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That Green Gentleman

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by That Green Gentleman


    but to say that you are more mature then most other teens, is sorta stretching it, people that are saying you also are immature is wrong, people have different experiences in life, at different times, to grow maturely, you and me, and others, happen to have gotten it sooner then lots of people, and we can live with that, others have a different road to

  2. hey, I agree somewhat with you on the "fake Lovers" topic, the noobs here get annoying asking for help, on the internet, your right, most of those people are immature. I am a teen, almost 14 to be exact, and I can tell you, I know most of what the word love, would fall under, and the poem was good.

  3. Ah, dang it, your not a PM anymore, I liked your blogging.


  4. I made a Quiz (Nothing personal in it) for those of you that think you know me, if its not allowed please tell me. Quiz Please post your score! *More questions coming soon.
  5. Ok, well, would you go to this entry?
  6. Hmm, they say renewal on some, oh well.
  7. Ok, well, i'm not gonna say I am, but your not awesomer then me , or you
  8. So wait, is that good for me? or not? I can't tell BTW, a pine-wood derby is a small wooden car that you can make and race.
  9. Yeah, but don't you get a different banner if it happens on your first run? And I do thank so, very, very much for that. Thanks, I was bored, so I felt like reviewing him
  10. Yeah, I only have two weeks to get a Blog Of The Week on my first run on premier. Not likely it'll happen, but I just think it would be cool. Oh well. Anyways, I'm gonna give a review (Without pictures ) on Vamprah. Presentation From the design of the box to the instruction manual, these are the first things you see before building the set. Well, the canisters are a bit strange, the "web" piece on the front is kinda pointless, but when you pick the set up from the shelf, its just pretty dang cool. Now, when you open it, your like, "How many pieces do you need to package up this thing?", you have the You have the canister (Which is nice that lego went back to the sturdy can) the "web" and this little weird lid. But, you can just set those aside after you get it open. After you dump those out, usually the first thing you think is "So what new pieces do we have?" well these are them (BZPower Official Review Image): So, The wing pieces are a nice addition to any MoCers selection of pieces, the body is very nice, the ribs make it look more of a dark, scray figure, now, the mask, is very nice, it makes the "bat look" more interesting. Building Half the fun is had building the set. How fun is it to build and how easy or challenging is it? Well, its a pretty easy build, not really much to say about it, you have a bunch of different pieces throw them together, and you have a Makuta Phantoka. Now the only thing that is a problem is the Rib piece, when you put it in the body piece, you have to force it, and at the same time be careful, because the piece is flimsy already, so you want to push up on the little circular ends that you put the pins in, then push them into the body. Set Design Now that the set is complete, we can critique how it looks from every angle. New or interesting pieces can also be examined here. Now that its done, you can look at it, pose it, brake it, eat it, scare your cat with it, whatever, but I went with the posing. Since this guy doesn't have any real legs, he's kinda hard to pose, you have to get the arms and legs just right to stand him up, but other then that, hes pretty easy to pose. But if you pose him in a certain crawling position, his wings get in the way of his "legs". Playability The other half of the fun is in playing with the set. How well does the set function and is it enjoyable to play with? So this guy is very fun to mess around with, making him fight Pohatu is an interesting fight, Pohatu stands, Vamprah crawls, and its not easy to make them both "fly" since you only have two hands, you have to shoot the Midak, Drop The Tridax, not to easy. Now, speaking of the Tridax. Very nice projectile, the color makes the set very interesting. The Shadow Leeches are rubber again, like the Squids last year, but, whats better, is lego decided to add a pin hole on the back of the leeches to add a connection to other characters, very nice. And if you squeeze them and try to turn them inside-out the turn into a little ball that has no look to it, if you do this to all, and drop them from a good height, they pop back out into their regular form. Final Thoughts Once it's all said and done, how does the set stack up? Should I get it? Well, this set is very cool, nice new pieces, very creative design, just a good 10/10 set. Probably the best of the Makuta Phantoka. Pros What's to like? Great Mocing Pieces Good Looking Set Fairly Easy Pose-ability Easy Build Lots Of New Pieces Cons What's not to like? Price Need to buy matoran Canister Head waggle
  11. Yeah, for a miraculous reason, I got vamprah, due to my shortage of money, I didn't expect to get another Phantoka for a while. My dad Send my a little amount of money for a valentines present. I guess I should have saved it instead of ~Laughin'Man~ or Dalek getting me the next PM membership... Oops. But, He's a pretty good set, or is it a she? I forget. The idea that they drop their chest is kinda awkward, But so is the Piggy-back of the little guys. And speaking of the little people Idea... I think its a horrible scheme for the lego company to make for money, if you don't get what I mean, this is it. So, the Phantoka Mukuta just so happen to become blind, and little matoran just so happen to be able to see for them, so you need to buy a little makuta matoran to let your guy see. But, the matoran are cheaply made, and they cost to much Lego should have done something to make them cheaper, or whatever, maybe a coupon to come with the matoran to make 'em easier to get.
  12. I got 53.432 Wow, I'm getting better.
  13. So yeah, lots been going on, that's why I haven't been blogging lately. I'm going to have a review of pohatu (maybe) when I can, if I can find the cord to my camera ... But here's a couple little things that you can do with pohatu that are cool (At the bottom of this entry). Some stuff I wanna do on my blog or being sorted through, gonna try to add some cool stuff soon... And I'm going to (For those of you that skateboard) gonna have a entry on skateboard care, tricks, tips, all that good stuff. And in a few days (According to him) ChocolateFrogs is gonna tell those of us that did his blog Test Drive what he's come to. Hope I passed. So, heres the things you can do with pohatu. You need these pieces: +++ Step 1- Put the ball joint in socket. Step 2- Put blue Friction Axle Pin in opening on socket Step 3- Take off Pohatu propellers, and set aside Step 4- Put the "Click" round end into the Pohatu "Arm" Step 5- Put the propellers in his "hands" It makes him look somewhat better And, if you use blue Zamor Spheres instead of the silver that comes with it, much cooler looking.
  14. Yeah, thats because its the best movie :P

  15. As said, I'm bored. Comment random here!
  16. Ah, but you used the word may I just dislike the games, not the company, and I'm getting sick of mario, you have nothing to prove against my opinion.
  17. Hey, why's mine the only link with words and such next to it)?
  18. Yay!! Lady K is back. And the surprise is something I'm interested it... What is it
  19. I'm not very partial to the Japanese singers, I dislike the high voices, and "awkward" music. No offense, I just, don't like that kinda music. *is happy for Valenti*
  20. Can I have a few hundred No, I've gotten emails like this, its just a scam.
  21. Exactly. I'm making an Opinion on what I really think is dumb. And at least I know how to spell sense
  22. well, when i look at it, it says MY mom, and then Yours
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