I found this funny picture.
  8. Well, during moves my records have been lost twice, I should be like life or star now, I dunno which, but I'm still first class, so its really annoying. I didn't say I was gonna quite, its just no fun and kinda annoying. And I'm still gonna go see it
  9. Ok, Pokemon is seriously like the stupidest thing thought of in this world. Anyways, camp was really boring, the food wasn't really good, the skits sucked, merit badges were really boring, yeah, it sucked. Scouts is just boring now, no fun, the only reason I went to camp is because I didn't want to, then my mom bribed me with Guitar Hero: World Tour. And I get to probably go see The Dark Knight today, hoping they don't run out of tickets. And other then that not much is going on in my life.
  10. I have scout camp, so I'll be gone until then, so see you guys in a week!
  11. Yesterday I got Guitar Hero: Areosmith, pretty fun, but I beat it on medium in 3 hours, the WHOLE THING ON MEDIUM IN 3 HOURS, so its not that great, but still good. I have a dance tonight, so I'm happy about that. Lets see what else... ...Oh yeah, the drum set my dad got me is FINALLY set up, and thats really fun to play. 2 of the BEST movies, August Rush and Disturbia, rented them both, watched them the other night (While BZP was down) and the movies are awesome. August rush is probably my favorite movie right now. And Disturbia was just flat out the best horror movie I've seen.
  12. Yeah, its pretty good, but not as good as girls say it is, so read it if you want, but don't expect anything super awesome, but its not a waste of time either.
  13. Yeah, I know its a book Yeah, some people are dumb about stuff like that.
  14. So, I haven't posted an entry for about a week, so here you go. So I'm still working on the Staff Of Ra, its coming along nicely, now I just need to paint it, then I'll get more pics. The 4th past by in the original way, pancake breakfast, parade, fair, then dinner with some family, then the big fireworks show, so nothing special. Then then Saturday me and the other guys had to clean up the church after the pancake breakfast, so we cleaned, had some donuts and left. I go home and wait a few hours, then head over to the church again to meet some friends, and we go to the movies and see Crystal Skull, which I'll review later. We watch the movie, but one of the guys ditches us to go see hancock, so we go to Little Ceasers and pick up some pizzas, head back to my place, hang out, eat, play Wii, all that good stuff, So we wanna make up more excuses for everybody to hang out for the rest of the day, so my friend calls her mom, and asks if we can come over and swim, so she says yes and we go hang out and stuff, so finally everybody leaves and its just me, so I gotta call my mom to come get me. Sunday is always boring. And Monday we had to clean the garage out because we have tons of junk out there, and blah blah blah, so we're back to the present. To all those who own/played Guitar Hero: Areosmith, is it good, it looks good, but I just want votes. And *sigh*, I'm gonna get called gay and all that junk, but, my friend told me to, said it was good, so I read twilight. Yeah. So, if you wanna get on my case for sorta liking it, go ahead. but it was actually okay. Edward is still a dumb fictional guy and girls should stop being so obsessed over him. And also, Rock Band should stop copying Guitar Hero, okay, so Guitar Hero is copying Rock Band with the drums and vocals, but Rock Band stole the basic idea from Guitar Hero. Come on? Rock Band 2? Dumb, Guitar Hero World Tour had the idea of custom songs, the bass slap pad, and the drum sensitivity. Plus the Rock Band strumming bar is really badly built. But I'll just end it here.
  15. Yeah, I'm making a Staff Of Ra for Raiders Of The Lost Ark, so far its in the Prototype stages, so It doesn't look that great. Indy with the staff Staff on its side Other side view Standing up front Standing up side So yeah, in progress, please don't point out everything bad about it, I already know, as soon as its done I'll post pictures of it, and maybe at some point make a guide for you to make your own. It still needs some sanding done, painting, re-sealing pieces together, before its actually done, but it will be done at some point. PLEASE REVIEW!
  16. Radio is probably the best movie I have ever seen.
  17. So remember that email I was expecting? Well I got it yesterday, AND I GOT IN!! But none of my other friends have gotten the email yet, and I really wanna know if they got in. Tomorrow I'm gonna go see Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull again with a group of people, should be fun. We're also getting a cat today, so yeah, a cat. Oh yeah, my mom is checking Wal*Mart today for the Mistika, hope they have 'em, I'll put pics and a review up ASAP if/when I get 'em.
  18. That was pretty cool, the car in the little truck thing sounded ticked off. Haha yeah.
  19. I've been expecting a email since yesterday from the acting group, to know if I've made it in, but I haven't gotten any emails involving it except one from a friend asking if I got in. And it was supposed to get sent yesterday. And people will hate for saying this, but why is Dragonforce so amazing? They really aren't. And the singing is REALLY annoying. And what kinda name is that "Dragonforce"? Really lame, if your gonna name your band that, you might as well name it "Power rangers". I got to go to my friends house yesterday to hang out, that was fun, Halo, Rockband, all that good stuff, his Girlfriend was there to, shes weird/funny but it was all good. Okay so I wanna start a game for this entry, so heres how it works. I'm gonna take a four (4) line piece of lyrics from a random song, and post it, and the last word of my lyric, needs to be the first word of your lyric, to make a big random song, so it would go like this: My Lyric = "I Love you" Your lyric "You broke my piggy bank" Got it? good. Here's the lyric California rest in peace Simultaneous release California show your teeth She's my priestess, I'm your priest
  20. That Green Gentleman


    I started playing hard a few weeks ago and I'd only gotten 2 songs and my profile got deleted
  21. That saying everybody knows "Fire at will" Uh, may I ask, who is will?
  22. Sounds like it was good fun. Its always nice to come back to a full inbox
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