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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    Yay they announced a new Fallout game.
    In others news schools back. Yay? I dunno but I thought I needed to make a new entry and the entry needs an acceptable amount of content.
  2. Adventurer
    I need more room in notepad, though these quotes are from all over the place, some may be recent some may be old. Will add quote tags later.
    3) They can create their elements at some distance removed from them, but it has to be within line of sight, so creating them inside of someone would not be possible. Also, since Toa don't kill, they would never do this anyway.
    1. I've heard that Rahi don't have a balance of light and darkness, meaning they would be unaffected by a Shadow Leech or Mask of Hunger. Does this also apply to sentient Rahi (like Keetongu or Krakah)?
    1) Keetongu, it probably would apply to -- Krahka, it would not, because when you absorb intelligence as she has, you absorb a moral sense too
    1. Is the 2009 universe an alternative universe or the original thing?
    1) It is not an alt. universe, no.
    7. Does the Red Star, or at least the beings inside or someone who controls it, have the ability to monitor the universe very closely?
    7) No
    1. If the Av-Matoran left the Core, then would they shrink?
    1) Over time, yes
    5. When did the vehicles arrive in Karda Nui?
    5) Before the Toa Mata did
    2. Can sand be considered as an element?
    2) No.
    6) I can't discuss 2009, but note that I said A mask will be crucial to 2009 -- not that we would be doing a whole host of new masks and mask powers
    The mask I am referring to actually will be a part of 2009 story, not simply a device to make 2009 story happen. That said, it will NOT be the object of a quest, as we have done the last couple years, nor will it make an appearance before summer 2009.
    Just something I was wondering about...
    1. Since masks are magnetically attached to a Toa's face, can a Makuta use his powers over magnetism to take the mask off a Toa's face, rendering them weaker?
    1. Does Teridax have a back-up plan for if the Toa Nuva succeed in awakening Mata Nui before Teridax is ready?
    1b. If not, is this his last chance at Mata Nui?
    2. If Brutaka finishes his assignment, will he be accepted back into the OoMN?
    3. If you aren't going to reveal the Shadowed One's name, what are you going to do with it?
    4. When the OoMN launches Miserix at Destral, do they expect him to go on a rampage there or just use him to destroy the Makuta Fortress?
    5. Did Mazeka come from an island we already know of?
    5b. Did he also come from the Tren Krom Peninsula like Vultraz?
    5c. Southern Continent?
    5d. Northern Continent?
    6. Will the identity of the OoMN's Dark Hunter spy get revealed in the OoMN-BoM war?
    Thanks in advance.
    1) No, we're at the endgame now -- too late to change the Plan
    2) Yes
    3) Nothing at all.
    4) Neither. They expect him to rally those Makuta who may be unhappy with the Plan but afraid to say so to his side.
    5b) Yes, and he did not come from an island
    6) Yes
    1) Is the Brickmaster promo a Klakk?
    1) Yes
    5. Have the beings inside the Red Star ever not been inside the Red Star?
    5) No
    9) Do the Great Beings Have a universe of their own, where they were created?
    9) Yes
    2= What is the difference between the elemental ability of an elemental mask and a toa?
    2A= Is there a noticeable difference in elemental controll and power?
    2B= Elemental mask's don't use elemental energy right?
    2C= If yes, doesn't that mean an elemental mask is better than a toa's elemental powers?
    2) An elemental mask has to have elemental energy in it, otherwise it wouldn't work at all. Toa can do things masks cannot, such as absorb their element from the environment. Also, masks run out of power at some point and can't be recharged, Toa powers regenerate normally over time.
    1.) In the OGD, it sounded like you said Elemental Kanohi run out of juice eventually. Is this true? Or did you mean Kanoka, not Kanohi?
    Thanks a lot
    1) Masks do too. It just takes a really, really, REALLY long time and a great deal of use for that to happen. But the energy in a mask is not infinite.
    3. How important is the Ignika to the plan.
    3) To Makuta's plan? Not enormously
    5.) When awakened could Mata Nui be casted into an illusion by Teridax.
    5) No
    Some new ones.
