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Status Updates posted by Zyrox

  1. Big to me. =P With a name change come a posting style change too.


    [blatant advertising] Also, City of Ruins HAS FINALLY BEEN POSTED! GO CECK IT OUT IN THE RPG SUBMISSIONS TOPIC [/blatant advertising]

  2. heh, nice to know SOMEONE noticed.


  4. Involved in what?

  5. No, I don't see it. JMJ, you're helping the enemy! =P

  6. Well, no...


    You'll see. Trust me, you will...

  7. *laughs* you think it's all in ONE document. Hah! Fat-chance. This RPG's peices are so scattered _I_ don't even know where they all are.


  8. No, it's just so top-secret that not even they know. Only four, no five people know in the entire world.

  9. Yep, it probably won't stay up long, seeing as it's an inside joke, but still I thought it was a good idea.


    *shifty eyes* Mebeh... *shifty eyes*

    I'm afraid I can't tell you, it's a national secret.

  10. Bowtie: Maybe.


    *shakes head*

  11. I still don't see how it's a duck.


  12. If it's really that confusing for people, does anyone think i should change it?


    I think it's kinda funny, but then again, I know what it's about...

  13. Duck?



  14. Yep... I figured that little scene was so awesome it deserved an Av. I made a banner too but I never used it.

  15. Really? You kiddin' me?! You might come back!?

    Clean out you inbox!

  16. Name


    I agree with TPtI though, unnecessary spaces=a big no-no

  17. ZOOOOoooom

    Isn't online activity wonderful?

    And FD as he's said, this is more or less a trial period to see if he's able to come back or not.

  18. HeyHeyHeyHey!

    You're online! Clear out your stupid inbox so I can actually talk to you!

  19. I hope you come back, but I can understand why you left. I've tried too, but failed miserably.



    'Cause I can't let all the AMGers leave like this.

    BTW Nihy's basically left us too.

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