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That Green Gentleman

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Blog Entries posted by That Green Gentleman

  1. That Green Gentleman
    I only get to play on weekends, but since summer is here, I get to play all the time.

    Well, most of it anyways, behind on stuff, so I need to catch up on that.

    So yeah, I saw Narnia.

    It was WAY better then what I judged from the trailer, the trailers were not well made to get peoples direct attention, which is not good, but still Iron Man holds the place for best movie still. And it probably will till Dark Knight 6 or Harry Potter 6.

    But I'm thinking that City Of Ember looks good also.

    And how come Rosalina won't open up on Mario Kart? And PLEASE, will any body give me their friend code?
  2. That Green Gentleman
    Blinking past in unseen lies
    Watch and read between the lines
    Thinking back to all the times there have been
    When lights go and you can't be seen

    And you know, its the countdown to midnight
    And you know, its all changed we can't rewrite
    History, its all a blur, and the pages can't be found
    Its just the midnight countdown

    Tear drops, rain falls, the clock stops,
    Forget it all, drop dead, pull the trigger
    Against my head, seconds from fading away
    You all run, you all fear, but you know I'm still here

    And I know, I'm seconds away, go ticking by
    And I know, If I can forget you, I will try
    But its harder then it seems, I did have dreams (Incase you cared)
    But you crushed them

    Get in his car, drive down the street
    Kiss his lips, you taste so sweet
    Leave the pieces on the ground, I'll pick them
    Up when I'm ready, go run away with him

    And we know, its different, never the same
    And we know, you can't kill the fire, just the flame
    But the winds from unspoken words still blow
    And the heat slips away into nothing, and dies so slow

    On the highway, driving all day, burning bridges
    On your way, running from the dark you know
    But it follows you where you go, and soon it will
    Start all over, and theres always an empty spot to fill

    Pages lay down on the ground, never again will they be
    Found, fading slowly in the dark, left with nothing but a
    Broken Heart, watch you leave, you seem to go so easily
    As the clock strikes twelve

    Wrote it all today, please give me your opinions, is it good enough to be made into an actual song?
  3. That Green Gentleman
    I took a risk a few hours ago and told the girl I like how I felt. 
    And she was completely awesome about it.
    No, we didn't get together, but still awesome, didn't reject me, just said it was cool, but not for her.
    But still, the point is, since life is risky, you've got nothing to lose, so *take your own risks.
    *Can not be held liable for any actions related to this entry

  4. That Green Gentleman
    So, why did all those topics get closed?

    Thats why

    (~Makandra~ Rocks)

    Whats my plan for all the stupid spam in Cot when dumb topics are being made non-stop and get closed?

    I plan to laugh, and wonder why they had to have all those pointless topics made.

    Run-offs aren't cool
  5. That Green Gentleman
    Yeah, I'm 14. Last year I didn't get a Birthday topic last year, probably won't this year. 
    So, I got to go to a dance last night, that was fun, but for some reason, girls like to touch my tie (Yeah, we had to wear dress clothes, so what?), and lots of girls were giving that "Hey cutie" look.

    Well, yeah, happy birthday also to
    Israeli Toa, (:tahura:), mizzou30, Soujiro, LogoNuva. muaka&kanera, Chao Freak, Aiyua Matru, LUCYintheSKYwithDIAMONDS, Tojn, the Docter, Vissonari, SHADOW:TOA OF PAIN, Gold Vakama255:Toa Of Cybermen, Rookie Zero, Toa Delta, .:~Zumoro Rahkshi~:., pohaturon, sirkk88, Takua Mahri, RKO, Tae-Kwon-Do Dude, Preytor, Dudebot5000, Zentan Toa of Nature, lewachangermanofawsomeness, Dr. Lewa Phantoka, Milosh, (Finally), Kiril

  6. That Green Gentleman
    I fall asleep by the telephone
    Its 2 o'clock And I'm wakin'
    Up alone, tell me,
    Where have you been?

    Good song.

    Anyways, I didn't get many replies to my birthday stuff, oh well.

    So my dad gave me his old Mac OS 9.2 laptop, its not any good right now, i'm gonna build it up though, when i can afford it all.

    And he doesn't want it, so he's gonna give me his old electric drum set. If you remember this entry, you'll see why I'm excited.

    Anybody know what a (Fat) PS2 costs now a days? Thats one of the things I plan Modify my Mac for...

  7. That Green Gentleman
    Girls cause pain. Why can't they tell you if they like you? Why can't you tell them you like them without the fear of losing their friendship? Why do they have to be so confusing? Why the frik does a guy have to be like Edward Cullen to even get a chance at getting a girl? Why am I ranting about girls?

    Because they cause pain.

    (Sorry to any girls that read this, I'm not insulting you, girls just make me mad)
  8. That Green Gentleman
    I think not, I didn't like the first one, and the books aren't very interesting. 
    Anyways, who has a Wii?
    Who has GHIII? Who wants to PM me friend codes?
    Anyways, look at my Wii content block, its got my list of games and my code friend code, any game codes can be exchanged later. And my brother and sister have Nights, not sure if they want friends, but if you want to give them I'll pass 'em on.
    And who has any game suggestion? my mom doesn't like T rated games (Grrr), so they have to at the most be E-10.

  9. That Green Gentleman
    Haha, that just makes me laugh. 
    So, its mature to play games where you go blow peoples heads off, chainsaw 'em down, rip out their hearts, and bash their skulls open?
    I think it should be rated "I18" as "Intense For Adults"
    Or, really, they just shouldn't make those games, with the exception of Halo.
  10. That Green Gentleman
    DS Lite Or PSP?

    Now, I don't like Sony much, they are one of the worst electronic brands out there, and nintendo has always beeen better then the PSSystems, but the PSP has Flash 6 Loaded in browser, and such. PSP doesn't have mario, or touch screen, or all that such. I have a Wii, and no PS3, so the DS-Wii connection I can use, the PSP-PS3 connection I can't use. And I don't want a PS3, because they suck compared to Wii.
  11. That Green Gentleman
    Okay, this is a entry dedicated to the guys how are sick of girls gawking over the frikin vampire HE'S FICTIONAL GIRLS, LAY OFF.  
    I swear, a guy can't get a girl now a days, because "We're not like edward"
    I hope the auther of the twilight books dies.
  12. That Green Gentleman
    Why? Why do I need so much money?



    So, how am I going to get this much money? Well, when I turn 16, I'm gonna get a job at A Cinemark Movie Theater.
    Why? Why work at a Movie Theater?

    I need $1370 Dollars 

    $7.35 An Hour 

    Free Movies (Means Easy Dates ) 
    Why else work at a movie theater? Because they have Employees prescreen movies and get their opinions, so I would get a few prescreens every now and then.

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