    2.) Could the Makuta in Karda Nui pollute the energy source sent to Mata Nui.
    3.)Will Mata Nui's Character Flaw and Nightmares have anything to do with the plan.
    4.) Could Teridax at anytime place Mata Nui into an illusion.
    2) No
    3) It already did, Zex -- if he had paid attention to what was going on in his universe, the Makuta could never have attacked him
    4) No


    1.Hi, I was wondering, did you say that one of the NUVA would regain the Nuva's memory of the past, or did you say one TOA. If you said one TOA, could it possibly be Takanuva, since he has seen the past, and didn't like it might since the energy storm might incinirate the Nuva?
    Thank you!
    1.I said Toa, but it did not refer to Takanuva.
    4. Do the remaining Toa Mahri have destinies other than saving Mata Nui's life?
    4) They have already achieved their destinies
    3) The Sundial has to be brought to the Codrex, correct? Or will it simply guide the Toa to the Codrex?
    3) It does not need to be brought there, no
    1. I just read the new Taka blog entry, is the sundial's purpose to lead to the codrex?
    1) Yes
    2) will kopaka also change the look of he's armor when he's piloting
    2) No, because no altered set of Kopaka exists
    5. Can the Ignika (Mask or Toa) restore the light of a being who had their light drained?
    5) No. It controls life, not light
    8. I was re-reading The Kingdom and I noticed something. Turaga Takanuva was saying something about moving the Kingom's inhabitants some place else. He said: "We will have to move on again, perhaps to the stars if Nuju and Nuparu’s project works." What project was he talking about?
    8) Nuju and Nuparu are building a rocket.
    9. Would a OoMN member (who's mind is shielded) be affected by the Kanohi Olisi?
    9) No
    2) Do the Blade Burrowers "Map" have anything to do with the red star?
    2) No. The red star did not even exist when the original map was made that they are reproducing
    3. If the Matoran Universe gets Hurt in any way, shape or form, will Mata Nui's status weaken aswell?
    3) Yes, he is tied to the universe and it to him.
    1. Is the 2009 universe an alternative universe or the original thing?
    1) It is not an alt. universe, no.
    18) Why does it appear that we will be going back to Mata Nui (island) in the near future?
    18) I have no idea why you think that, because it's not true.
    5. Not sure if you're gonna answer this one, but can you tell me who will be the first to discover the Klakk's special ability?
    5) Vican
    1) I forgot, when using the Crast, does Krika repel objects, or do objects repel him?
    1) In most cases, he repels them
    4) Is Mata Nui closer to a million feet tall than 700,000 feet tall?
    4) Yes
    No Toa Nuva will die this year. None. Nada.
    3) Since she is not going to be shown in any other environment this year, and we are not in this universe next year, it doesn't really make sense to me to do.
    5. Does Bitil have an extra power that you're going to reveal?
    5) No
    1) Did the Great Beings decide that destined Av-Matoran will turn into Bohrok?
    1) All beings have their destiny set at the time of creation
    Bitil's bio on bionicle.com states he ruled "barren islands" and was kept away from important locations.
    Would you say that "barren islands" or "non specific" is Bitil's official assigned location? (since he'll never get a fixed location)
    I would say that puts him in charge of some of the southern islands
    You would need to know the frequency and duration needed to make it work. No Toa of Sonics does, because none has ever encountered a klakk or a shadow Matoran. And you have to be careful about experimenting -- use the wrong frequency, you might kill the target. And no Makuta would ever want to cure a shadow being, so that basically makes them irrelevant to the debate.
    3. Does the Felnas work on other Kanohi?
    3) No
    1. Can Makuta use two powers at once? Like, use destiny control and chameleon at once to "vanish"?
    1) No
    1. Can you see the Red Star from the 2009 location?
    1) Yes
    1. Is it possible that there might be another domed universe on the bionicle planet.
    2. Does the pit mutagen only mutate beings to be adapable to water( like water breathing, fins, etc.)
    1) No
    2) No -- but the people not mutated into something other than water-breathers drowned, which is why you didn't meet them
    2) Is the Matoran Universe above or below the seabed of the endless sea surrounding the island of Mata Nui? Can it be, say, 'de-rooted' from the Bionicle Planet, or is it physically bonded with the Planet?
