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Status Updates posted by Zyrox

  1. Nevermind then,

    but it was still a PDN tutorial,

    I can't say the site though 'cause it has forums.

  2. I know what image program you used to make that bubble.

    PDN tutorial?

  3. I felt like you needed a comment here,

    though I have no idea what to say, so,

    *becomes a matoran, sprouts wings and flies away*

  4. *Deletes all buttuns with an easy button from staples*

    "That was easy"

    I just had to do that

  5. Nope,

    'cause every time you change your name it changes on my PM list and friends list.

    Not that I stalk you though,

    that would just be creepy.

  6. Okay.

    something else Halo related that I don't understand because I don't play the game.

    Anyway what's your next MOC gonna be?

  7. You changed your name AGAIN!!!

    So what does Aethisyl mean?

  8. Not any more!!

    chucks flaming rock.


  9. Zyrox

    That was both interesting and weird at the same time Nid

  10. Hey Xerry changed his name.

  11. Now that's not very nice Nid.

  12. I agre with Xeriak.........






    Or however your supposed to say that.

  13. Commander your inbox is full,

    I can't you.

  14. Thanks for the awesomely fun battle in AMG Munkiman!!!

    Let's hope Daybreak wins in the contest.

  15. Are you entering BBC 45?

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