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That Green Gentleman

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by That Green Gentleman

  1. When you get a F*******, I want your friending :P


    Also, like Archy Said up there, theater. I'm gonna get that job when I turn 16 (Stupid labor laws), if you can find the old entry in my blog about the money I need it should say all the benefits I'm looking forward to when I get a job there.


    And if it comes down to it (And I hope it doesn't) I imagine you could get a few good friends on here (Me included, if you wanna call me a friend :P) to pitch in some cash. But like I said, hope you can solve it out so it doesn't come down to that.

  2. Well, you're older, but I'll offer my thoughts on this


    The question is, does one date immediately constitute grounds/obligation for another one?

    (I think the general answer is no later in life, but with dating at my age I think the answer is leaning towards the yes unless the two people absolutely did not get along.)


    I think its based on what you gather from what her words and actions showed, like "I had a good time" might mean, "Yes, lets do this again" and if she smiles at you when you leave might mean shes thinking about how she'd like it next time, so yeah, based on what you saw and heard might help make a decision.


    Here's what's going on through my mind (and I've talked this out with a trusted friend who seems to have a good grip on life and dating/courtship at this age):

    Maybe it's not the best idea to go out with Heather, because our relationship would be long distance mostly. Granted, with Omi's thing about really liking her distance wouldn't matter, but I just think that in the long run it isn't the best idea. Can I stop now and not loose a good friend that shares my interests?


    I'd suggest go with your gut, if you really really like her, spend as much time before it goes long distance, if you know it won't help, explain, and then stay friends for how ever time life will permit.


    So how do I get together with her in the next few days to tell her that, although she's amazing and cute and all the other reasons I asked her out finally in the first place, I think it would be best to remain friends. We'll see each other over the summer at WAMALUG events, and I know she wants to see The Dark Knight, so we can hang out then but I figure it'd be best to get a group together.


    See Above


    Then I guess we go our separate ways to college not worrying about the distance between us, because by then maybe she'll finally email me so we can keep in touch and then we and all our friends can meet up again over Christmas break or something. If she joins an online Lego community then we'll never really loose each other.


    Again, see above


    I need to call her soon so she knows I'm thinking of her, and I was going to ask her out again. But I also need to talk to her about this. How do I say "I need to talk" without that phrase saying "I want to end a dating relationship"?


    I guess just approach this with a cool attitude, and try not to sound like you want to end, just be like, "Can I talk to you about something, and let me explain it" and work on from there.


    *Can't be held liable for any actions taken from advice, unless it the after is good :P


    *Sues for lack of witty quote*



    EDIT: I just got your 2000th comment :P

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