    2) No, it is not physically bonded to the planet.
    b ) We know the Red Star is not as old as the Matoran universe, but how much younger is it? For that instance: He did not come into existence when the GC occurred right?
    b ) Came into being shortly after Mata Nui did
    * 2009 is not someone's dream.
    * 2009 is not set below the existing Matoran universe (we already have an underground setting next year, Power Miners, so really no need to do another).
    * 2009 is not set in an alternate universe or pocket dimension.
    Sorry to bother you,
    Would it be possible for Mata nui to turn into say, antidermis, energy, or split part's of his body off?
    If so, would it be possible for MN to hide himself in a dome, island, person,or building?
    Thank's for your time.
    1) No, no, and no
    2) No
    7) So when the Ignika is used, it sends a jolt of life force into Mata Nui?
    7a) Since the 'Ignika Way' to awaken MN is by sacrifice, would someone else need to die to awaken him?
    7) I can't discuss this -- also, we never said the Ignika would need to die -- it's not truly alive, it's an object.
    2009 location did not originally come from within the domes. 2009 location is not and never has been part of any domed universe.
    No, he's not evil.
    As far as sacrifices go, the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines made big sacrifices for the US in numerous wars -- does that make the US evil? Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good.
    How will the Klakk get into Karda Nui?
    Mutran creates it there
    1. When it says that Mutran learned why the universe works, does it mean why it was created or why it manages to hold together and continue to work?
    1) He does not know why it was created, no, no one does (other than the story team, and eventually, you)
    5a. If they did, can you confirm the existence of at least one other landmass on the planet at some point in time?
    5a) This gets dealt with later in story
    9. Why did Voya Nui fly up through the Mainland's dome during the GC? I mean, even with Bionicle physics, an island can't fly through the air during an earthquake. Was the GC a force coming from the ground up?
    9) Can't discuss it
    1)Does Mata Nui knows where the 2009 universe is?
    1) Can't answer it
    If Teridax dies, will the plan fail?
    8. Are the inhabitants of the 2009 universe biomechanical in the same way Matoran are with regard to their procreation and how they consume energy?
    8) Nope.
    Competing over a mask? Where did you get that from? Sorry, no, not the case. They could only compete for the Ignika if they knew what it was -- which they don't. And Tuma is not a Toa, none of the natives of 2009's setting even know what a Toa is.
    Tuma is an exception, he's not the rule.
    I can tell you that Mata Nui has no knowledge of or memory of Bara Magna.
    Why does the telescope come out when he lands?
    5) It's for monitoring the location of the red star
    3) I know that the figure featured at the end of Comic 15: Mata Nui Rising is in fact not Matoro, but is there any reason for the uncanny resemblance to a Toa Inika (particularly him)?
    3) I didn't draw the pic, and as far as I know, it was never intended to look like an Inika, so I am not sure where all this is coming from. You can't even see his mask in that pic.
    10. Are there other red stars in the universe, or is the one above the Bionicle planet the only one?
    10) Just one that I know of
    2) Are Makuta exclusive to the Unnamed Planet?
    2) They are unique to the Matoran universe. The planet is not considered part of that universe -- the universe is the world inside the Matoran domes
    9) Is the Red Star where the Great Beings live?
    9) No
    13) Is the reason the Blade Burrowers have the Three Virtues Map, that they are meant to direct Mata Nui on His journey?
    13) No.
    14) Do the Great Beings collectively know that Makuta exist?
    14) Sure.
    4. What does he have to hide from when he covers himself?
    4) The natives of whatever planet he is visiting.
    6. When he died, where did his Spirit go?
    6) We haven't gotten into that, since any kind of "afterlife" is a religious issue
    3) Do the songs found on Bionicle.com have anything to do wiht the storyline?
    3a) Are they 'canon'?
    3) No, the songs do not contain story info.
    4. Will the Red Star follow Mata Nui while he's in the Ignika, or does it follow his body, and thus will follow Teridax?
    4) None of the above.
