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Lewa the Demonic

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Status Updates posted by Lewa the Demonic

  1. Do you miss me? Old friend!

    1. Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Grandmaster Lehvorak

      Hey dude! How have you been? hahaha long time no talk! I just got back on here been busy lately.

  2. Thank you for the answer!

    1. FrozenFlash


      You're welcome!

  3. Heeello fattiman!

  4. It's never enough!

  5. Yep, we're pretty good. What about you?

  6. sHALL CONTINUE3 TO MY 1000nth post?

  7. My life is confusing at best =P

  8. I HATE coffee. Its taste just doesn't appeal to me at all.

  9. I can disco too, it's actually pretty cool. :)

  10. I KNOW THAT! I felt like yelling because I'm used to not being able to hear myself think. Heheh :D, J/K.

  11. You've been new since I was new man O-O

  12. I don't suppose you have any purple or green gel in your syringes? CAUSE I DO!

  13. Do Ninja's are cooler than pirates? Samurais kick both of them!

  14. Elias doesn't like you very much right now -_-

  15. Exactly why I use a Mac. Is Escondido near the Mexican border? Because it sounds real spanish...y.

  16. I think Alena's in hiding or something.

  17. Okay, um...who's going to dispose of Jordboys body?

  18. Why are you grounded? huh? huhhuhhuhuhhuh?

  19. How can you be lost? You always came to my profile before and I'd think you would remember afer calling me Peach Queen i|. Great.

  20. Excuse me That is Do you think Ninjas are cooler and all that stuff after.

  21. I said killing a few times and the whole thing was basically a rant about how awesome toa Lhikan was

  22. See you guys tommorrow, I'm getting off now.

  23. Back when we lived in an apartment the landlord got mad at somebody and blew up their car with a stick of dynamite.

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