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Lewa the Demonic

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Status Updates posted by Lewa the Demonic

  1. Ghost profile. Thats what I call ones like yours. Mysteriousness.

  2. Y'know, it seems as if every female on this site draws. Just seems cool and unusual at the same time.

  3. Um, no offense but where are all your posts? Oh yeah and Brutaka to you too.

  4. whats what about Brutaka?

  5. I mean my friend at school, not Guurahk.

  6. Cool, Ireland. My friends parents are from Ireland.

  7. Wait, I just read your interests section so most of my doubts have been erased.

  8. No, its good and random. So keep writing if you want.

  9. Oh,yeah and Gutenwhat? sounds german I should know. I'am German.

  10. Just 9 and already on BZpower. Your speech patterns would seem to dictate that you are not nine and just putting up a false front. Wow I'm getting technical. Sorry if I'm sounding insulting or offensive.

  11. You have photoshop, nice! I only get to mess around with photoshop at school in computer class.

  12. Destroying evil with a sword sunds like something I would do.

  13. I have to comment myself.

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