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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    The next TF2 will not only be Sniper, but a Spy too. I can't believe VALVe actually did what the conspiracy theorists wanted. Anyway I can't wait for the mass Spies.
  2. Adventurer
    Just a reminder, the Name The Blog contest is still going
    Well school started today and unfortunately there was not much exciting stuff that happened We had HPE first, we didn't get anything done, we just talked about some very basic stuff (*sigh*). Then we had English (home room) where I got my report card! I got all As for achievement in all subjects and I got mostly Cs for behavior Much better than my last one After lunch I had Maths, not much to say. Then we had Manual Arts, again, not much to say Then German, see last sentence. Then the best subject of the day in my opinion! Music We started learning guitar today, I have been considering taking it up as my second instrument, but I eventually chose Tenor Saxophone, which I'll started next year I might take guitar up in 09 though...
  3. Adventurer
    I just got my report card. / It was about two months late, but at least is contains mostly good news. I got a B for trumpet due to "not attending classes" which is a bit hard to do when the teacher has only attended three lessons himself (and two of those lessons were rescheduled ). Anyway, I now have the hard task of picking subjects. At the moment I'm looking at doing:
    Maths (B and C accelerated class)
    Multimedia Computing
    Science Academy (accelerated chemistry and physics prefatory as well as year 11 biology)
    Music (not sure if I should do rock or jazz yet....)
    ...and one more which I have yet to decide. The cool thing is that with the science academy I get to start a university subject in year 11.
  4. Adventurer
    Period 1 (Bioseience) - Feeling queasy and like throwing up.
    Period 2 & # (English Test) - Nearly did throw up! My friend commented that I looked really white. Eventually, halfway through the test I was sent home
    I still feel sort of sick...
  5. Adventurer
    I've been watching horror movies and games all day and managed to convince our drama teacher to have a horror themed lesson. I was the best at dying, but I was the worst zombie/vampire.
    Wow, that entry was short, I better add more to it...
    Umm, I got FEAR 2: Project Origin. It's pretty cool (very bloody/violent ), the way it's going, I'd give it a 8/10. Not as scary as the first one by a mile and it has a few quirky annoying gameplay things, but it is enjoyable to play. Also, they win points for using Steam instead of something like Games For Windows Live (which sucks hard).
    Anyway that's it for now.
  6. Adventurer
    I saw Golden Compass today, I liked it. Hopefully it will make enough money for the next two movies. Anyway, I haven't been on much recentley and I won't be on much for the next few days too due to holiday busyness.
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