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Bloody Nine

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Everything posted by Bloody Nine

  1. Meh. I liked that. When I was 11. :P And now I am 1. :o

  2. Nah... its too handsome. Call it Vorzann's Girlfriend. xD

  3. Congrats, m'boy. *Grumbles about bribery and blackmail and politics*


  4. Everybody loves me. Too bad they're not the opposite gender... >_>

    Although I have been making progress with some people of the other gender. Quirkiness awy!

  5. V-day went AWESOME. I loved all of the people. The acceptance of the surrender of Germany was nice too. :P

    Seriously though, I don't celebrate Valentine Day. I celebrate single awareness day.

  6. *head blows up*

    We've got the Flood on our side. Death to Anime fangirls.


  7. Here's a random paradox. What would you get if you shot a Tunneler with antimatter?

    It shouldn't be destroyed but turn into antimatter, but then antimatter is nothing and so... o.O

  8. We've got too many superhero wannabes here. :P

  9. Who's Zachary? o_o yes, I don't listen to music. Deal with it.

  10. So.. you look like a monster? That's hardly surprisng...

  11. That mean you watch the new batman cartoon?

    Plus, TPTI, I'm not jealous. I commissioned Farnsworth to build robots of me. And he did.

  12. I read that... when I was like 10-ish. Maybe 8-9.

    And Sets, mature compared to who?... BATMAN OWNS ALL.

  13. Er... Wiat, this ain't PS3. It's... universal???

    *Darth Revan and Nihilus attack Sets*

    Mario: MAMA-MIA!

  14. Because you have the controllers. *Grabs PS3 controller and commands Kratos to attack Sets*

  15. Jackal, fool. *Stabs Sets* How's that?

  16. You could, but you didn't. Wise man. :P

  17. Fine. *Throws in Anubis*

    You cannot stop the god of death.

  18. Sounds like we've got a fanboy...

  19. Relax, I have MC and the entire forerunner armada.

    *Watches them own Sets' gods*

  20. Whateverz. :P

    Point being, do the Greeks have Ragnarok? No... they instead have name-changes.

  21. Not to mention the man with a gimp leg: Hephaestus. And Ares is a wimp. He was the 1st god in and out of Troy.. because he got nicked.

    Icarus is a boy. He beat a kid. Whippee.

    And so? There's a whole Pantheon of Greek gods. Hephaestus, Zeus, Hera, Artemis etc...

    Plus Odin would just bring Ragnarok. And own everyone.

  22. But NY isn't Greek. And he got secretly converted or something.

  23. FInd an american one, fool.

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