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That Green Gentleman

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Everything posted by That Green Gentleman

  1. I think not, I didn't like the first one, and the books aren't very interesting. Anyways, who has a Wii? Who has GHIII? Who wants to PM me friend codes? Anyways, look at my Wii content block, its got my list of games and my code friend code, any game codes can be exchanged later. And my brother and sister have Nights, not sure if they want friends, but if you want to give them I'll pass 'em on. And who has any game suggestion? my mom doesn't like T rated games (Grrr), so they have to at the most be E-10.
  2. I actually think the first is better, but then again, I've only played COD4 once, but it still wasn't fun.
  3. Haha, that just makes me laugh. So, its mature to play games where you go blow peoples heads off, chainsaw 'em down, rip out their hearts, and bash their skulls open? I think it should be rated "I18" as "Intense For Adults" Or, really, they just shouldn't make those games, with the exception of Halo.
  4. Super Mario Galaxy is the best outta those 4. And if your into those kinda games... ...Guitar hero is awesome.
  5. Is having a in-blog contest fine? with official prizes?
  6. Sony has always sucked when it comes to electronics. Make that when it comes to EVERYTHING they manufacture. I'm leaning more to DS, if anybody can change my mind, we'll see.
  7. Well, yeah, but seeing as how I'm dealing with girls, I directed it at them. I think girls like to make guys heads spin. But for some reason they are still awesome
  8. That Green Gentleman VS That Awesome Dalek I just find it kinda funny
  9. In the last 24 hours, I have seen 37 Powder Blue Priuses. (and yes, I did count)
  10. for some reason i think you saw my name and re-did something
  11. Today, I got to meet the author of the Fablehaven books, he signed my book(s), it was cool. I'll have pics for proof later if people don't believe me. So yeah, its cool to meet a famous person.
  12. Haha, no, its not that I'm rushing anything, girls in my life have been driving me crazy lately, especially the girl I like.
  13. Yeah, maybe they don't suck... *goes and edits*
  14. No, you guys would understand if you had just experienced what I did >_<.
  15. Girls cause pain. Why can't they tell you if they like you? Why can't you tell them you like them without the fear of losing their friendship? Why do they have to be so confusing? Why the frik does a guy have to be like Edward Cullen to even get a chance at getting a girl? Why am I ranting about girls? Because they cause pain. (Sorry to any girls that read this, I'm not insulting you, girls just make me mad)
  16. You have both PSP And DSLite? And the DSLite is better?
  17. DS Lite Or PSP? $130 VS. $199 Now, I don't like Sony much, they are one of the worst electronic brands out there, and nintendo has always beeen better then the PSSystems, but the PSP has Flash 6 Loaded in browser, and such. PSP doesn't have mario, or touch screen, or all that such. I have a Wii, and no PS3, so the DS-Wii connection I can use, the PSP-PS3 connection I can't use. And I don't want a PS3, because they suck compared to Wii.
  18. Your comment made no sense to me at all.


  19. A General Fact Of All Guitar, Bass, Or Drum Players If You Play Guitar, Learn: Bass or Drums, or both If You Play Bass, Learn: Guitar or Drums, or both If You Play Drums, Learn: Guitar or Bass, or both If you play two of them, or all three, I congratulate you.
  20. I'm going to Six Flags in a few minutes, can't wait!
  21. I knew it before Deep Thought, because thats just a dumb computer
  22. What Calvin and Hobbes reference? -CF The quote of the day, its from calvin and hobbes.
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