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Status Updates posted by ippotsk

  1. Woot, new name change! 8D

  2. Night Terror... even Abyss couldn't match with him! Only me and my Nightmare could beat him! (just kiddin')

  3. Your picture...

    5 Stars. :D

  4. *reads Interests Box*

    You like Death Note too?

    Awesome. B)

  5. I just noticed.

    You changed your name.


  6. No, really. You sir, are a comedic genius. XD

  7. Woot, another name change.

    Eridan Ampora FTW.

  8. Oh, okay. The conference was over 15 hours ago, anyway. :P

  9. Okay, your Av is AWESOME.

  10. Thanks! And also...


  11. *Adds as Friend* ^_^

  12. Happy Birthday, bro! :D

  13. Ulquiorra Photo...

    Awesomeness. T_T

  14. Just trying to be more active here on BZP.

    It's been a while since I've stopped posting.

  15. Jakarta. Awesome.

  16. Dude, you're awesome. Oh, and thanks for the permanent Tupac stomach-ache, Captain Sisen. :P

  17. I pick BIONICLE!

    Because that's the reason I joined in the first place. :D

  18. Hey, congrats on getting 1000 posts! :D

  19. Yello? Anybody here?

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