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Takua the Wanderer

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Blog Entries posted by Takua the Wanderer

  1. Takua the Wanderer
    I spent most of Chinese School chasing people around with a plastic lightsaber.
    Oh, and also, I'm not updating my kill counter because it's 1) broken (not sabotaged; you'll do well to remember that), and 2) I'm undead so you can't kill me anyway.
    Finally, I noticed that almost everyone on my friends list is someone I've debated or tried to kill.
  2. Takua the Wanderer
    The Mistika version of Gali is Gali in the sense that it fits her very well.
    Let's look at one of the more repeated complaints out there: Gali is a sniper.
    Well, what's the problem with that? Gali is perfect as a sniper. Look at it this way: what does a sniper do? He (she) hides and waits for someone to come up, then shoots them. To be a sniper, what qualities do you need? Two of the big ones are patience and a calm head.
    Doesn't that describe Gali well? Isn't Gali patient and cool headed?
    And who says that a sniper isn't graceful? As a trained hitman (XD), I assure you that there's nothing more graceful than a clean headshot.
    Personally, I feel that a sniper rifle fits Gali better than a pair of giant axes, which are known to be for savage hacking and slashing, and need extreme strength to wield.
    Her mask is also a big issue. But that also fits her. Besides the scope, it's mostly flat and featureless, right? Just like still water, or the sea on a calm day. It represents Gali as the calm sea, which is usually her personality.
    Another issue is that silver is grossly overused. Although asthetics-wise that's probably true, that doesn't make Gali not Gali. Silver represents the sea very well, especially in the Matoran Universe (the Silver Sea). And those spikes hearken back to Legend of Metru Nui, when Makuta made pillars come out of the Silver Sea. This, along with the Metru Blue, represent that the Nuva guard Metru Nui now. Not Mata Nui, as there's nothing to guard.
    While I'm at it, I think I'll complain about the use of silver on the 2002 Nuva. It was rather unbalanced. You may have to be a Runescaper to understand this analogy, but it's like wearing only a platebody and not the platelegs or arms. It just looks rather stupid.
    While we're on the topic of appearance, gender is only a state of mind in Bionicle, so there's nothing wrong with Gali being muscular.
    Although Gali's appearance has vastly changed, she is still the Toa Nuva that we all know, perhaps even more so than before.
  3. Takua the Wanderer
    I've done my speech, and finished a math test. Probably didn't do so well, though. Still, knowing that it's all done, for better or worse, feels great (in case you didn't understand the title ).
    My speech was pretty well recieved, though, despite having a dumb blond joke in it. Actually, probably because of it.
    I was going to say something else, but I have no idea what. I think it was something about Batman.
  4. Takua the Wanderer
    I do have a speech to make tomorrow, which is pretty poorly put together by my standards (and that's really bad). But I've prepared all I can for it.
    Otherwise, I think I can have a break from homework for now. There's nothing really too pressing, anyway. Besides, I need to go bother some people in S&T again, for the sake of my sanity (which is really in a sorry state right now).
  5. Takua the Wanderer
    Since my massive pile of schoolwork seems to be clearing up (I hate freshman year :annoyed2:), I thought I might come back, but I think I'll postpone it a bit more...
    Actually, on second thought, it's not clearing up at all.
  6. Takua the Wanderer
    I also hate it when the capitalization is all messed up. :annoyed2:
    But anyways, can someone fill me in on what I missed? Specifically any nifty stuff in the OGD.
    I know I could check BS01, but I doubt I'd be able to find everything I've missed, since all the new information is scattered all over the place.
  7. Takua the Wanderer
    Actually, I've been back since the thirteenth, but I haven't bothered to go on BZP, thanks to my new PSP. And I probably won't be active for a while, either, since my internet is acting weird again (and because of the PSP ).
    Just wanted to say that.
    No jian, EW. Although I did get a puzzle dao, the kind where a whole bunch of rings are attached and you have to get them off. No noodles for Zeddy, either. You can have $20 to get yourself some spaghetti, or something.
  8. Takua the Wanderer
    Well, I'm in China now. I'm too lazy to go over my trip, so I'll just say that I'm back (sort of ). Anyway, if anyone wants to know, I managed to access BZP by using Google Canada. It doesn't seem to work any other way. Oh, I'm at my grandparents's house, by the way.
  9. Takua the Wanderer
    I watched Prince Caspian today. My, is it different from the book. Still, I don't mind the differences. They make it slightly more exciting and also fit smoothly in with the book. Overall, a great movie. I love how they portray things, especially the Telmarine Uniform.
    Oh, and I got Pohatu and Chirox today (sadly enough, my first Phantoka ). They're both awesome, although neither are what I expected them to be. That goes to show that you can't be sure of a set unless you have it in your hands.
    Chirox looks like he has a pair of guns in the pose he's in standing next to my computer.
  10. Takua the Wanderer
    I like the use bluish-grey, as I feel that it represents the sky of Karda Nui very well. I am slightly less of a fan of the use of silver, but I like it as I feel it provides a good contrast between the two groups of Toa, yet maintaining a degree of similarity. My personal opinion is that the grey is more of a colder color, while silver is more of a warm color. And that fits. It's cold at high altitudes, while it should be warmer in a swamp. Especially one with waters that radiate light and heat.
    I don't have much opinions on Takanuva's new Avohkii. But I think I can guess why they changed it. The prototype looks a bit too evil. Yes, I know that Takanuva is half Shadow now. But he's still a good guy. This is just my personal opinion, but I think it strikes a better balance between looking good and looking evil than the other one. And this is just my opinion again, but I think it's actually more similar to the 2003 version than the old one. I believe that a good amount of those who hated it just saw bad pictures.
    I meant this to be a backwards rant, but I ran out of ideas for complaints to make fun of.
    And I was bored.
  11. Takua the Wanderer
    Well, I just got 100 deaths. Now to start counting how many times I kill someone else.
    Oh, and don't you just hate it when Bohrok Kal jump out of nowhere? I completely didn't see Pahrak-Kal coming...
  12. Takua the Wanderer
    I'm trying to make a 3D Desert Eagle on Powerpoint (starting out simple is an unknown concept to me). It's not going so well. Powerpoint is so ill suited to that, it's not even funny.
    *But is still laughing*
    Now I just need to color it and add a trigger.
  13. Takua the Wanderer
    I can barely even move today. I'm even getting short breath. Apparently, I need some more sleep.
    One of these days, Vorahk, I'll get you for this. I'm going to smear you all over the ground.
    On a related matter, MC8 was really well written. It'd have a great air of mystery if we didn't know about the Order already.
    And I think I'll enter the S&T contest. I already have an idea for my weapon (funnily enough, I've had it for ages ).
  14. Takua the Wanderer
    No, it's not 60% of BZPers that hate the Mistika. Recent polls (by that nutter, EW) show that the true number is closer to 20%. Even if it is 60%, then there's still probably be some who are in the middle.
    Copy and paste this into your sig.
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