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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    Just a few notes:
    -The reason I chose "Adventurer" over "Adventure Master", is that if I was Adventure Master, my initials would be the same as my best friend
    -My epic will be updated about once every two weeks from now on
    -I will finish my thoughts on the 08 small sets once I have decided what I think of them *starts thinking*
    -I can play "Hot Cross Buns" on the Tenor Sax now, very easy to learn
  2. Adventurer
    If anyone's interested, I have some moderately funny quotes from Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert Guess what the name of the book I got them from was and I'll give you a very special prize








  3. Adventurer
    Toady and yesterday I wasn't on BZPower much, because of my new Lesovikk, Tenor Sax and new computer game. As a result, I missed out on the BIONICLE Science topic that Greg made, the one that was recently closed
  4. Adventurer
    First off, my name is back to normal Second, I got my Tenor Saxophone today. I have been fiddling with it all afternoon, as a result I was not on much today I won't actually being learning it until next year, but until then, I'll try and teach myself
  5. Adventurer
    Two things today:

    I apologise to anyone that was caught up in my ignorance
    The other thing is that I have remade my BS01 account as it was deleted. I named the account "Adventurer" so my next BZPower name will be Adventurer
    PS: I get my Tenor Sax in a few days
    PSS: I bought Heroes season one today, so I'm happy
    PSSS: No school tomorrow
  6. Adventurer
    I made this in power point after reading bonesiii's blog Don't forget to see the below entry, I need to know my name by Wednesday...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
  7. Adventurer
    Well, it's only a few days until I can change my name back and I am faced with a problem. Over my time as Adventuress I have found a liking for the name "Adventure Master" I seems cooler and more Mastery than "Adventurer" So I'll ask for some opinions, which is better:
    1) Adventurer
    2) Adventure Master
    If you could choose one and say why, that would be great (yes, I realise most of the things I have named usually came out of a blog comment . If you have an adventure related name, please tell me
  8. Adventurer
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Well, here are the Makuta: 

    Antroz, my favourite of the Makuta we've seen so far
    The orb in his chest looks interesting...The shoulder armour suits his mask His mask is awesome, can't wait to see what power it will have...Cons:The feet are Piraka feet. Can't really complain with all the new pieces though The overall legs look a bit bland, that is made up through his overall appearance though
    Vamprah's turn in the spotlight now
    The mask again is awesome.The same red orb looks interesting.Cons:He doesn't stand out as a set very well.Again the feet are old pieces.
    The vampire I mean Chirox's turn now
    The design looks fairly interesting The wings really suit him.Comes with the cool orbs Cons:He looks lie Mantax a bit.The wings look like they may fall off easily...The mask isn't as good as others.[*]Legs are pretty run of the mill...
  9. Adventurer
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Many people have currently gone into the bi-yearly craze over the new set pictures/names. I shall post my thoughts for entertainment  

