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Blog Entries posted by Adventurer

  1. Adventurer
    Period 1 (Bioseience) - Feeling queasy and like throwing up.
    Period 2 & # (English Test) - Nearly did throw up! My friend commented that I looked really white. Eventually, halfway through the test I was sent home
    I still feel sort of sick...
  2. Adventurer
    A few notices followed by the closest thing you'll see to a rant from me
    HPE/Bioscience - I got 96% on my test, best in the class
    Music - Did my Wolfmother thing today, I got an A
    Saxophone - I'm already better than the guy that's been doing it for a year after two lessons
    English - I'm annoyed. I'll make a list of events that make me annoyed:
    1) I am sick in English.
    2) The day I get back, the teacher tells me that we have to be put in groups for our next assignment. Now, I'm usually all for groups, but I'm with the laziest people in the class >_<
    3) We are writing a script for a play, we each decide to write two minutes of the script each.
    4) The next day, I come to school and go to English, I've done my two minutes, the others haven't. I tell them to get it done by tomorrow so we can rehearse before the weekend.
    5) The next day, none of them have don it yet, we have one day to rehearse, assuming they actually do it.
    6) On the final day we have for rehearsing, they still haven't done their part. I decide at this point to write the whole thing on the weekend and hope that we're allowed to use palm cards.
    7) I complete the assignment and it was very well written I think
    8) Now for what happened today, the teacher tells us we're first! To make matters worse, we're after the best group... Even more depressing, we weren't allowed palm cards!
    9) We struggle through my well written script and the teacher actually stops us before we finish and tells us we all failed! Now, you should know that me and my English teacher don't like each other, so when she sees I'm in the group that did the worst, she assumes it was my fault and I get a double detention for dragging the rest of the group down!
    10) Luckily, my friends tell the teacher that I was the only one in the group that did any work and she will reconsider my score.
    11) I come to do a previous detention with her at lunch and I see her marking out group. I happen to see her saying that we didn't use props or costumes. We did use props and neither of those items was in the criteria!
    12) On my way home on the bus, I am left to ponder whether I should have done the whole thing in the first place so we would have had time to rehearse it, but that contradicts what the teacher said to me when I said that. In retrospect, the teacher got angry at me for what she told me to do
  3. Adventurer
    I saw I am Legend today. It was a good movie, but it was nothing like the book and the book is way better. Other than that, I also went to the shops today and didn't see any Phantoka. that's it, I know this is a really short entry, but I hate typing on this keyboard.
  4. Adventurer
    I'm not gonna make it to Bionicle Legends#11 without spoiling myself... I already know some... I'm gonna go spoil myself... Be back in a few minutes.
  5. Adventurer
    I just realised I am getting my one year spinny-ma-jig soon, does this mean I'm no longer a newbie?
    As said in my last entry, I'll be on for a limited time over the next two weeks, though hopefully I'll pick up Chirox and Kirop...
  6. Adventurer
    Seriosuly, at the moment I so want a Rode. I mean people lie so often (including myself ) that it is next to impossible to know when people are serious, joking, lying and telling the truth. >_<
    Anyway my RK project is coming along, hopefully I can make some more progress on it this weekend. One that's done, expect to see an official Bionicle love topic.
  7. Adventurer
    Man, where to start. I leave BZPower staff for several reasons and then I put BZPower on hiatus for house moving and exams. I come back, see that Bionicle sets are being replaced with Ben 10 or whatever and that the Moon is about to crash into the Earth! I decide that nothing can stop me from my mission now and I put on my ultra-man (woman) outfit and I snap into action and make this blog entry. I'll post my proper thoughts on all of this once it has all digested properly.
    Essentially though, I'm active again and ready to kill some TtW (if I can find some to kill that is ).
  8. Adventurer
    My profile views number starts with 13! This can only be bad! Someone help me change this!
    Anyway onto serious news, I finished Crysis Warhead and I was wondering if anyone who has it wanted to play me in Crysis Wars?
    Other than that, I'm going to start rereading the Bionicle books in preparation for Bionicle Legends#11 which should arrive sometime in November. I sure hope it lives up to expectations.... So far this year has felt a tad bit rushed, probably as a result of the changed book schedule. It seems that Greg is putting more emphasis on non-book story telling and for the first time in a while, I have enjoyed the comics more than the books (books are still great though, don't get me wrong). Then again, this is like the first time in five years that I've actually been able to own the comics, so I might be a bit biased.
    That's all!

  9. Adventurer
    Well I'm only thirteen years old, and I've just found a patch of gray hair on the back of may head! At this rate I'll be gray by fifteen or sixteen I guess this will finally give me an excuse to dye my hair. So the question I ask you is, what would be the best colour to dye my hair (I currently have dark brown hair )?
    PS: I added chapter two of my epic
  10. Adventurer
    Known criminal, Adventurer has taken the Alias of "Takua the Wanderer" now and has taken over the body and possibly mind of IAIA member Spinsmile. If you see Spinsmile/Adventurer/Takua the Wanderer, approach with caution and report his location to one of out many friendly IAIA centre staff.
    In other news, Takua the Wanderer (know known as -Adventurer-) has committed crimes against the IAIA and is to be captured dead and alive. Also, anyone found participating in the rebel alliance known as the "Adventurer Club" will be hunted and killed by member Popcorn.

  11. Adventurer
    I went to Ikea today to buy a new wardrobe, not much to say. As a result I'll be seeing Rush Hour Three tomorrow instead of today .
  12. Adventurer
    I saw Kung-Fu Panda last night and it was better than I thought it would be. I'm glad I went to a 10:00 PM session so that I didn't have to sit next to two year olds though.
    Anyway I've been wanting to update the Makuta Mistika topic with comic thirteen stuff, but there isn't really that much to update. As a result, I might try and get some of the physics stuff done.
    Other than that, I'm now also playing the original Half-Life games (which are pretty fun) and have been waiting to get my new computer. When I get said computer, I might try and get a new game or two to go with it (Lego Indy for sure as well as maybe Crysis or Bioshock...)
    Anywho, I don't have anything left to say so, see ya!
  13. Adventurer
    I saw Indy. I liked it, but I can see a lot of people calling it un-Indy. I won't say too much because my fingers got stuck in the car door and it hurts to type.
  14. Adventurer
    I saw the movie Gabriel today, it was a bit odd, but that wasn't what I found interesting. What interested me was a trailer before the movie. No name was given, but over the past few months, the movie has been nicknamed "clover field". The trailer basically starts in a New York apartment during a going away party for someone name "Rob". Suddenly, a huge screeching, yet deep noise is heard (exactly like the sound the monster makes in LOST). Everyone runs to the roof to see what's happening. Then they flash forward to a news report speaking of something big making strange sounds. Then they flash forward again and the noises are louder and everyone is out in the streets. A huge explosion is seen in the background and the Statue of Liberty's head flies into a building. Everyone is screaming and the trailer ends. If anyone knows anything about "clover field" please tell me, it sounds cool
    PS: I also got my new furniture and Maxilos
  15. Adventurer
    Internet has been going in and out over the last few months, but today it was worse than usual. To pass the time I watched High School Musical one and two on channel nine or seven. This is not natural behavior and I want to know if there is something wrong with me.
    PS: I'm using this colour and font now.
    PSS: I changed my avatar and the previous IAIA entry to suit the holiday season.
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