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That Green Gentleman

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by That Green Gentleman

  1. The strat. I hate those B.C. things, plus they arn't that great.
  2. Well, my friend, Jack Skellington happens to be undead, and, therefore, pullets or missiles can harm me, and he can turn invisble.... You should give up, and give us our friend, or at least let him send a message to us, in due time
  3. Well, tell her your sorry you didn't talk to her earlier, and say that you just wanted her to know, then talk about whatever, like what music she likes, what sports, or whatever she does, just talk, get her number, all that good stuff.
  4. You probably should have gone and talked to her, talk to her in person the next time you see her
  5. I know, I need a bass for my band, but I can't find one
  6. you confuse me as to what you say Well, uh, whatever your gonna do Good job! Yaybut we need more people, we have no idea how many daleks there are over there.... good, now, all you army people, go find more to help
  7. What are you gonna do, you hunk of metal "overlord", what are you gonna do? I'd sugggest you back down, and gives us our friend back.
  8. Although singing is fun, we need to save dalek I'm guessing you wanna sign?
  9. Haha, that was funny, I knew what was gonna happen though
  10. Read... I need an amry, comment to sign up!! EDIT: I'm blogging from a Wii
  11. Valentines day, its almost over Today was a day, to celebrate the lover It was good, it was fun Unless of course your single, the only one You get some candy, maybe some cards But when your lonely, life can be hard But the bright side is, and a point to be made Is you can eat candy, while you sit in the shade Enjoy life as it is, its meant to be that way Your lover will come along, just wait for the day And when it happens, you can think about today As you sit in the shade, with your new loved lover Valentines day, is almost over. I was bored, so I wrote this. Comments would be appreciated.
  12. Yeah, I just like the blue to go with him, I've tried the orange/red, its not as good as blue.
  13. I know, it'd just be nice to be noticed, have my blog on the front page, maybe get more readers. And he is, I agree.
  14. Both This And This are making me happy, I'm hoping this will get me more readers. Well, they both agree on the same thing, I should have longer entries, I'll try that, although, ChocolateFrogs suggest content blocks on one side, if I have the time, I'll try to scheme on how to make it all work.... Well, I've been forgetting to blog that I've started rock-climbing lessons, lots of fun, but I'm always sore after class is over (2 Hours), its all fun though. And a Blog Project I'm working on is coming along quite nicely, expect it soon. And, I'm thinking about changing my name, maybe back to Skateboarder, but I'll have to save all the codes here, in case I come back to jack... Think I should? Oh well, I'm wanting to start maybe a weekly Staff Member interview, any ideas on who I should interview? What kinda questions I should ask? What involvement other members have in the show, or text interview? PM me what you think I should do.

    a different road to follow, now, just to have to stop dommenting, please PM me :P

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