    5. Why does the telescope come out when he lands?
    5b. I mean, can he himself use it?
    5c. If he can't, is it supposed to be used by others?
    5d. If so, is anyone specific supposed to use it?
    5) It's for monitoring the location of the red star
    7. Is there Protodermis in Bara Magna?
    7b. Is Bara Magna made completely of Protodermis like the Matoran Universe?
    7) No
    7b) No, because Bara Magna is not an artificial universe that's been built by someone else.
    10. Now that we know Mata Nui simply crashed on the planet we've been on for the past 8 years, and we know there's nothing on it but the endless ocean, something tells me it's not really important (the planet). Am I warm?
    10) Nope. It's very important, just as important as next year's world is
    1) The Red Star. The beings that are living in it. Do they have any, even the slightest relation to the Matoran Universe or Mata Nui, besides that they're alive like Mata Nui?
    1) Well, the red star has some connection to Mata Nui obviously, so in that respect, there is a connection between the beings who live in it in and him -- the same way your house is part of your town, so you and your family have a connection to your town.
    6) Are there any creatures in the Endless Ocean?
    6a) If so, were they disturbed by Mata Nui's fall and/or his getting up?
    6) Yes
    6a) I'm sure some were.
    8) I know, but if anybody else knew how to do it, could they?
    8) Is the potential there? Yes. But they would have to know how to do it, have the tools to do it, AND be able to do it without Teridax being aware. Teridax pays a lot more attention to what is going on in his universe than Mata Nui did, so he's a lot harder to surprise.
    1)Now that Makuta has taken control of Mata Nui, now what? Will he move on to dominate Mata Nui's universe? Is he going to fulfill Mata Nui's duties as well, or just celebrate that his Plan has been completed?
    1) More likely, he is going to focus on conquering other worlds
    2. Does Teridax now make destinys for anyone as MN did?
    2) For beings he creates, yes
    5. Is it possible that the Blade Burrowers map represent palnets that MN needed to travel to?
    5) I would say no
    4.) I just read the newest installment of Dwellers in Darkness (the Hagah find the Bara Magna inscription). Has anyone from the '09 universe come to the MU, or vice versa? Is it possible that Bara Magna's life offshoots from that of the Matoran Universe (like the theory of Earth life being "seeded" from an extraterrestrial source?
    4) I would say no, and remember that the beings in the MU were created by the Great Beings or by Mata Nui -- the '09 universe inhabitants were not.
    2) Mata-Nui must have been very close to the planet for the gravitational pull to drag him down onto it. Was he observing it for some reason?
    2a) How can a planet covered by nothing but water be important?
    2) Yup
    7) Are the people in the Red Star, the people that Mata-Nui sends his information that he gathers in his "observation" to? This might explain why he has to keep an eye on it.
    7) No.
    10) The 2009 characters don't know what a Toa is, but would they recognize the name "Mata-Nui"?
    10) No
    5) Do the 2009 natives know of the UDD symbol?
    5a) If so, do they know it's really a map?
    5) They have seen the symbol, have no clue what it refers to
    6)If the answers to all those questions above are correct, then is the UDD really a method of getting from one respective Universe to another?
    6) No
    2) why the did MN let makuta have a destiny like he does?
    did he just think oh i know, lets make a being that will eventually take over me, the guys im meant to be protecting, and possibly the whole outer universe. or even if that wasnt and it is to do something that involves taking over the MU, why would MN make a destiny that was bad for himself
    unless of course... teridax is destined to fail... or could teridax change this
    2) How do you know Makuta was not doing what he was supposed to do, simply doing it at the wrong time or in the wrong way?
    1) How much does Mata Nui know about the red star?
    1b) How much did he know, say a thousand years before his 'nap'?
    1) He knows its basic function, I would assume.
    7) Does Mata Nui have any external powers?(like firing energy from his hands at something outside)
    7) Yes
    9) Was there intelligent life in the Endless ocean before MN?
    9) No, just fish
    3. Is Mata Nui created by the Great Beings for a purpose?
    3a). If so, then is that purpose something other than just creating new universes and new life forms?
