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J46 Nui

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Posts posted by J46 Nui

  1. You made this hulk of a set even bulkier, without him looking too big either. Good job there. I'm not sure whether the extra bulk is a good or a bad thing compared to the original, but I guess it makes him look different from the original. I like the additions of the surfboard and sheathed swords.


    With regards to the challenge, I'm not sure why you'd want to limit the pieces to be used so much. Wouldn't it be much more fun if one's allowed to use any piece? In the same way I don't understand why you limited yourself to only pieces of these two sets for this creation.

    Thanks for the feedback. He is a bit top-heavy, and I kind of wanted to even him out a bit, but I don't really have any ideas in mind on how to do that right now.


    As for why I only used those sets, it is because at the moment, I only have the 2015/16 sets available. The rest of my Lego collection is currently residing a country width apart at my parent's house. Space is at a bit of a premium at my current lodgings, which is why I wanted to combine some sets to make the most of my display space. Hope that answers your question.  :)

  2. Introduction and Concept

    I wanted to combine the Uniter and Master sets into figures of the Toa that would look good and be fun to play with. I started with Tahu, with the only constraint that I had to only use pieces from Tahu's Uniter and Master sets. Originally, I was just going to slap on the gearbox and weapons from the Master set onto the Uniter's body, but the result did not look that great and had huge gaps in it. After spending some more time, this is the Tahu I got:


















    Details and Design


    Something I love about the Star Wars Buildable figures is that they have places to store their weapons. I wanted to have something similar , so I gave Tahu places to store his swords and surfboard/shield. The surfboard storage is not perfect and only looks good if Tahu looks like he is clutching it, but I quite like how the swords turned out.




    I love the Nuva-like bell bottoms legs that the Master set gave tahu, but they always looked a bit flat from the sides. The crystal armor gave them some much needed depth. I decided to keep the Uniter feet because the gold fit the color scheme more than silver, and the light blue made a nice accent. I kept the Uniter upper legs because the more detailed pieces fit in with the Uniter torso better and let me attach the weapon holsters. 




    This was the part of the build that I spent the least amount of time on. They are practically unchanged from either set. I moved the golden skull armor to the upper arms so it would flow better with Tahu's newly broadened shoulders.



    Head and Torso:

    At first, I just wanted to incorporate the Master set's gearbox onto the Uniter's body. But then I tried to fill in the gaps resulting in this. The collar and shoulder armor was put in place to fill in the gaps. The flames are held in a similar manner that the Master's swords are, except they are attached to the spinning part of arm assembly. They can fold up and under the arms so that they don't get in the way of the gear function. They would have been attached the same way as the Master's golden swords, except that those connection points were now dedicated to the collar and filling in the gaps on the sides.

    I chose to use the Golden Uniter mask because the figure still kept the Uniter's heavy gold and trans-orange color scheme. Plus the thinner mask looked better with the collar. 






    Asking for MOC Help/Challenge

    So, I am not a talented MOCer. In fact, this is the first MOC I have posted anywhere. So I am curious to see what more talented people than I can do with the same challenge I gave myself, so I can get ideas for what to do with the rest of my Toa.



    What is the best version of one of the main 6 Toa you can come up with using just the parts from their Master and Uniter sets?


    I'd love to see what other people can come up with. Please share your links, pictures, and topics related to this so I can see what awesome things other people have come up with. I'd love any tips or help that are offered in relation to this challenge so I can become a better MOCer.



    J46 Nui.

  3. Accept the quest. Sell the seashells by the seashore. Buy a lightstone.


    Ask Nava if you can stay at her hut or if she has someplace indoors you can stay. It is in her best interests for you to survive the night if she wants to get her wood polish.


    If you fail to find lodging, camp out in your boat.


    In any case, wait to morning to begin the new quest.

  4. I do tend to agree more with the detractors of the original post than the supporters, but both have some good points.


    I personally believe that G2 does have central themes, including many that have carried over from G1, but does not conveying them strongly. At least not yet.



    I always thought that the main theme for Bionicle was "Trying to end an age of decline, the heroes try to return things to how they were in the past, only to discover the way to a different, better future." 


    The story of both generations are set in ages of decline Even in flashbacks, Metru Nui is in the middle of being corrupted, Bara Magna had apathetic leaders and war that was out of control, and Makuta grew jealous of his brother Ekimu.


    Heroes try to end or prevent the decline, sometimes failing (Toa Metru, '08, Ekimu knocking off the Mask of Ultimate Power) and sometimes succeeding (Matoro and the Mask of Life, Journey's End, Clearing out the City of the Mask Makers).


    Villains also try to make a better world, whether for themselves or for everyone, but do through unacceptable and misguided means (Makuta thinking that he can be a better Great Spirit than Mata Nui, the Bohrok, the Barraki trying to retake the MU, G2 Makuta thinking that he can better society and show up his brother by dabbling in forbidden methods).


    And in the end, even though the world has irreversibly changed, they end up in a better world. Spherus Magna is whole, wild, unexplored, and alive. The Agori are no longer consumed by petty in-fighting and wars. The Matoran are free from tyrannical rule. Both civilizations unite and make a better future than anything accomplished in the past. I'm sure that G2's ending will have similar notes.


    Even though G2 is weaker at conveying themes at this point, I think it is completely unfair to compare it to the 9 year long, largely complete story of G1. And while there are some fair comparisons to be made of the first year and a half of G1 to G2, there are some areas where G2 has G1 beat.