    Here's Kopaka Nuva
    Awesome wingsWeapon looks decentThe mask resembles his old one. The red piece is a nice add on I think Cons:Build looks a bit stiff. I'll make my decision when I get him Shoulders look exposed. 
    Lewa Nuva now
    Pretty cool sword. It suits his element The rockets look fun I can't wait to see a Toa of air in an air type location!Cons:Mask looks a bit too much like the Faxon, though since every set comes with a new mask, this is acceptable  
    Pohatu Nuva next
    Generally, a fairly unique design The weapons/helicopter blades look interesting.The bulky build suits stone.His Midak Sky Blaster is mounted in the same way as Nuparu Inika's Cons:I would have preffered yellow over orange, but I guess he's orange because Toa Ignika is yellow I hope we'll get a yellow Makuta The head looks awkward.I'll post more each blog entry
  10. Adventurer
    Just so you guys know, EmpressWhenua has won the blog naming contest. He will be PMing me his prize which will be unveiled eventually
    As for real life, I have had trouble getting onto BZPower for two reasons:
    1) Computer is messing up
    2) Trumpet
    I had a performance today, not much to say. All went well, we sung on the bus home
  11. Adventurer
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    What do you think? (Spoilered due to size )
    I have limited access over the next three days or so. A storm knocked out our power and hurt one of our computers. As a result I may not be on much in the next three days, though I should be back after three days
    Contest still going, only three days left
  12. Adventurer
    OK, I plan on ending this contest around next Sunday or Monday afternoon, so until then I'm still looking
    If anyone noticed, I wasn't online much yesterday, as when I got home from school, I went to a book launch for a book I reviewed earlier this year Everything went well and Yorrick Kaine's friend officially launched his new publishing press, so that was good That's about it, so see ya
    EDIT: I forgot to mention: I got an award for the awards night at my school I'm one of the thirty-eight people in my one thousand five hundred person school that got one I don't know what it's for, but I'll find out in a month...
  13. Adventurer
    Just a reminder, the Name The Blog contest is still going
    Well school started today and unfortunately there was not much exciting stuff that happened We had HPE first, we didn't get anything done, we just talked about some very basic stuff (*sigh*). Then we had English (home room) where I got my report card! I got all As for achievement in all subjects and I got mostly Cs for behavior Much better than my last one After lunch I had Maths, not much to say. Then we had Manual Arts, again, not much to say Then German, see last sentence. Then the best subject of the day in my opinion! Music We started learning guitar today, I have been considering taking it up as my second instrument, but I eventually chose Tenor Saxophone, which I'll started next year I might take guitar up in 09 though...
  14. Adventurer
    Just a reminder, the name the blog contest is still going
    Yesterday I was halfway through making several posts when I had to go to the picnic I mentioned in my last entry It was as boring as expected and afterwards I was conned into babysitting two of the kids there. So that's why I was inactive most of yesterday
    BZPower: I plan on finish reading the reference stuff, update my epic and if I have time, update my blog...wait a second...
  15. Adventurer
    I can't come up with a good name for this blog, so I'm being lazy and holding a contest. Leave you ideas in a comment, you may enter as many times as you like. If I see a good name, I will use it and you will be given credit and immortalised in a prestigious content block
    PS: I saw Rush Hour three today It was funny, not much to say really Wonder if they'll do a fourth...
  16. Adventurer
    I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get PDF of the first series of the BIONICLE comics. I haven't read many of them and only the 04/05 ones are on Bionicle.com. Thanks if you can help
  17. Adventurer
    I went to Ikea today to buy a new wardrobe, not much to say. As a result I'll be seeing Rush Hour Three tomorrow instead of today .
  18. Adventurer
    Well I'm going to see Rush Hour Three tomorrow as well as go and do some other stuff. As a result I'll have limited access to BZPower Today I also added chapter three of my epic, though I doubt anyone's interested
  19. Adventurer
    Well I'm only thirteen years old, and I've just found a patch of gray hair on the back of may head! At this rate I'll be gray by fifteen or sixteen I guess this will finally give me an excuse to dye my hair. So the question I ask you is, what would be the best colour to dye my hair (I currently have dark brown hair )?
    PS: I added chapter two of my epic
  20. Adventurer
    I started an epic if anyone's interested, it's about a lost Toa of electricity named Arthax. The links in the Adventurer's Topics Of Choice content block
  21. Adventurer
    I had scrambled eggs for breakfast Not doing anything today unless the car is fixed in time. If it is we're taking a day trip some place I'm going to make a banana split or banana ice cream banner and maybe avatar. Over!
  22. Adventurer
    I got back home a few minutes ago and I'll give some updates
    Beach: I went to the beach yesterday, fun was had
    Official S&T Lexicon: I made the offical S&T Lexicon just then, check it out
    Power Packs: I got my two Power Packs I left one closed as a collectible and I opened one. Next on my rare items list is an orange Vahi...
    Adventuress: I haven't yet said why I got the gender change. I got it because the Empress said so
    New Theory: Click here.
    That's all for now
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