    3) Yes
    3a) Mata Nui does not create universes.
    4. Does the Great Beings have access to the various kinds of protodermis? (molten, liquid, energized, etc.)
    4) Yes
    11. Does Teridax have access to Mata Nui's memories now that he's in his body?
    11) No
    3. You've said that there is only one Great Spirit. Has it always been like this?
    3) Yes
    9) In a different scenario, would an Iden user be able to accomplish the same thing Teridax did? (controlling Mata Nui before his spirit returned)
    9) Yes
    2) Also, is this "Spheris Magna" thing the name of the Endless Ocean planet?
    2) No
    5. Can Mata Nui/Makuta create avatars of themself inside the Matoran Universe?
    5) I don't think so, no
    3) Does the Bara Magna world have anything to do with spirits?
    3) No
    Nice theory, but no -- only one other tribe leader is being released as a set, and he's one of the small sets in January.
    3) Is the alternate universe where Mata Nui was never created, on the whole, better off for it?
    3) Yes. Mata Nui was created due to a disaster, and you are always better off if disasters don't happen.
    37 .- You said earlier that the Agori repairing devices are good but not create them. If the Ignika drops to Bara Magna, could a Agori repair?
    37) Probably not, as the Ignika is made of protodermis and they don't have any of that.
    1a. Will we see this "breed of warriors" again?
    1b. Will we see them/one of them as a set?
    1) The shapeshifters? Yes
    1b) No
    1. The mysterious, shapeshifting entities in Empire Of The Skrall sound a lot like a disease, like a plague that wiped out the Skrall; am I in the ballpark, or are they actual, physical beings?
    1) Actual physical beings
    1. Recently, I've been seeing a few members in the forums saying that the UDD symbol doesn't represent the Shattering of Spherus Magna, so I'm going clear this up once and for all. Even though you might not be able to discuss this with us yet, I still want at least an answer, so saying "Can't discuss this" is fine. Does the big middle dot represent Bara Magna, and the two smaller dots it's moons? Does the two swooshes around the three dots represent Makuta and Mata Nui? And finally, do you confirm or deny that the UDD symbol represents the Shattering?
    1) I can't answer this, but I CAN confirm the two swooshes do not stand for Makuta and Mata Nui.
    7) Can Skrall vary in terms of secondary colour? (black and blue, black and green etc)
    7) I believe so
    Here's another point that is being largely overlooked -- you don't know what Mata Nui's mission is, what his reason for existing is. Suppose the lives of billions of "good" people depend on him completing it, which in the Kingdom universe he now can never do? Do you still see that as a better result?
    5) Did the Shattering happen before or after the creation of the Matoran Universe ?
    5) After
    A few answers:
    1) No, they are not "born" with the implants.
    2) I have no idea how they will deal with this in the movie or if they will deal with it in the movie. I have not seen any movie animation.
    3) This was a story team decision, based in large part on our wanting to distance BM from old BIONICLE. If we just did "Toa" again without calling them Toa, that would be pretty dull.
    4) The whole "ocular implants" thing was an example -- I'm not saying every bone hunter has that or even that most do, it's just an example of something they might have that would be useful.
    5) It is always going to be difficult to do organic with Technic pieces. At the same time, if you look at a 2001 Toa set, you can't tell he has organic muscle tissue and organic lungs or anything organic at all, but he does. You just use your imagination.
    2.What is Exsidian used for?
    2) Exsidian is a metal that resists wear and corrosion really well (a constant problem in a desert), so it's prized for use as a blade coating, etc.
    3. Is there anything really so "great" about the Great Beings? As in, are they anymore vital to or dominant in the universe than, say, the Agori, or any other species out there? Obviously they're highly advanced and powerful, but aside from that.
    3) I can't discuss this
    4. You mentioned a long time ago that a potential Toa Nui would have power rivaling Mata Nui's. Does this still hold true, now that we know Mata Nui is a 40 million foot tall giant robot?