    The funny thing is, if you asked me in January, I would have probably agreed that G2 was largely lifeless with its unbearably slow start. But post Revenge of the Skull Spiders, Journey to One, and especially Battle of the Mask Makers, I think that G2 is full of life with characters that are defined through the story and not G1 nostalgia or just the sets.

    • Upvote 6
  5. I think those "arms" were used to fire blaster bolts in Bionicle Heroes, but that game is as non-canon as they come.


    I think it is just a set thing to give him a certain shape and not actual anatomy, kind of like how some sets like Strakk or 2015 Onua have extended necks, but really they are just there to have their heads jut more forward. Though I kind of like the theory that they are just some fancy holsters for his back-up weapons.

    • Upvote 1
  6. I never realized that this much Galidor stuff even existed. 


    While Galidor is the very definition of a failed franchise for Lego, I can really admire its ambition.


    I might check out the series now that I know where to find it (it is not like Lego is ever going to release it).

  7. Have to be honest... This poster appeals more to me then the previous DVD covers for the four Bionicle movies, well except maybe Web of Shadows. Really nice poster!

    You mean the poster that has Whenua's tool phasing through his knee?


    But I agree that this poster is really good. I prefer it to any of the movie covers that have gone before. I kind of wish that there was a desktop wallpaper version.

  8. I wish that all of the colors in a blended mask would match the color scheme of the entire figure. The silver on Tahu's normal mask sticks out on his gold-heavy color scheme. I think all of the golden masks look nice blended though.


    And even though it is not included on the poll, but the blend on Umarak's mask looks amazing.

  9. Don't know about Bionicle specifically... but I'd love to see more constraction parts in "girlier" colors, including but not limited to:


    Also, more parts in flesh tones (including Light Nougat, Nougat, and Medium Nougat) would be much appreciated. And White Glow parts would be amazing.

    The first time I read your post, I thought you said you wanted "grittier" colors and then saw the list and started chuckling.


    But some of those would be really nice. It kind of reminds me of the early Mata Nui era years where every set had a softer secondary color (tan for brown, orange for red, etc.). It would be nice to see some of that color scheme return. Those colors you listed would make great secondary colors in that style.


    Even though it made a major appearance on Umarak, translucent green barely ever appears outside of eyestalk colors. I am also not a big fan of the ubiquitous trans-yellow-green, and would prefer if regular translucent green would become the more common trans-green color.


    Also, getting CCBS bones in more colors than greys and translucent colors would be nice. 

  10. Same goals as I had for the original; every retail set not including combo model focused sets.


    A lot of the promo sets don't get released in the U.S., so tracking them down is too much bother for things that are probably not going to show up in the story.


    And now that there have been a few con-exclusive masks, some of the G2 masks are way harder to find than any of the ones in G1. 


    Even though there does not seem to be combiner model focused sets in G2 along the lines of Takutanuva and Ultimate Dume, I don't plan on getting any if they do appear. I stuck to this rule for the original run, and the only thing I regret about it is not getting a seperate Kardas dragon for display.

  11. A Nya minifig in the style of the techno or tournament robes with the half-face mask and hair. I missed out on the first year sets where she had her hair included, so it would be great to see it again.


    Nya's hair doesn't really fit with the Techno-style masks. It's too long in the sides.


    Nya's hair was included in Final Flight of Destiny's Bounty as an alternative to her mask, though, so it is still in production. I wish more sets would include the ninja's hair like that set does so they wouldn't have to be bald when you remove their masks. And especially since we don't yet have Zane 2.0's hair in the correct silver color.


    Cool, I'll try and pick up that set before it disappears. But I do like the Techno style masks, so I would like a version of her hair that would work with them.

  12. I agree with the original poster that superheroes could use another shot. With the newer pieces available, I bet that they could pull those off way better. Even though they are not my favorite sets, the human styled Star Wars sets pull off their heads way better than the superhero ones did. 


    Seeing those knockoffs convinced me that Ninjago could be pulled off fairly well.


    I also think that Nexo Knights would be a good fit because of their armored appearance (I was also a huge fan of the Knight's Kingdom II action figures, so more of those would be nice).


    I feel having a female focused theme along the lines of Elves or Friends would be really fun to have in CCBS for several reasons:

    1) A lot of the colors in those sets are lovely and need to show up more.

    2) A lot of toys along those lines come with clothing accessories, and I think robots in scarves or capes or cowls look cool.

    3) Maybe with more than one or two female characters showing up in a line, Lego will finally make some more feminine shells and armor pieces for CCBS. It always kind of bothered me that in the animations, Gali was always more slender than the other Toa but in the actual sets, she has the same size and body type as all the others. All of the current CCBS armor has a more muscled, masculine look to it. Having some pieces that can pull off  a skinny or slender look would be great just for the added diversity in the builds.

  13. I keep them fully built, but then put them in a Ziploc bag with their instructions, and put those into storage bins. That way, I don't lose track of the pieces, and if i want to play with or display them again, they are easily accessible. It also helps with keeping track of their accessories, like the gold masks and skull spiders from last year. Gallon sized bags can hold almost any of the sets without taking them apart (though I did have to remove the horns from Skull Smasher and the legs from Skull Scorpio).

  14. I always sort of assumed that different domes within the GSR had different skies (the twin suns of Metru Nui being tied to its location in the head made me think this), so I assume that there could possibly ones with moon-like objects in the sky, but there was not one in the Metru Nui dome judging on the times we saw the night sky.

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