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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    Today has been the first time in a while I've dug around on my account here - I've been visiting the site quite regularly but only checking the news and briefly the forums occasionally. Today however I checked through my profile and found comments which I didn't realised had been posted! I must have missed the notifications for these? I also updated a few things on my profile and found my old notes - which still have nearly 20 000 words worth of Greg F quotes and S&T content.
    Also if anyone actually reads this, hello.
  2. Adventurer
    Can someone tell me the most hardcore death metal song ever? I need it for a music assignment. I'm going to compare it to the Thomas the Tank Engine theme.
    Also, I am disappointed about the lack of comments last entry. Glorb & Tim are crying in the lounge room now.
  3. Adventurer
    Just saw this. I was afraid that PAL regions weren't going to get the collection and the ultimate edition before God of War III, seems with get both at once.
    Also I've got word that Titan Mata Nui has arrived at my Mum's house. Won't be there for quite a while yet, but still:
  4. Adventurer
    For Christmas I got an MP3 player in the shape of a Lego brick. I'll post pictures later.
    I also got a few games (the FEAR expansions, the Diablo and Starcraft Battlechests, COD:WAW, The Witcher EE, FIFA09, Lego Batman) I got two Lego sets (Axalara T9 and that collectible big General Grievous thing), some DVDs (Simpsons season 11, Kill Bills, Sweeney Todd), a few books (can't remember their exact titles) and a whole heaps of clothes (a ton of shirts and a belt, but no pants ). Apparently I have a package coming from NYC, but I have no idea what will be in that considering my last present from there was a collectable lightsaber from the Skywalker Ranch.
    Anyway I was nearly about to finish updating the Taka topic, but the it turned out half of the lexicon had been deleted from going over the post limit. Shurtgal saved the day, but I still need to redo all the extra stuff I added and the coding and links etc... After that I'll start RKing properly (though I already updated all the 2009 sets in the Set Database, but pictures wouldn't upload due to stuff being all werid ).
    Any who I think that's it.
    Oh, I'm going to Sydney in two days, don't know how busy I'll be there, but I'll be able to get some of that awesome BBQ octopus.
    Oh an give suggestions on what you want for Glorb & Tim II.
  5. Adventurer
    Competition time!
    I want a LEGO Indiana Jones banner and avatar next, but I don't actually feel like making one myself. As a result I have decided to make a little contest. There are two sections -
    What it must contain -
    Lego Indy! Lego Indy's hat! What it can contain to get you extra bonus points -Lego Indy's whip! Generally though, if you can't fit the whip in without making it look bad, leave it. If it looks over crowded you're more likely to lose points, not gain them.  
    What I want in an avatar -
    Not much of that white stuff you get from cropping it poorly. As said above, I don't want it too crammed. NO WORDS! I would definately prefer no text. Not too many effects. Try and not go overboard with effects, especially with glowing etc... Banner (468x60) 
    What it must contain -
    Lego Indy! Lego Indy's whip Lego Indy's hat What it can contain to get you extra bonus points -Include a Lego treasure of some type Include a Lego vehicle of any type Not much of that white stuff you get from cropping it poorly. Not too crammed. NO WORDS! I would definately prefer no text. Not too many effects. Try and not go overboard with effects, especially with glowing etc... The winner will receive a free Gadunka whilst all participants with receive a free dog! Contest starts 01/04/08 and ends 01/05/08. I hope you guys enter!
  6. Adventurer
    I have a piece of steak stuck in my tooth. It's been there for four days now and I haven't been able to get it out. I have no toothpicks (or dental floss) and brushing my teeth doesn't work. Anyone have any ideas?
    Also I should be getting my yellow spinny soon.
  7. Adventurer
    People who have Bionicle Legends#11 or have read spoiler, can you please stop alluding to stuff that happens in it? I mean saying stuff like "I wish all the *CENSORED* didn't die" or "Ooh! This topic has something to do with what I read in Bionicle Legends#11, but I won't say what. Though I will say that it sort of goes with this theory..." Seriously, can you just wait until the release date to boast, complain and discuss the book? I'm not gonna be getting it until well after the release date (due to long shipping times) and I'm trying not to spoil myself on something I've been waiting since 2001 for, so can you please settle down?
  8. Adventurer
    The Queenslanbd floods reached my LEGO collection, it's still there, but it's very muddy and wet... Also have probably lost a bunch of other stuff including some instructions and electronics. Luckily most of it was in my Mum's house which wasn't affected as badly as my Dad's.
  9. Adventurer
    I saw Indy. I liked it, but I can see a lot of people calling it un-Indy. I won't say too much because my fingers got stuck in the car door and it hurts to type.
  10. Adventurer
    Repeat what you said in your last post/comment here. It might even look like an intelligent discussion.
    EDIT: It doesn't just have to be stuff you've said in blogs BTW.
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