    4a. The reason I ask: Could, say, 12 Toa escape the universe, form two Toa Nui, and defeat Teridax in battle? I guess it wouldn't really do much good in the end, but just asking if it's possible...
    4) Irrelevant, since no Toa Nui exists or ever will. Toa Nui is a myth, like Polyphemus or the Gorgon.
    So, we know Mata Nui assigns the MU residents destinies (or at least I think so, I could have that wrong, been a little rusty on the story lately), but what assigns the Bara Magna resident's destinies?
    I already answered this for someone else today. While I am not saying BM characters do not have destinies (I believe everyone does), it is not that big of a deal in 2009 story. These are people trying to just survive each day -- they aren't concerned with what they are supposed to achieve someday in the far future. I really doubt any of them would even believe in the concept of destiny. So it's not going to come up other than with relation to Mata Nui.
    1. Do these shapeshifters have a goal?
    1) Yes
    1. Is this goal related to Protodermis, or to some other resource?
    1) No
    4. did the shattering effect more than just the physical world? In other worlds, is the space time fabric also affected?
    4) No, it's not
    9. Will RoS be the only MU serial this year?
    9) Yes
    I recently read on Biosector01 that the Great Beings are able to change their shape and size. While I realize this sounds absurd, could the/some Great Beings be the shapeshifters on Bara Magna who have driven the Skrall out of their territory?
    The "half-question" I have is, would the Great Beings ever do such a thing? Would you actually consider the Great Beings benevolent, or just a race of people who love creating things?
    1) I have no idea what makes BS01 think that. It has never been stated anywhere that the GBs can do that. And no, the GBs are not the shapeshifters, nor are they capable of shapeshifting, changing their size, etc.
    3) And what about those shapeshifters? They certainly do have at least one power.
    3) They are not Glatorian or Agori, though. Totally different species, totally different background, and only peripherally a part of 2009 story.
    1) Was Mata Nui's mission to create a new planet?
    1) No
    1) Anything along the lines of such?
    1a) See, what I was thinking was that Mata Nui was made to be used as a transport for the inhabitants of SM, and it kinda became a pet project to the GBs. Is this close at all?
    1) No, not really
    1a) No, he was not a colony ship.
    3)Is it possible for the Vorox and Zesk evolve back into their proud warrior race?
    3) Over time and given the right circumstances, yes
    2)Could Teridax destroy Tahu if he wanted to?
    2) Sure. He can destroy anyone in his universe if he wants to.
    2)So, he doesn't want to kill anyone because it would probably weaken Teridax right?
    2) No, it would be a waste of energy and less fun. Much better to leave your helpless enemies alive to suffer than to just kill them, which would almost be a mercy in this case, right?
    3.) Is the red star on Bara Magna, or is he in space?
    3) Red star is in orbit around the endless ocean planet
    Like the Skrall, the rock tribe was cut off from its homeland after the global disaster.
    7) If the Skrall homeland had better technology than the rest of Bara Magna, how come none of the Skrall are piloting vehicles?
    7) I never said it had better technology. I said they had better tech because of where they had lived .. in other words, the place that got invaded by shapeshifters with better tech.
    8) Could Mata Nui/Ignika re-evolve the Vorox and Zesk to be normal members of society again?
    8) I would say no, because this was not a natural evolution. It was a regression due to environmental circumstance, the equivalent of humans post-holocaust becoming barbarians. That's not the same as, say, a sea creature evolving naturally into a mammal. The Vorox/Zesk this is a cultural evolution more than anything else, and Ignika cannot affect that.
    Will you Buy the Mata Nui set ?
    1) Don't know yet.
    3) I read that the Glatorian were soldiers on Spherus Magna but are now on Bara Magna, did the Agori once live on Spherus Magna as well?
    3) Yes
    1) Does the Red star follow Mata Nui?
    1) No
    No, Spherus Magna was not changed into Bara Magna. Bara Magna and Spherus Magna are the names of two separate and distinct locations.
    Okay. I was just wondering if you can confirm... is, or is not, Mata Nui the returning character?
    At this point, with all the news from Toyfair public, it's safe to confirm that he is. Watch the movie trailer, the answer was already given there.
