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That Green Gentleman

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by That Green Gentleman

  1. i think the newbs (you) are the ones that have long blog entrys
  2. Why does the newb make a guide to make fun of newbs
  3. I never actually insulted anybody (Except the actual crud band), this is a blog, and I can post my thoughts on what I think of them. I don't see how its bad to do that. And I'm sorry to inform you, but I'm not wrong, neither are you.
  4. This is the official good bye from blogging for how ever long, I'll comment here on how my life is like an entry till I get the blog back. Bye!
  5. Yay! Arch is back to blogging! And this doesn't work anymore? Or did you have a different one?
  6. Tomorrow is the 28th... That means my Premier Membership Is gonna be up, so this is my last entry for now. On to business. So we're getting very close to getting our a Wii, My bro know somebody that has to do with Wal*Mart, and he's gonna call him up when they get the Wii's in. I can't wait. And they other night I was talking on IM with my ex (We're still good friends), and so discussion got around to the brake up, which was back in September, I expected it to come up sooner, but it was kinda weird. I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. And I got a new Math book (Homeschool) and I hate math. A lot. :angry: I'm thinking due to the new PMembership that I might change my name, something to do with Pohatu '08, should I? Well, since It'll prolly be a couple of weeks till I blog again, bye!
  7. ...SUCKS!! We had game night with a lot of my friends, and that song was so annoying, in Rock Band. Take the song, I think it was War Pigs, that its called, for example, they throw some random words together, and go just whack the strings on their guitars, or have no plans on the drums, or anything, I write better songs then they do, have, and might. Black Sabbath sucks, if you disagree, I don't care, Its my opinion, and another part of my opinion is, if you like them, go listen to some REAL music, like The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Panic! At The Disco, all that stuff, I just really hate Black Sabbath, because they sucks, they can't sing, play guitar, drum, our play bass, or whatever they use, they can't play it, or write good songs. So yeah, game night was fun, we had 3 Xbox 360's Going at the same time, Rock Band, Call Of Duty 3, And Football, almost 6 straight hours of that, but we also had pizza, soda, people screaming when they died, or suck at guitar, singing, or drums (I never failed any of them), or just because the soda made us hyper . I've already decided that when we get our Wii, that will be one of the first games we'll get.
  8. This is my fave Panic At The Disco song, I've learned it on guitar, pretty cool. So I'm taking on trying to put together all of the sets I have from'06 To Now, it shouldn't be to hard. Not much other then that.
  9. Why does hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia mean, "fear of long words".?
  10. Maybe you can be a guest on the show, and I'll try to get to know you better.
  11. Gys, its gonna stay at $10, it says the same on the Phantoka, but they are $10, and greg said somewhere that prices weren't going to increase for a while.
  12. Just a "talk show" sorta thing, talking about events, sets, people, all that good stuff, i'll in lego.
  13. Yeah, I'm gonna try to find a good program, I'll get back to you guys on it when I can get it all settled
  14. I'm thinking about starting a Podcast, I'm throwing the idea around, so, I'm asking people I know here (AKA, ~Laughin'Man~, Air Force O' Dalek, Arch-Angel, etc...), sorry if I don't know you, maybe you can try to get to know me and eventually maybe get on the show. Now, The Brickcast is a place holder name, suggestions would be great, as well as suggestions for topics of discussion, possible interviews of people,and just ideas to put in the show. So, if I know you, PM me if you wanna do it, and as soon as I get it all set up, I'll PM you back. Now, as far as I know, this is allowed, if not, please tell me. EDIT: PM me in about a week for details if you wanna be in the show!
  15. No thanks, I dislike ketchup with crayons, makes 'em taste weird. I did try a sharpie one time... You should try paint, very good, its gooey.
  16. Cuz I like crayons *eats purple crayon*
  17. I've actually played them side by side, my dad owns both, Fender has always been a good brand, And starts just look cooler, then that "beast", the beats is just plain ugly.
  18. Well, I basically like a few of each thing, Titans, All, Makuta Mistaka, All of them are perfect (Krika is the best). And the Toa, I dunno, I think Tahu is the only real good one, Ouna is second, and Gali last, Takunuva, he is Pure Win, his mask is pretty dang close to the old Avohkii, I think its just the toa this year. And did anybody notice the the Matoran Clips on the back of the Toa/makuta (Except for gali)? Maybe some Unknown Matoran to be released? on both sides? I'm hoping so! I'll have to ask Greg... So, who else thinks Krika is ftw?
  19. My opinions later on the summer sets. But last night was awesome, my friend stayed for 4 hours, and we did lots of stuff! It was fun.
  20. Tell her, you grew up with it, and its one of those things that you can't throw away (At least i hope you wouldn't), and at least try to avoid it if you don't want to bother with it.
  21. I like krika, hes the first I'll get of summer.
  22. yay, he got away, now, we need to have a way to get to you... Can you sent a undetected message with your location?
  23. *Yay!* Its been boring today, so this will be a step up.
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