    4. Can you confirm that all the vehicle pilots are unique characters?
    4) Yes, I can
    8. Are the rings around the planets in the The Legend Reborn Trailer gas clouds?
    8) I can't discuss this
    10. I meant is the Mata Nui set going to be yellow or gold?
    10) I believe the set shown at Toyfair is the final set.
    4a) Are they the "Two that must make them one" and Bara Magna and its two moons "The three that must be one"?
    4) I can't discuss this
    4a) No, they are not the two that must make them one
    1) Did you plan Teridax taking control of the Matoran Universe from the beginning, or was it something that popped out in 2007?
    1) That was something we planned out in 2005 or 2006.
    5) Where did the Matoran get their names? Did the Great Beings give them their names or did the Matoran name themeselves?
    5) Matoran name themselves. Countless Matoran have come into being since the Great Beings created Mata Nui, and the GBs are not around to name anyone.
    The "sea" has the same origins that quicksand has on our planet. And no, nothing crashed into Bara Magna, so I can shoot that theory down now.
    COuld yellow or gold or even both be considered to be the elemental color of life? I ask this because there was some confusion on Biosector01.
    Probably something I would need to consult with the rest of the story team on -- keep in mind, though, that Mata Nui's colors have more to do with the fact that he is making his body out of sand. He does have access to the powers of the Mask of Life, but is not a "Toa of Life," as he has no actual elemental power other than the mask.
    7- The creatures in the Glatorian box, they will be important to the story?
    7) Not that I know of
    * Do the Agori know the Great Beings ?
    2) Know of them, yes
    2. Just making a guess, will Vezon suddenly learn how to control his power when he appear on Bara Manga?
    2) Vezon will not be appearing on Bara Magna
    7) What Makuta powers can Teridax use?
    7) In his current body? Pretty much the same ones he could use in the robot body in Mahri Nui. He cannot, for example, shapeshift
    9) Will the Vahi be reappearing in RoS?
    9) I have no plans for it to, as it wouldn't be of much use against Teridax unless the Toa's plan is to just wreck the universe
    2. Have the Great Beings ever met someone who ever lived on Bara Magna?
    2) No. And I know people who have lived in Great Britain for their whole lives and never met the Queen or any of the Royal Family. This isn't that uncommon.
    1. Are the Great Beings all of the same species?
    1) I can't discuss this
    Did the OoMN destroy the pool of EP on Voya Nui? If not, is Teridax using it for making Rahkshi?
    Yes, they did
    1. Were the scraps Tarduk found with Matoran lettering inscribed in them made of Protodermis?
    1) No
    2. Is the Endless Ocean Planet one of Bara Magna's moons?
    2b. If so, is that why Bara Magna is a desert? (since with so much water lost in The Shattering it would have been left dry)
    2) I cannot discuss this
    I'm sort of confused by some of the theories here -- the traitor was passing info to a Skrall on Agori trade movements. How would a Skrall telling that to another Skrall make him a "traitor?" Or even a bone hunter doing it, since bone hunters are enemies of the Agori -- who would he be betraying?
    We wouldn't put a summer set in a January comic.
    1. Did Certevus help found the Arena Match system?
    Did the OoMN destroy the pool of EP on Voya Nui? If not, is Teridax using it for making Rahkshi?
    Yes, they did
    Did they also destroy the one in Mangaia?
    1a) What percentage of all Glatorian (the species, not the job) are the Vorox?
    1b) How about the Skrall?
    2a) Did the Skrall fight in the EP war?
    2b) Did they fight at the same level as the Glatorian species?
    1) Glatorian is not a species, it's a job title. Vorox never were Glatorian, because they were never part of the social system.
    2a) Yes
    2b) Yes
    5) Do the life-counter/backpack things exist in the storyline?
    5) No
    1: Is the reason the Vorox and Zesk regressed to their now-primal state (rather than anyone else) related to their location, or biology?
    1) More their psychology
    3) Did the Glatorian and Agori come to BM of their own free will, and then it was devastated by the whatever-it-was?
    3) Yes
    6) Do the leader-class Skrall vary in secondary color? (For example: Blue and Black, Red and Black, Yellow and Black)
    6) No
    You have said that Mata Nui don't know of Spherus Magna (I think, or was it Bara Magna?), but did he know of Spherus Magna before the Great Cataclysm?
    3) One would assume so
    1) I was wondering if you could confirm that MN/Teridax was not omniscient in the MU, only omnipotent [or something]? Because I remember you said something along those lines, but I don't have that PM anymore as it was apparently lost in the recent crash. =P
    1) No more omniscient than you are about the workings of your body
  3. Adventurer
    Can someone tell me the most hardcore death metal song ever? I need it for a music assignment. I'm going to compare it to the Thomas the Tank Engine theme.
    Also, I am disappointed about the lack of comments last entry. Glorb & Tim are crying in the lounge room now.
  4. Adventurer
    Message from Winner:
    The IAIA has been informed that the criminal profile of serial spammer, Adventurer was sent in today. Read it here. Due to lengthiness, it had to be cut. Today however, the IAIA is proud to present to you, Adventurer: The Untold Story:
    (The following exert is the end of the mentioned bio from the given link and it is recommended that you read that first)


  5. Adventurer
    I think this blog needs an entry...
    Well, in drama a friend and I made a short children's version of A New Hope. It was very fun and involved us running around firing lasers at the audience. I have a lot of homework this weekend, so I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get the amount of RK work I wanted to. Please don't hate me!
    Other than that, I got my own copy of the Watchmen finally so that I could reread it before the movie.
  6. Adventurer
    Seriosuly, at the moment I so want a Rode. I mean people lie so often (including myself ) that it is next to impossible to know when people are serious, joking, lying and telling the truth. >_<
    Anyway my RK project is coming along, hopefully I can make some more progress on it this weekend. One that's done, expect to see an official Bionicle love topic.
  7. Adventurer
    I've been watching horror movies and games all day and managed to convince our drama teacher to have a horror themed lesson. I was the best at dying, but I was the worst zombie/vampire.
    Wow, that entry was short, I better add more to it...
    Umm, I got FEAR 2: Project Origin. It's pretty cool (very bloody/violent ), the way it's going, I'd give it a 8/10. Not as scary as the first one by a mile and it has a few quirky annoying gameplay things, but it is enjoyable to play. Also, they win points for using Steam instead of something like Games For Windows Live (which sucks hard).
    Anyway that's it for now.
  8. Adventurer
    Man, I hate being sick.
    But I BZPower and the two sorta go together.
    I should probably continue RK stuff, but I'm finding it hard to concentrate on any one thing at the moment. I should probably also post my S&T 5 entry, but I still don't really feel happy with it...
    Hmm, I wish I had those new sets I bought yesterday with me. I feel like actually getting to build them, but unfortunately I had to leave home before I could actually open their boxes (well I managed to build Metus ).
    I'm considering spending a billion dollars on Yellow Jetrax and it seems that all the online sources I find that look reputable price him about $60-80 US, which would easily be over a hundred for me, not including shipping. I could check out the BST forum I suppose, but I don't know much about how the forum works (and the last time I got something there, it never arrived >_>). Is it allowed there to just make a topic asking how much people would be willing to sell a Yellow Jetrax to an Australian?
    Anyway I think that's it for now...
  9. Adventurer
    OK, not a proper conspiracy idea, but I always noticed the Wilhelm's scream in movies, TV shows and even a game once for years and years without ever knowing that it was a known thing. I thought I was going crazy hearing the same guy scream in a billion different things everywhere. Well, last night after reading something about the Middle Man, I discovered that it is an actual thing. So maybe I'm not insane, just a bit slow.
  10. Adventurer
    For drama in school today I sat in a chair and had everyone else in the room take turns in trying to kill me in the most suspenseful ways possible.
  11. Adventurer
    I can't decide if I'm happy with my entry. It's sort of vaguely like what I wanted it to be like, but I dunno, I don't feel like I'm ready to post it yet.
    In other news I have tried all of my new subjects this year:
    Science Accelerated
    Maths Accelerated
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